Although the strangeness in the air was only a moment, these wizards who dealt with the power field all the year round were more or less aware.

Even if you can't see the black haze, you can feel something unusual, just passing by this building.

Du Hao naturally found out.

He stood by the window, stared for a moment in the direction where the black shadows gathered, walked out of the office and asked, "Have you seen Mr. Huang?"

They are all honored as Mr.

Several mages in the company were crowded by the window. Hearing Du Hao's voice, he turned around and looked at him strangely, "Huh? I was here just now, why didn't I see it in a blink of an eye..."

"Could it be to go to the toilet?"

Du Hao frowned and said to one of them: "You go to the toilet, and if the toilet isn't there, go to his house."

The man went away, and the rest were still looking out.

At this time, the sky was blue and the sun was beautiful, and there was no abnormality in sight.

"What were those things just now?"

"The evil spirit is soaring, like some big monster is coming."

"It's a rare encounter in a hundred years of a big demon. Even if there is, they are all squatting in the deep mountains and old forests. How can they run into the city?"

Several mages argued, without a definite conclusion, but all were full of interest. After all, this situation is a very rare opportunity for them.

It's like learning archeology and accidentally bumping into a thousand-year tomb.

"Mr. Du, shall we check?" The young mages were ready to move.

Du Hao asked them: "Do you know the location?"

Everyone hesitated. The exact location must be unknown, only a general direction.

"Looking at the direction is to the south... We follow the direction to look for it. If we are lucky, we should be able to sense evil when we find it nearby."

Du Hao asked again: "What happens after I find it? Can you beat it?"

Everyone: "..."

Du Hao sighed, "Let's keep working, and when Mr. Huang arrives, let him come to see me."

After speaking, he shook his head helplessly and returned to his office.

My heart was faintly disturbed, if Huang Old Ghost was still there, it would be fine, but this person was not there, so Du Hao couldn't help thinking.

That guy, wouldn't it be running away again?

Thinking of this, Du Hao squeezed his eyebrows in annoyance.

In this world, there are gods and ghosts, and there are spirits.

But no matter the gods, ghosts or spirits, they are rare among the rare, and many people may not be able to meet them in their lifetime. After all, whether this thing can appear depends on the good fortune of heaven and earth.

Even if he runs such a feng shui numerology company, specializing in dealing with evil things, the most common business on weekdays is just selling amulet, online crape myrtle, and online video viewing.

As for helping people to get rid of ghosts, there are too few such businesses.

In their business, there are 36 kinds of ghosts. I won't repeat them here. If you have to rank them, they can be divided into three categories.

The first category is death for soul.

At this time, it wasn't a ghost, it was just a lonely soul. After a long time, it would naturally disappear.

In the second category, the grievances will not disappear, the soul will not dissipate, and will become ghosts over time.

At this time, it started to be aggressive, not as exaggerated as taking human lives, but it's okay to scare people.

In the third category, ghosts have spiritual wisdom, know how to occupy the magpie’s nest and be sacrificed by others, and even drive little ghosts. At this time, ghosts become evil gods.

Du Hao thought about it, and passed all the strange people and strange things encountered in these years in his mind. It seems that there is only one who can transform into an evil god.

But isn't it sealed into the dagger?

Didn't the dagger sink into the bottom of the river?

The phone rang, and he answered the phone. The person on the other end said, "Mr. Huang is not at home... It's strange that he has moved away in a hurry. The drawers in the closet are empty and the door is forgotten to lock."

Du Hao closed his eyes and thought: It's over.

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