Mu Zichuan pursues Bai Wei sincerely.

After school, I hurried home, changed clothes and ran to the hospital.

The relationship between the two has gradually warmed up. Although Bai Wei timidly did not make it clear, when a friend or colleague ridiculed her as having a boyfriend, there was no excitement to refute it, but it was a tacit meaning.

Mu Zichuan made blueberry jam, a full jar, and sent it to Bai Wei before the fermentation was complete.

Bai Wei gave him a small box of pear paste candy, made with pears and sugar, plus several different Chinese medicinal materials, which can relieve cough.

Every day, after get off work, she would take a long distance to go for a walk with Mu Zichuan on the embankment and blow a hair.

Occasionally, I went to the backyard of Grandma Liu's house to feed the cat. The white cat was getting fatter and fatter. Although she knew she was not a fan, Bai Wei felt comforted.

During the holidays, Mu Zichuan spent money to buy Uncle Fatty's business hours for a whole day, prepared the box, and waited to watch the movie with Bai Wei.

Sometimes he would tease her and deliberately put the wrong third-level video tape, so angry that Bai Wei raised her small fist and punched him.

Sometimes she would cry very thinly, and the tear point of watching the movie was very low. He felt distressed, anxious, and heartbroken for her, and at the same time he thought with intoxication: crying so beautifully, she deserves to be my woman.

Such days are happy and leisurely, sour and sweet, and every day seems to be studded with diamonds, shining brightly.

Master Mu actually didn't approve of his son's premature involvement in the relationship between men and women. At the end of the June term, he got Mu Zichuan's top transcript, and eventually swallowed it back.

However, this summer is not easy.

Bai Wei's mother passed away.

Alzheimer's disease generally does not have a direct impact on life expectancy, but when the disease enters its advanced stage, the behavioral ability is almost degraded to zero, and the resistance is continuously reduced, and eventually died of various complications.

Because I have been sick for a long time, when death comes, it doesn't make people feel unacceptable, but there is a sense of relief.

Free the deceased, and also free others.

The sadness and pain still existed. When the lights were turned off at night, there would be a low cry of crying from Bai Wei's room.

Mu Zichuan was outside the courtyard wall near her window, one stop for most of the night, and he could not go home until he could not hear the cry.

With his short fifteen years of life, he still can't understand the weight of life and death.

In October, Bai Wei's aunt married a foreign country.

All the way to the railway station, the train screamed and left. Bai Wei stood on the platform crying like a lonely child.

The two women who had always given her care and company in their lives... finally abandoned her.


On the night of coveting and staggering, Mu's house was brightly lit.

Master Mu held a cocktail party at home with great enthusiasm. He invited most of the people in Qingjiang City with a face and a face, especially those with children in the family. The fifteen and sixteen-year-old boys and girls gathered together. The youthful breath came to your face. Feel the vitality.

Mu Zichuan is the most conspicuous in it, with a tall and straight posture and sharp eyes. At a young age, there is a kind of calmness and calmness.

"Boss Mu teaches his son well. I heard that Young Master has always been the first in school." Someone praised him.

Master Mu smiled and said, "Some cleverness, but it's still far from being successful. At present, domestic educational resources are still relatively weak. I plan to wait until he reaches sixteen and send him to study in the UK."

"Boss Yu's two daughters will also go to the UK next year. It happens that they will go together and be a company."

"Really, that would be great." Master Mu nodded with a smile.

Mu Zichuan is not stupid, today's banquet is clearly aimed at him.

He talked to Master Mu in private: "Father, what do you mean today? I'm almost ready to achieve a positive result, what are you doing?"

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