Tangtang frowned unhappy, "Why do Gu Liang have so many girlfriends?"

"Is it too much? Take a man out on the street and talk about love at least two or three times. What's more, it would be wasteful not to have a girlfriend." Ning Meng was upset, and said with a smile, "Mrs. Gu, Of course, good resources must be allocated rationally and make the best use of them.

Tangtang didn't understand at all, and continued to cling to his entangled question: "Why did you break up?"

Ning Meng shrugged indifferently, "Because the feelings are not deep enough."

"How did you get together before?"

"Why not? He has money, is handsome, and has good bed skills. Not to mention his lack of affection. I am happy to be with him." Ning Meng smiled, "I don't suffer anyway."

Tangtang nodded thoughtfully, as if he understood, but also as if he didn't understand.

Ning Meng looked at her ignorant expression, sighed, and said, "If you are worried that your ex-girlfriend will continue to pester him, it is really unnecessary. Do you know why?"

Tangtang shook his head.

"Because Gu Liang's criteria for finding women are different. Rich people usually look for young girls between the ages of 18 and 28. He selects mature women between the ages of 28 and 38." Ning Meng smiled and teased her pretendingly. Do you know why?"

Tangtang still shook his head.

"Because this type of woman understands winks, knows how to advance and retreat, talk through a little bit, bed will not be boring, no matter what happens, they can face calmly and calmly, no need to deliberately coax or accompany, all negative emotions will be digested by themselves. Even if they break up, don't worry about them being entangled endlessly..."

As Ning Meng said, she couldn't help but feel a little stunned. He sighed and said, "To put it bluntly, because this kind of woman won't cause him trouble."

Just rest assured to enjoy the love between men and women without worries.

Tangtang listened for a while, and asked her suspiciously: "You seem to dislike him?"

"No, I am grateful to him." Ning Meng curled her lips and smiled faintly. "When I was with him, I was very happy, and if I hadn't had his support, I couldn't hold a photography exhibition, and it was impossible. I will soon complete my dream, but if I get married, I will not choose him."

"Why? Is he bad?"

"He's fine, but... I want to find a man who is willing to be troubled by me."


The security department provided Gu Liang with surveillance video. Gu Liang kept watching Tangtang in the screen until she walked into Ning Meng's office.

Surveillance cameras are only available outside, not inside the house. If there are also inside the house, it is not surveillance, but surveillance.

Gu Liang called the head of the personnel department and pointed to the female white-collar workers in the elevator: "This month's salary is deducted 500 per person."

The supervisor nodded and said yes, and then carefully asked the reason.

Gu Liang replied blankly: "Leaving the workstation without approval during working hours and buying yogurt snacks is considered absenteeism."

It was too obvious. Originally, this guy was standing up and down in the elevator obediently. After talking to the women, he immediately went to Block C to look for Ning Meng. He must have heard what they said.

He is in the entertainment industry, where all kinds of celebrities gather, and the employees are full of gossip spirit and dare to talk about anything.

Gu Liang was full of irritability. After explaining to his subordinates, he hurriedly walked to Block C, and the employees looked at him along the way.

Thinking of Tangtang’s first contact with her mother-in-law, she broke up unhappy, Gu Liang couldn't imagine how she would go to see her ex.

The upper class pays attention to decency and self-cultivation. Even if the hatred is bleeding, they will only smile when facing each other. Whoever smiles beautifully has a higher rank.

Those who ignore their image will be scorned, ridiculed, and cast aside.

Ning Meng is the highest rank among all his ex-girlfriends, and Gu Liang is a little worried about Tangtang.

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