Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1444: His relationship history

Actually Tangtang didn't want to run around.

She was just bored and wanted to find him on the floor where Gu Liang had a meeting, but she was not familiar with the floor structure and couldn't find a place.

I wanted to take the elevator back the same way, but found that I couldn’t go back because the president’s exclusive elevator could not be used without the key.

Tangtang took it for granted that if he couldn't take the original elevator, he would take other elevators. Anyway, he could get to the top floor.

At this time, she still didn't know that other elevators could not reach the floor of the president's office, and even the emergency passage was closed, in order to absolutely guarantee the privacy and safety of the group's senior leaders.

After entering the elevator and sitting back and forth, Tangtang realized that he couldn't reach the floor he thought of, so he went back to the first floor in a daze, and chose another elevator.

Just like this, I took the elevator up and down, and people kept coming in and going out.

During the period, she met several female white-collar workers holding yogurt cups, gossiping about Gu Liang's relationship history.

"I always thought that the final winner would be Sister Lemon. I didn't expect it to be married to any of them."

"Our chairman broke up with Lemon a long time ago. You might as well guess Alina, a half-blood, who looks pretty..."

"What's the use of being beautiful? The most important thing is talent and mind. Lemon is the only woman in the chairman who has more than three years, right?"

"Yes...Among my ex-girlfriends, it's Ms. Lemon that is the most opposite to the chairman..."

Tangtang listened for a while, and couldn't help asking curiously, "Who is Sister Lemon?"

The female white-collar workers looked back at her.

"Are you new here, the art director of the filming department doesn't even know?"

Tangtang asked again: "Where is the filming department?"

"In Block C."

After chatting, the elevator door opened and the floor they were going to had arrived.

The white-collar workers walked out of the elevator in twos and one of them asked the colleague next to him in hindsight: "Does the girl in the elevator just now feel a bit familiar?"

"Are you familiar? I didn't pay attention just now..."

"Does it look like the newly married wife of the chairman?"

"Haha, don't scare people, it would be a coincidence!"

"That's it, it can't be so coincidental!"

A group of people joked and walked away, leaving one behind and muttering to himself: "Is it because I read it wrong? But it looks like the news photos..."


Tangtang got out of the elevator, strolled around and started looking for the filming department in Block C.

This place is called Yingting Entertainment Group. It covers a large area. It is composed of three high-low-rise buildings that form a park. The buildings are connected by sky gardens, and the landscape design is very beautiful.

Tangtang first walked through the sky garden and came to Building C, and then asked the information desk to find out the floor of the filming department.

After arriving, I discovered that this is not a regular office area, but a very open studio with many different sceneries.

A tall woman was directing the scene: "The lighting angle is wrong, make it higher and softer... Where's the makeup artist? Give the model some makeup."

Another staff member asked her: "Sister Lemon, is this position alright?"

Tangtang's eyes were attracted by the woman, and he walked over there subconsciously.

She didn't get too close, but was stopped by the staff halfway and asked her what was wrong.

"I'm looking for Sister Lemon." Tangtang said.

The studio was relatively quiet, so many people heard Tangtang's voice and looked over, including the woman named Sister Lemon.

"What can you do with Sister Lemon?"

Tangtang frowned slightly, and after thinking about it, she was actually fine.

"I'm looking for her, can't I find her if I have nothing to do?"

She said this to the truth, but she was a little choked in the ears of others. Everyone's expressions became subtle, and then, somebody recognized Tangtang's identity, and the atmosphere became even more weird...

The incumbent is looking for his ex, what is it for?

Hit the scene?

The woman named Ms. Lemon was very free and easy, walked a few steps in front of Tangtang, and said calmly: "It's not convenient to talk here, go to my office to talk."

Tangtang nodded and followed her away.

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