Want to be praised.

Want to be liked.

I also want to be cherished and stay together forever... never leave.

But it's really hard...

She leaned on Gu Liang's chest and thought silently.

Even if it is him, sooner or later it will show disgust, hatred, fear or disgust...He, and him, they, they are all the same.

It is always a mistake to think that she is inhuman when she is a ghost, and think that she is unworthy when she is a human being.

It is clear that she also exists in this world, so why is there no way to go, she must be dead?

She really doesn't understand, really can't figure it out, if the ending is destined to die, then why does she appear? Why does it exist?


Gu Liang felt that Tangtang was a little different today. Although he was as usual and squeamish, he was very clingy.

How sticky is it?

Stick to him at dinner.

He sternly raised his face: "What does it look like? Eat well!"

She chuckles coquettishly: "Don't you be angry, the big deal is that someone will help you **** it out at night, okay?"

The serving servant shuddered and nearly dropped the plate.

Gu Liangxin is so tired...

Forget it, let her go...

So Tangtang sat on him happily after dinner.

I never stop sleeping at night, touch his nose and say "nose", touch his eyes and say "eye", touch his mouth and say "mouth". After learning a few English words, I feel very proud and keep showing off. .

Gu Liang patted her little paw countless times, and she touched it countless times.

Poke the belly button and ask: "Gu Liang, what do you say about the belly button?"

Gu Liang closed his eyes and replied: "bellybutton."

Her little hand continued to go down, and when it was about to be urgent, Gu Liang took it away. She persevered and went to touch elsewhere.

Touched his generous and warm palm and said, "This is a hand."

Then he held his hand and didn't say anything for a while.

Gu Liang thought she was finally sleepy.

At this moment, Tangtang held his hand and said, "Gu Liang, you can put your fingers in me like that day, OK?"

Gu Liang: "..."

Tangtang saw that he didn't respond, and acted like a baby again: "Okay?"

Gu Liang took out his hand and patted her head twice, "Don't make trouble, go to bed."

Tangtang climbed onto him, grunting like a cat, with a soft and soft voice: "Put it in, it's very comfortable...just let it go for a while..."

Even if Gu Liang had enough concentration, he couldn't stand the temptation to be straightforward, and his breathing quickly became heavy.

There is really nothing to tolerate thinking about going. It was originally a relationship of legal sleep, and immediately wrapped her hands around her waist and cruelly rubbed her into her arms——

Kiss her, caress her while holding petal-like lips, coaxing her to entangle herself.

She learns very quickly, she is courageous, and her little tongue is fragrant and soft. It is the bravery of a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, as if she wants to eat him in.

Gu Liang made her feel comfortable for a while, and wanted to feel comfortable too. At the critical moment, he struggled again. He stopped, panting heavily on her body, and sweat dripped down her strong chest...

She looked so well-behaved and so delicious, her eyes staring at him obsessively, and she called his name coquettishly and charmingly: "Gu Liang, so comfortable..."

Gu Liang's reason was almost on the verge of collapse, and he asked her in a rough voice, "Tangtang, how old are you?"

Tangtang hummed: "Girl, I will always be eighteen!"


Gu Liang lightly spanked her butt, gritted her teeth: "To be honest!"

She narrowed her aggrieved mouth: "It's been thirty or fifty years, people really can't remember it."

Gu Liang was already tense, even his neck was flushed, and he couldn't bear it anymore.

Forget it, no matter if she is true or not, she feels comfortable before saying it.


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