Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1441: She knows nothing

On the outside, Gu Liang is a refined, handsome, calm and introverted image, but on the bed he is completely opposite and fierce. No matter how patient and gentle the foreplay is, he can't hide his desire to hide his evil intentions.

Because of the focus on quality, the means are in vain.

In addition, it was too long, and the night was endless and hearty, but forgot to control.

When I woke up the next day, I opened my eyes and saw her lying softly on his chest, sleeping soundly.

Gu Liang got up a little bit and she woke up, humming her arms around his neck, not letting him get up.

Gu Liang kept lying down, raised his arms and picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table. He glanced at it. It was already ten o'clock in the morning and there was a missed call.

It's been a long time since I slept so deeply, and I didn't even hear the ringtone of the phone.

It's also because Tong Wu has been more cautious lately. If he doesn't answer the bell two or three times, he will hang up consciously and no longer disturb.

Gu Liang touched Tangtang's head and coaxed her in a low voice: "Be good, the company is still up, you can sleep a little longer..."

I don't know if it was because of a relationship, when I talked to her, my tone became gentle unconsciously.

Tangtang hugged him.

"Where is the company? How come things happen every day..." She muttered unhappy, "Can you not go?"

Gu Liang smiled and said: "Every day there is a new job, of course we have to go every day, just like we need to eat every day."

Tangtang snorted, "If you don't eat for a day, you won't die."

"But I will be hungry." Gu Liang squeezed her face, "I will eat more than usual the next day when I am hungry, and work is the same. If I accumulate to do it the next day, I will be more and more tired."

"But people can't bear you." Tangtang embraced him and acted like a baby, but still refused to let go.

Gu Liang feels that she sometimes looks like a child lacking love, always wanting her parents to play with her every day without going to work.

It's just that the child is too charming and charming, with a naked body wrapped around him, soft and gentle, burning everywhere.

Gu Liang's voice became a little lower and hoarse, "Tangtang, stop making trouble."

She raised her head and bit his Adam's apple, her voice was delicate and tender like a small fish, and she got into her ear sockets and tickles him: "Is he still wanting..."

Gu Liang took a deep breath and kneaded her body with strength, with a warning in his voice: "Are you afraid of the pain?"

She listened, her expression hesitated, her dark, bright eyes wandering around, like a greedy and greedy cat, afraid of a fishbone piercing her mouth, but also reluctant to bear the smell of fish.

In the end, he was still reluctant, and after discussing it with Gu Liang, he said to Gu Liang, "Why don't you... feed me with your fingers, okay? People who are too big can't eat..."

Her bad words have never been taught without a teacher, and Gu Liang only felt the blood rushing to his forehead!


I was driving crazy by her!

Fearing to hurt her, enduring the tyrannical impulse, first apply a layer of lubrication to her, and the delicate touch makes the heart beat fiercely.

So nothing can be done.

Crazy is crazy.

Feed her all the thin, thick, soft and hard, all to her! Feed her!


This is ridiculous until noon.

As strong as Gu Liang, he also felt physically weak at this time. Even if it's an iron fight, it can't stand up to such a day and night mess.

Tangtang limply slumped on the bed, feeling stunned, but in a good mood. He kept looking at Gu Liang with a smile, his eyes curved like crescents.

Gu Liang is changing clothes.

A clean shirt, an elegant suit, and an appropriate tie still look like a well-dressed gentleman.

He leaned over and kissed her, and said, "You take a rest first, and I will ask the servant to deliver the food."

She made a soft "um" in her voice.

After refreshing and changing clothes, Gu Liang went downstairs to eat, made a few phone calls by the way, rescheduled the meeting time, and checked the itinerary sent by the secretary.

When I was dealing with some affairs briefly, I saw Tangtang slowly walking downstairs.

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