Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1384: I am willing to spoil you

Sitting in the car, Mu Zichuan stuffed a bag of fresh blueberries into her arms, "It's all clean, you should pad your belly first."

Bai Wei had never seen such a fruit. She picked up one, squeezed it curiously, and ate it into her mouth.

"Um...what kind of fruit is this?" Bai Wei said, "It's sour and delicious."

At this time, the types of fruits on the market are relatively single, mostly apples, bananas, pears and oranges, and pineapples are rare.

Mu Zichuan started the car, grabbed a few from her arms with one hand and threw them in her mouth, "It seems to be called blueberries. If you like to eat, I will bring you next time. There is still a large basket in my house, and no one will eat it. "

Bai Wei said, "Bring it to me. I can't finish it. It would be a waste to put it out."

"It's okay, this kind of fruit can be made into jam."

"I don't know how to make jam."

"I will." Mu Zichuan glanced at her with a smile, "Next time I will tell you what to do."

Bai Wei thought for a while, pursing her lips and smiling slightly, "Okay, but I can't take advantage of you in vain. Next time I will give you a good meal."

Mu Zichuan drove the car and smiled, wondering how could this be called taking advantage? This is how I am willing to spoil you.

But hearing her last words, my heart was tickled again.

——You bring me food, I bring you food, come and go, isn’t the relationship settled?

"Okay, it's a deal!" Mu Zichuan nodded vigorously, and as soon as he stepped on the accelerator, he jumped straight on the road!

Bai Wei was shocked: "Oh my God, slow down! It's too fast!"

"It's okay! I can't hit anyone!" Mu Zichuan laughed.

"Even if you don't bump into people, it's not good to scare people!"

Bai Wei watched the car galloping fast, the piercing car horn was like a reminder, and her scalp was tingling!

A bicycle on the side of the road was frightened, the dragon's head was deflected, and it fell down!

"Ah! That person fell!" Bai Wei hurriedly turned her head and looked back, worrying that the other party might be injured, but she recognized that the gray-headed person was actually Doctor Zhou Fulin.

Mu Zichuan's voice was still so arrogant and arrogant, and he smiled and said, "If he fell, he was unlucky! I didn't hit him anyway!"

The car was driving too fast, and the surging wind came in and messed up her hair. She could no longer see Zhou Fulin's embarrassed figure.

Bai Wei turned her head and looked at Mu Zichuan beside her...

His profile is young and handsome, a little bit childish in his arrogance.

She silently picked up a blueberry and held it in her mouth.

The mood at this moment, like the taste in my mouth at this moment, is a strange fragrance and sweetness...


Mu Zichuan took Bai Wei to the river embankment in Qingjiang City, and took her home for a while in comfort.

After returning to Mu's house, Master Mu knew that he had driven out privately, and was a little unhappy.

"You are not old enough to get a driver's license and drive out so recklessly. What if something happens?"

Mu Zichuan opened his arms and stood in front of Master Mu, "Father, I am dressed like this, do you want me to ride a bicycle to the streets?"

"Is there no driver at home for you?" Master Mu said solemnly.

"I went out with a friend and brought a driver to get in the way." Mu Zichuan didn't take it seriously. "Besides, it's just me dressing up. The traffic police is stupid to think I'm not old enough. Isn't it enough for him to catch three rounds of full street?"

"No matter what, you are not allowed to drive out without permission in the future." Master Mu said solemnly, "If you want to drive, you must bring the driver."

Mu Zichuan dragged his slow tone, and replied: "Knowledge, Tao, now--"

Master Mu asked again: "You tell me honestly, are you having a girlfriend?"


"You went out with a bunch of flowers and dressed like this again. Tell me?"

Mu Zichuan smiled: "I haven't caught it yet?"

While he was talking, he saw the kitchen servant passing by with sharp eyes, and hurriedly shouted: "Aunt Hu! Aunt Hu! How did you say that you made jam last time?..."

Master Mu watched him run out, looking helpless.

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