Tangtang didn't ask anything, when they said to go to the office, she followed.

The office is very different from the usual impression.

The walls are covered with photographs, and the long display racks are filled with all kinds of weird things, such as trophies and certificates, as well as decorations purchased from all over the world, painted wooden figures with totems, and an African lion. Teeth, the stones picked up from Pacaya Volcano...

Tangtang also saw a picture of Sister Lemon and the indigenous people.

So black, so thin, with patterns and rings on their faces, don't they hurt?

Tangtang looked curiously, and subconsciously touched his face.

There was a chuckle beside him.

She turned her head and saw that the man named Lemon was holding up a cup and asked her: "What to drink? I only have coffee and water here."

Tangtang asked for coffee, but this thing was too bitter, she only took a sip and her whole face wrinkled.

"Is there anything to come to me?" The woman looked at her with a faint smile, "I don't like to be circumspect. If you have anything, just say it."

Sister Lemon is not really called Lemon. Her surname is Ning, and her single name is cute. She works for the group and is also a well-known photographer in China.

Ning Meng and Gu Liang had a relationship, and naturally heard about Gu Liang's marriage. This can be regarded as a major event in Wenzhou. The photos of the bride and groom on the wedding day were overwhelming, and she was blocked by reporters several times.

These reporters always love doing nothing, chasing after her and asking, Gu Liang's wedding bride is not her. What do you think?

It is estimated that Gu Liang's other ex-girlfriends were not spared either.

But I didn't expect that besides being blocked by reporters, she was also blocked by the real wife.

Ning Meng squinted his eyes to look at Tangtang. She is a photographer with venomous eyes. She looked from head to toe with only one comment: small.

It's so small.

It's not about how small Tangtang is, but the kind of ignorance that comes naturally from his eyes, which makes him seem very young.

Just like the wild animals she came across when she was gathering wind in the wild, she suddenly saw human beings, a little novel, a little wary, and a little innocent and cute.

Of course, wild animals are also dangerous at the same time. If they accidentally violate their rules, they will be in disaster.

"You are so big," Tangtang said.

Ning Meng was stunned and looked down at Tangtang's line of sight and found that Tangtang was looking at her chest.

"In fact, it's okay. There are more people older than me." Ning Meng raised her chest slightly to make her chest look more perfect. "But I am genuine, without filling and no water."

Tang Tang touched her silently, frowning slightly.

In fact, it is not too small, but compared with others, it seems a bit pitiful.

Ning Meng smiled and said, "You don't need to care about this! Gu Liang chooses a woman, and he doesn't care about breasts!"

Tangtang asked: "Then what does he value?"

"Here." Ning Meng pointed to his head.

Tangtang thought about it for a while, and said entangledly: "He can also touch his head, but I think he seems to be happier when he touches his chest."

Ning Meng snorted and laughed, "Oh, why are you so funny! Hahahahaha!"

Tangtang: "???"

what's so funny? She was telling the truth.

"Gu Liang likes women with brains, do you know what I mean?" Ning Meng wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes and said to Tangtang, "I am ambitious and ideal, independent and self-reliant, always knowing what I want, he really It’s easy to be attracted to such women."

Tangtang thought for a while, and asked, "So, you separated in the end because you had no brains?"

Ning Meng: "..."

After a long silence, she wanted to get angry but couldn't get angry and pointed to Tangtang and said: "You should really be thankful that the person you are looking for today is me, not Alina. She is a famous beauty and poisonous writer who can scold you. Decent and perfect without a dirty word, believe it or not?"

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