The smile on Master Mu's face faded a little, and he said, "It's not to add chaos, but to make you clearer and see that there are many choices around you. Those who can play the piano, speak foreign languages, understand business, and have all kinds of eyes. The woman who only stares at the Bai family is not the work of a smart person."

Mu Zichuan was startled slightly, looking at Master Mu.

I want to come too, he and Bai Wei have been together for a while, it is impossible for the old man to be ignorant.

Another person came over to greet him, and Master Mu greeted him with a smile, ignoring Mu Zichuan's reaction.


Halfway through the banquet, the butler Li Bofuer and Master Mu said: "Master, Master is gone."

Master Mu frowned, "Have you ever found the room?"

"I have looked for it. There are no rooms, gardens, and study rooms. I asked the bodyguard at the entrance of the courtyard, but I didn't see the young master going out."

When Master Mu heard the words, his brow furrowed deeper, and he was hesitant to send someone to Bai's house to find him. Yu Guang caught a glimpse of a servant in the corner, looking at him with a smile.

It is Mu Zichuan.

He changed into a servant's clothes, combed his hair, and stood in the corner of the wall with a plate, a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Master Mu's face darkened.

The housekeeper also discovered Mu Zichuan's existence at this time, and he was dumbfounded.

"Let him go to my study!" Master Mu suppressed his anger and shook off his words, got up and went upstairs.

After a while, Mu Zichuan went to the study.

Master Mu pointed at him and said angrily: "Look at you! What do you look like?!"

Mu Zichuan chuckled: "What's it like? Isn't I your son if I changed my clothes? I'm not the young master of the Mu family?"

"Are you going to **** me off?!" Master Mu slapped the desk violently, his expression ugly to the extreme, "For a yellow-haired girl, are you going to fight me?!"

Mu Zichuan also coldly said, "Father, why don't you understand? Those women don't know me at all! They only know the young master of the Mu family!

Did you see it? They won't recognize me when I change into a suit, no, no, they haven't even looked at me directly! But Bai Wei is different, she really likes me, even if I change into the clothes of a beggar, she will not despise me!

I don't care if she can play the piano or understand foreign languages, I care about her! "

"How old are you? Can you understand what is like?!" Master Mu drank unbearably.

Mu Zichuan smiled coldly, "Even if I don't know what like is, but at least, what is dislike, I can distinguish clearly. I don't like any of the women outside."

"Asshole!" Master Mu was so angry, his voice trembled.

Remembering that Dad was in his fifties and his health was not good, Mu Zichuan sighed and said softly, "Daddy, aren't you always very open-minded? Why do you have to be stubborn on this matter, Bai Wei What's wrong?"

Master Mu said: "She is five years older than you!"

"You are prejudiced. My mother is twenty years younger than you. Didn't you still marry you?"

"Can men be the same as women?!"

"Aren't all people advocating equality between men and women? Why can a woman find a man twenty years older than him, and a man can't find a woman five years older than him?"

"Bastard! Don't bother with me!" Master Mu couldn't break him, and said harshly, "Anyone can, but the woman in the Bai family can't!"

Mu Zichuan asked: "Why?"

"There is no reason! If you have to do it with her, well, go out and buy a house to raise. My Mu's family does not lack this food, but it is absolutely impossible to be the Mu's young grandmother!"

Mu Zichuan was annoyed, "Why is it impossible? How can it be impossible?! I am in love with her! I will not marry anyone except her!"

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