This day Gu Liang was going to the company, and Tangtang clamored to go with him again.

She stopped studying when she was studying, and she would be bored if she didn't study. It was too much to see Gu Liang going out early and returning home every day, and suspecting that he was enjoying alone outside, not taking her with her!

"I don't care! I just want to go! Go!"

"It will only be more boring if you go." Gu Liang was helpless and had a headache. "I went to the company for a meeting. It's really not fun at all."

The personable and calm Patriarch of the Gu family can only persuade him like an old mother when he meets such a stubborn person.

What else?

Beat her? Thin skin and tender meat can't be done.

Scold her? He may not be able to scold him.

Besides, she is counting on her to heal herself.

In short, this is a small ancestor, can't afford to provoke.

Gu Liang said: "I will download some learning apps for you, and when the company's business is finished, I will take you out to play."

"It's boring!" Tangtang pouted, very unhappy. "It's all those things back and forth. The more you learn, the more difficult it becomes. I don't want to learn!"

That emotion in Gu Liang's heart... It turns out that this product has always only learned simple and interesting things. No wonder the advancement is so fast.

"Don't you like physics? Actually, a lot of physics materials on the Internet are compiled in English. If you learn English well, it will be much easier to find the materials later."

He downloaded two or three introductory English apps and handed them to her: "Try it first, if you find it difficult, forget it."

Now these app softwares are not clear about how to teach, anyway, the animation special effects are more lively than one.

Tangtang was attracted all at once.

Anyway, it was a new thing, and finally let her temporarily stop thinking of going to the company.

After Gu Liang arrived at the company, he usually attended meetings and handled affairs. In his spare time, he asked about the Yantashan case. The police are still investigating.

There are not many clues, and the true identity of the body has not been found yet.

Gu Liang was also unable to determine whether the black spider web the witness saw was the same thing as the one on his arm.

There should always be a reason for everything.

For example, some people have a terminal illness, the first thing they think about is how to survive. After solving the problem of how to survive, I then began to wonder why I got the disease, and to find out the cause, so that I can take precautions in the future.

In the evening, preoccupied Gu Liang returned to the villa.

The car was about to stop, and Tangtang was seen running out wearing a mint blue dress and happily calling him: "Gu Liang! Gu Liang!"

The skirt of the dress is large, fluttering like butterfly wings, thin and light.

Gu Liang got out of the car, she just rushed into his arms, raised her small face, and looked at him expectantly and excitedly, "Quickly test me, test me!"

Gu Liang smiled and asked, "What is the test?"


"Oh, what did you learn today?" He held her shoulders, talking while walking in.

Tangtang said: "I learned to count from 1 to 10, and I also learned a lot of words, and moreover, add s to plural nouns!"

Gu Liang smiled, thinking that she was like her own pistachio, but forgot the annoying energy she was pestering herself to go to the company in the morning.

The two sat on the sofa in the living room, and the servant brought the cut fruits.

Tangtang pointed to the oranges in the fruit bowl and said, "orange!"

She deserves praise for her serious study attitude. Gu Liang raised his hand and touched her head, and said with a smile, "Good."

Tangtang was startled slightly, looking at his eyes somehow confused.

Without waiting for Gu Liang to ask, she pursed her lips and rubbed against him, and sat down on his lap, her face pressed against his shoulders, close to each other, very attached.

"What's the matter?" Gu Liang asked in a low voice.

She didn't speak, just held his wrist and put it on top of her own head.

Gu Liang understood what she meant, and touched her head lightly: "Um... so good."

Tangtang curled up in his arms obediently, closed his eyes, and said in a very soft voice: "I like this... it will be very comfortable..."

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