Ruan Zimo is dead.

Ruan Zixuan is gone.

The whole family panicked, so they hurriedly looked for someone, lest there be trouble with this daughter.

The search was in the middle of the night, and suddenly I received a call from the police, saying that a woman in a wedding dress was found in the cemetery, and it might be the person they were looking for.

Hearing this news, everyone was relieved.

After the relaxation, my heart and liver trembled.

Good point, how could Ruan Zixuan go to the cemetery? Even if you feel guilty for your sister, you won't go to the cemetery. Her sister hasn't been buried yet!

When they went to the police station and picked Ruan Zixuan back, they became more panicked.

Because Ruan Zixuan became very wrong.

She seems to know no one anymore, and she talks to her in an unresponsive manner. Bringing a bowl of noodles to her as a supper, she couldn't hold her chopsticks firmly, and was annoyed that she threw the whole bowl of noodles to the ground! The eyes are so cold that people are scared to death!

what happened?

...... Is it true that you witnessed your sister being killed by yourself and stimulated, so her temperament changed? Nervous disorder?

Two daughters, one died and the other went crazy overnight, Mrs. Ruan almost fainted from crying.

What is even more worrying is how to explain to the Gu family.


The next day, Mr. Ruan and Mrs. Ruan took Ruan Zixuan to Gu's house in person to explain the whole story.

Mrs. Ruan cried and said, “It’s a sin for a good marriage to become like this! How can we have the face to make you recognize this marriage when such a thing happens? Although Zixuan has already held a ceremony with Gu Shao, But even if you mention divorce now, we have nothing to say. The bride price is returned immediately, just thinking about whether we can delay the divorce for a year or a half, so that the face of the family will be all over?"

Gu Liang sat on the sofa with an indifferent expression, did not speak, with a cigarette in his hand, smoking unhurriedly.

Mother Gu looked at Mrs. Ruan and cried, and she felt uncomfortable. She was very angry when this happened, but even her daughter died, and it would be too mean to blame.

She sighed and said, "You don't need to retreat the betrothal gift, just treat Gu Liang as my family is not that lucky."

After speaking, she glanced at Ruan Zixuan who was next to Mrs. Ruan, she was exactly the same as Ruan Zimo. No wonder no one noticed the bride's change that day.

Ruan Zixuan kept staring at Gu Liang, her eyes intently, as if she hadn't heard of the conversation around her.

Mother Gu said hesitantly: "I got divorced as soon as I got married. I don't know how much gossip will be caused. Now that the ceremony has been held, I don't think so..."

Her words, everyone present knows that it is exactly the mixed news of the Ruan family.

Father Ruan sighed and said in a deep voice: "We had this plan originally, Zixuan...she has always admired Gu Shao, otherwise these things will not happen, but this child...well, it is true that it is out here. Zixuan was also frightened by this incident. Somehow last night, she went crazy to the cemetery. The ugliness of the family was originally not to be publicized, but we don’t want you to misunderstand. We also ask you to help keep it secret until her sister’s funeral is finished. We will take her to the doctor."

After hearing this, Gu's peaceful manner could hardly be maintained.

Let her younger sister marry in instead of her elder sister. This thought was just a matter of her thinking, and she felt wrong as soon as she spoke.

Although this can save the gossip about getting married and divorced, but when you think about it, Ruan Zixuan is dead!

Even if he did not intend to do it at the time, he killed people and was stained with blood.

Such a woman will marry and come in, so what a response!

Now listening to the meaning of Ruan's father, Ruan Zixuan may be scared out of trouble, so let's not ask for it!

Gu's mother said: "If you don't have a family relationship, you don't have enough fate. Let's change your grief. Anyway, if you need help, please don't hesitate to speak."

The implication is that the marriage should not be mentioned again.

Father Ruan was a little disappointed, but as he said before, he would rather not be married than Gu's family.

The family got up to leave, Ruan Zixuan still sat steadily.

Mrs. Ruan was so embarrassed that she called her two or three times before she woke up: "Huh? Are you leaving?"

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