When the first wife passed away, Mr. Mu was thirty-eight or ninety-nine, which was also in the heyday of his career.

He is handsome, rich, mature and funny. His most attractive age is a lonely man. He has attracted countless women around, and everyone is thinking about who will become the new mistress of the Mu family.

In the end, Mu Zichuan's mother, Luo Junqi, came out on top.

The young Huadan, who has just turned 20, is born with a good voice. When she sings, she can sing the heart of a person.

Mu Zichuan understands what Li Bo meant: First follow the instructions of his parents, and when he grows up in the future, he has the ability, even if he marries influential singers and actors into his house, no one will interfere.

But... he couldn't help asking himself, will he have time when he grows up?

Can Bai Wei wait for him?

Others always say that being young is an advantage, but when it comes to him, it becomes a complete disadvantage.

Because he is too young to do anything, even if he does it, it is all wrong, messy, and unrecognized.


When I went to school the next day, Mu Zichuan was a little absent-minded.

He was thinking about how credible his father's words were, and also thinking about the consequences if he insisted on doing it.

To be honest, it is difficult to imagine.

Because he has been favored at home since he was a child, even if Mr. Mu loses his temper at him, it is usually thunder and rain, and eventually he will compromise and meet his willful requirements.

So he couldn't imagine how he would break with his father.

Huang Mao didn't have much energy either. Uncle Fatty hadn't purchased much recently. The films in the store, Huang Mao almost all looked rotten, and he fell into a serious mental emptiness.

"Brother Chuan, let's go to karaoke after school?" Huang Mao said.

Mu Zichuan was not interested, "Don't go."

"Go ahead." Huang Mao sighed, "just as a companion."

"What happened to the big head?"

"What else? I'm broken in love." Huang Mao leaned his chin up in the seat of his big head, "His goddess, Bai Suxin is married."

Mu Zichuan frowned, "What's wrong?"

Take a 38-year-old woman as a goddess?

"Buxing people have a kind of Oedipus complex? Besides... Is lovesickness just a disease?" Huang Mao chuckled twice.

Despise Gui despise, Mu Zichuan still went.

Thinking about it, I'm not much better, chasing after Bai Wei's **** like a second fool, don't laugh at fifty steps.

The big head languished for a whole day. After arriving at karaoke, he suddenly became mad, holding the microphone and screaming madly, a song that hurts feelings, he was stunned by his rock and roll temperament——

"...Love is still a dream in the end, don't say that our world is too different, just say that you have forgotten me, you are leaving me..."

"Brother, can't you sing?" Huang Mao handed over a microphone again.

Mu Zichuan shook his head and asked Huang Mao: "What is he singing?"

"Wang Jie's "Forget You Forget Me" is very popular this year." Huang Mao drew his ears, laughed and cursed, "It's all out of tune, I still want to be a singer at this level."

"Big head wants to be a singer?"

"Yeah, he always talks about going out after graduation, and he wants to form a band."

Mu Zichuan smiled, "This kid is quite personal."

I accompanied my friend to vent at the karaoke. It was late. The driver came to take him home. When he arrived at the door of the house, he saw a figure standing under the tree.

At first it was unclear, but I recognized it after getting out of the car. It was Bai Wei.

Mu Zichuan subconsciously wanted to conceal his school uniform, but when he raised his hand, he felt stupid...There was no silver three hundred taels here.

"It turned out to be you..." Bai Wei slowly walked over with red eyes. "Someone told me today that you look like the young master of the Mu family. They said that the young master of the Mu family is a genius and proficient in foreign languages. He is only 15 years old this year. I'm already in second grade..."

Mu Zichuan opened his lips and didn't know how to explain it. He did deceive her, but he really didn't have any malicious intentions, he just felt... that it would be more comfortable to get along with it this way.

Bai Wei stood still in front of him, tears falling.

"con man."

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