Gu's wedding banquet ended hastily.

It was declared to the outside that a gangster was lying in ambush in the wedding room, attacking the bride and the bride's sister, and then fled in the chaos.

It stands to reason that Gu's family is heavily guarded and this shouldn't happen, but there are so many people at the wedding banquet that it is not impossible for suspicious people to come in. In addition, Gu Liang has many enemies. This reason seems to make sense.

As for the facts, only the Gu family and the Ruan family know--

In the hospital, the nurse pulled up the white sheets, covered Ruan Zimo's body from head to toe, and was sent to the morgue by the nurse.

Ruan Zimo's mother was crying out of breath, although Father Ruan did not cry, her eyes were red and her expression was solemn.

The deceased is dead, but the living do not have much time to be sad, and they have to think about how to deal with the aftermath as soon as possible.

The two sisters fight each other to fight for marriage. This kind of thing is not only a shame to the Ruan family, but also an embarrassing scandal to the Gu family.

As far as Gu Liang is concerned, it makes no difference whether twins marry anyone, but they have to choose one. Based on the principle of orderly growth and order, the Ruan family suggested that their sister Ruan Zimo, and the Gu family agreed.

But sister Ruan Zixuan was not reconciled. On the wedding day, she coaxed her sister to drink a glass of sleeping medicine-free water, let her sister sleep in her house, and then put on the prepared wedding dress herself to complete the whole wedding ceremony instead of her sister.

When my sister woke up, it was too late. She rushed into the wedding banquet angrily, asked her sister why she changed her status, and asked her to take off her wedding dress!

Ruan Zixuan naturally refused.

In Ruan Zixuan's view, although Gu Liang is nominally her sister, but she is the one attending the wedding ceremony, so she is Gu Liang's wife.

The elder sister was furious and tore her sister's wedding dress forcefully. In a hurry, she grabbed the dagger on the chest of drawers and wanted to cut it with a knife.

The two fought like this.

When Tong Wu pushed the door in, what he saw was exactly this: the knife was held in the hands of the two, and the younger sister pierced her sister's chest.

Ruan Zimo fell in a pool of blood.

Ruan Zixuan was greatly irritated and fainted.

This matter is related to the Gu family, but in the final analysis, it is still the housework of the Ruan family.

The family was gloomy in the aisle of the hospital.

"I said before that my sister-in-law is too spoiled for Zixuan, and something will happen sooner or later. Look at it, sigh..." An uncle of the Ruan family couldn't help complaining.

Mother Ruan raised her head, her face full of tears, "What do you mean by this? Did I harm Zi Mo?! Did you not spoil Zi Xuan at home? Did your grandparents not spoil? Now you say this Whose heart do you want to punish?!"

"Okay, don't quarrel." Father Ruan frowned, and said in a deep voice, "Think about what to do now, is this marriage still tied?"

After speaking, everyone fell silent.

Is this marriage still married?

Being able to marry the Gu family is something that many people dream of, not to mention that the object of the marriage is the Gu family's head. This kind of opportunity is simply a rare opportunity.

But... Ruan Zimo is dead.

Is it true that it is wrong to make Ruan Zixuan pretend to be her sister?

"Otherwise, Chengquan Zixuan will get it. Anyway, the wedding ceremony is complete, and there will be no bridal chamber." Sure enough, someone suggested so.

Some people were also angry: "Zimoquan knows how to be **** off?! Not only did we fail to uphold justice for her, we also helped her sister occupy her position! Zimo is Gu's daughter-in-law!"

"Who wouldn't say beautiful things? Are you talking about how to be fair and let Gu's family marry a dead person back? Do you think you have enough good life?!"

Seeing that they were about to quarrel again, Ruan's father interrupted them: "Okay, in the end this matter still has to look after the family. I would rather not have a family relationship than a family enemy."

The nurse hurried over and asked, "Are you the family member of the patient in Room 102?"

Several people were taken aback, and Ruan's mother replied: "Yes, my daughter is inside, what's the matter?"

The nurse said: "She is gone, look for it now."

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