Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1398: Final concession

Luo Junqi had a fight at Mu's house. Master Mu seemed to be really jealous, and he never raised the matter of studying abroad. He just sighed at home from time to time and looked worried.

Every time Bai Wei saw it, she felt very disturbed. She always felt that this matter had nothing to do with her. Subconsciously, she became more and more dedicated to taking care of Master Mu.

Mu Zichuan got his wish and stayed and officially became a third-year student preparing for the exam.

Huang Mao and Datou were also enrolled with him. It's just that these two people have no plans to take the exam.

After graduating, Huang Mao plans to go back to inherit the family's factory, while the big head plans to go abroad to learn music, and he wants to become a singer with ambition.

Mu Zichuan's scores are not difficult for ordinary universities, but he has high requirements for himself, and his goal is to enter the highest institution with the best results.

When Master Mu saw his son work hard, the depression in his heart slowly dissipated.

After the winter, Master Mu's condition worsened, his cough was severe, and the doctor did not get better after he prescribed medicine.

Bai Wei peeled and pitted the fresh pears, stuffed them with mother-of-pearl and sugar, and steamed them for Master Mu to eat sooner or later.

After eating for a while, Master Mu didn't like sweets, Bai Wei tried a way to make Polygonatum odoratum lily quail soup to warm the lungs and relieve cough. He served Master Mu every night and drank a bowl, and the symptoms really improved.

The maid in the family feels uncomfortable and does not want to take medicine, so she will also ask Bai Wei the appropriate dietary medicine. She is gentle, attentive, and kind. Everyone in the house likes her very much.

One afternoon, Master Mu fainted while walking in the garden. After waking up, he was already on the hospital bed with an infusion bottle hanging on the bed.

The attending doctor said: "Your nursing was very good, and the situation was critical at the time. If it weren't for her to help you **** out the sputum in time, it would be too late even if you were sent to the hospital."

When Master Mu heard this, he knew that Bai Wei had saved his life.

Although I don't have a good impression of Bai Wei, it is undeniable that Bai Wei is very responsible as a caregiver and takes care of him very carefully and thoughtfully.

Master Mu thought for a long time, and finally called Bai Wei into the ward, and then let everyone go out, only two of them were left in the room.

"You know, I actually don't approve of Zichuan being with you." Master Mu asked her.

This is the first time he mentioned this to Bai Wei.

Bai Wei pursed her lips and nodded, "I know."

Master Mu said: "You are a good girl, young and beautiful. You don’t ask for anything for being kind to others. Although you are five years older than Zichuan...but it’s not a big deal. I oppose you two mainly because..."

He sighed slightly and looked at Bai Wei, "How did your mother pass away, you also know very well whether this disease is inherited, no one can say that it is not good, as far as I know, you have also taken that medicine..."

Bai Wei's lips turned pale.

"Zichuan is my son. In the future, he will inherit all the properties of the Mu family and will give birth to the next generation of heirs for the Mu family..."

Master Mu paused for a while, with a heavy tone: "Bai Wei, I can't let you give birth to the heir of the Mu family. If you really love him and are willing to sacrifice for him, the biggest concession I can make is to let you be in the Mu family. There is a place, but Zichuan’s future wife must be someone else."

Bai Wei's eye sockets quickly turned red. She bit her lower lip tightly and used a lot of strength to press her tears down.

"Can you...give me some time to think about it?" she said.

"Okay, you consider it." Master Mu nodded, "No matter what the result of your consideration is, I can assure you first that my family will never treat you badly."

Bai Wei lowered her head and said in a low voice, "Thank you..."

Or, be Mu Zichuan’s lover and stay in Mu’s house without a name;

Or, leave before Mu Zichuan gets his wife and stop doing any entanglement.

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