Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1399: Dare not think back

She does not blame Master Mu.

If she was placed in the position of Master Mu, she would probably do the same.

The head of the family inevitably hopes that the family will prosper from generation to generation, and offspring is the basic prerequisite for prosperity. A woman like her with hidden health problems is not qualified to have children for Mu Zichuan.

If it was before, it was fashionable to marry a consort, but the new era does not have those messy rules, at least on the surface, there is only one wife for one husband.

Bai Wei's heart was frustrated and painful. She didn't tell Mu Zichuan because it was a dead end, and even if Mu Zichuan was brilliant and smart, she couldn't solve it.

She could even guess Mu Zichuan's reaction when he knew it. He would disagree and say: "If you can't have a baby, don't have a baby."

Mu Zichuan doesn't like children, at least at this stage. As for the future, she doesn't know. She only knows that she can't be so selfish. Reluctantly staying will only delay Mu Zichuan's future.

Bai Wei decided to leave.

Fortunately, before leaving, she can stay with him for several years... In the past few years, she must do more to treat him well.


Days passed, and soon the final exam day came.

When all subjects are over, the students gather outside the classroom, throwing away test papers and books frantically, and the pressure is like a flood that has been backlogged for a long time. They don’t know that this kind of madness has since become a third-grade tradition. Every year comes to this day. There will be paper snow.

Mu Zichuan, Huang Mao, Datou, and a few other boys went out to celebrate——

In fact, it is not just to celebrate, the end of the exam also means that they are about to go their separate ways.

It was late at night after the dinner, and it started to rain heavily. The boys were in awe and ran to sing karaoke under the rain.

Knowing that he was going to sing, Bai Wei watched the rain getting heavier outside. She was worried, and brought an umbrella to pick him up.

The driver parked the car outside the karaoke, Bai Wei went in alone with an umbrella to look for him.

The aisles inside were cramped and narrow, with deafening music coming from the boxes on both sides, one after another, and occasionally someone came out of the boxes, coming drunkly, and almost knocked her down.

Bai Wei had never been to such a place before, holding the umbrella handle tightly, she couldn't help feeling frightened.

"Room 121...121..." She counted the room numbers and walked forward step by step.

I finally found the 121 private room. The music in it was extremely loud, mixed with laughter, shouts, and whistles. Even if I couldn't see anything through the door, I could almost imagine how lively the scene was.

Bai Wei twisted the doorknob and slowly opened the door——

The scene in front of her eyes made Bai Wei hold her breath immediately, and she stood stiffly at the door, losing her voice in horror.

Five or six boys were pressed on the ground by the same five or six young men, some of them were colored, their noses were blue and faces were swollen, some were kneeling on broken beer bottles, beer...mixed with foul urine.

Mu Zichuan was grabbed by one of the bald tattooed men and lifted it up high, while the other dark and fat man poured water into Mu Zichuan's mouth with a big smile.

It was definitely not normal water, because Bai Wei could clearly see that the transparent liquid was mixed with unmelted powder.

Bai Wei was trembling all over, tears kept pouring out, her vision blurred.



I want to rush to save him, but I know I can't help him at all!

Go to the bodyguard, go to the driver, even the waiter in the karaoke! In short, go for help!

She ran out, staggering unpromisingly, and was torn up after she fell. They laughed and said, "There is a woman here!"

She didn't dare to think about what happened later... the box door was closed again, they poured beer on her, tore the soaked clothes, burned her hair with a lighter, and laughed while listening to her crying.

She was pushed to the ground naked, and someone pinched her face, took a glass of water and forced her to pour it into her mouth.

It's the kind of water, mixed with white powder, choking the nose, lungs, and organs, dispersing consciousness.

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