Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1387: Woman raising up with medicine

Master Mu was furious. He raised his slap and wanted to hit him. He raised his hand in the air and looked at this face that looked exactly like his youth, but he couldn't put his hand anyway.

At the age of fifteen or sixteen, he is bold, rebellious, and ignoring the rule-filled world built by adults. In it, with courage and bravery, he grows stumblingly all the way.

Can you tame him with this slap?


It was useless except to make him more obsessed with his choice.

Master Mu put down his hand, with mixed feelings in his heart. In the past, he admired his rebelliousness the most, but now the most troublesome is this rebelliousness.

He sat down weakly and said in a deep voice, "Bai Suxin from the Bai family just got married not long ago. Do you know where you got married?"

Mu Zichuan frowned: "I only know that I've married away from home."

"No one knows. It's because of disgrace." Mr. Mu said, "At the end of last year, the boss Yang of Xinsheng Department Store gave the Bai family a thread to introduce Bai Suxin to a shipping company boss as a wife. It was not visible. Marry away."

Mu Zichuan didn't understand, "What does this have to do with Bai Wei?"

"People are rich and have status, so why don't they look for an 18-year-old girl, why do you like the 38-year-old Bai Suxin?" Master Mu snorted, his tone contemptuous, "The women of the Bai family are all raised by medicine. Yes, I heard that even if you are a fifty or sixty-year-old woman, her head is still as tight as a virgin, which can make men eat their bones and taste and dream. The generation of the Bai family is not as good as the generation, and now they don’t even have a face. Take their sister and daughter Bo Qiancheng !"

Mu Zichuan's face turned pale, his expression stagnated.

Master Mu looked at him, "Do you understand now? If someone finds a woman from the Bai family to be a mistress, everyone will think this is a beautiful thing and a blessing, but who has you seen to marry back to be a serious wife? I was ridiculed! If you really marry Bai Wei, where should I put my old face?!"

Mu Zichuan's mind was a little confused, and he murmured, "There is no evidence for what you said... Moreover, Bai Wei's cousin is already married..."

"That is to marry a foreign country! Outsiders don't know about these rotten grains! Anyone who knows this, who dares to marry back?!"

Master Mu hated iron and steel and looked at him, "Even if you don't care about your reputation and don't care about Mu's remarks, what about the future? What will happen in the future? A woman raised with medicine will give birth to a child. What's wrong? It's the three-point poison of medicine. You should know such a simple truth?!"

Mu Zichuan didn't think about the child. He was still a child himself. He just hoped to have a happy life with Bai Wei. Breeding offspring is too far away for him.

At the moment when Master Mu pointed it out, he only felt his head buzzing and trying to clear a few thoughts, but they were all fragmented.

When the old man left, he didn’t know. He sat alone in the study until midnight. The housekeeper Li Bo personally brought the shredded chicken porridge and put it next to him. Don't have trouble with your body. You haven't eaten anything this evening, so have some porridge."

Mu Zichuan came back to his senses, glanced at the bowl of porridge, nodded, "Thank you Li Bo."

"Master hosted the banquet today, all to pave the way for you, get to know more friends of the same age, and always have more help in the future... Master, no matter what the master says or does, it must be for your good. If you don’t accept good intentions, don’t chill your master’s heart."

Mu Zichuan listened and said in a low voice: "I understand, I just don't like those girls and feel bored."

Li Bo smiled and said, "Like you, when you were your old master, he didn't like the fiancée he had ordered at home. He prefers those beautiful ones who can sing and dance. You see, didn't you get what you wanted in the end?"

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