In a short time in the car, Tangtang had a short dream.

In the dream, she and Mu Zening were on a dilapidated ferry boat. She dragged him, yanked him, cried and yelled, but he didn't even look at her and jumped directly into the river.

How cold the river was that day, and the spiral blades of the ferry stirred the ice ball, but he still jumped, for the woman.

Leaving her alone, she cried so much that her voice was hoarse and her life was lost, and she still didn't wait for him to come back.

It was said that I would always be with her, but when things came to an end, I said I would throw it away...

What a joke.


Gu Liang's car drove into the group's internal dedicated garage, and the elevator went straight to the president's office on the top floor.

The decoration of the office is simple and elegant, with a leisure area on one side and an office area on the other.

There is a mirror next to the TV wall, which is designed with an invisible door. After it is pushed open, there is a separate lounge inside with a large space.

Gu Liang called a female secretary to come in to take care of Tangtang, as a guide for her.

He was busy himself, and went to a meeting soon after staying in the office.

I was restless during the meeting, and I glanced at the phone from time to time, worried that she would make trouble outside.

It's really because the character of this product is like a time bomb. When it is good, it is very good when it doesn't make a sound. When it is troublesome, no one can cure it.

At this time, a general manager had just finished his report at the meeting, and Gu Liang's eyes swept around, and everyone was holding a thick stack of documents.

He sighed slightly and pinched his eyebrows. "It's too long."

The accompanying secretary was taken aback when he heard the words and looked at Gu Liang, "Chairman?"

"The future work report should be as concise as possible." Gu Liang said, "The business volume of the group is expanding year by year. If the content of each meeting continues to accumulate, it will only waste a lot of time and cost."

Everyone looked at each other.

Gu Liang said indifferently: "Everyone will have a maximum of five minutes, and the last fifteen minutes will be a comprehensive discussion."

"Ah... well, yes, chairman."


Even if it takes only five minutes for each person, and a dozen people complete a lap, it is already more than an hour later.

Gu Liang had another meeting at four o'clock in the afternoon, but somehow there was some time in the middle to accompany his wife.

He returned to the office, did not see Tangtang, and went to the rest room inside.

There was no one in the room. There was a pile of quilts on the gray tatami. Gu Liang lifted the quilt, but still no one was seen, but a pair of pale pink underwear...


...Underpants? !

He was instantly furious!

This guy ran out without wearing pants! ! !

Thinking about it, she can guess that she must have felt it hurt, so she simply took off her underwear!

Does it hurt? Originally there was some redness and swelling in that place, what kind of T-back do I wear!

Gu Liang's underpants were squeezed into small **** in Gu Liang's hands. His entire scalp was numb, and he was both angry and laughing.

Where did he have such a heart in his life?

When going out, the secretary happened to come in with an afternoon tea snack.

Gu Liang asked her, "Where is my wife?"

The female secretary was taken aback for a moment, and looked around in confusion: "It was there just now..."

Gu Liang helped his forehead, it seemed that he would have to send someone to watch her for 24 hours to insure her.

After feeling frustrated for a while, he ordered: "Let the manager of the Security Section come over."

The secretary saw that his face was not good, and quickly replied yes, put down the refreshment, and stepped back cautiously.

Gu Liang sighed in his heart.

The group is very large, and it is not easy to find someone, so I can only call the monitor to check where she went.

Now, when he only hopes to find her... she hasn't gone away yet.

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