Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1450: Remember this ghostly virtue

Gu Liang was silent.

The girl next to him cuddled with him, bowed her head and said nothing, her thick black hair covering her cheeks, she couldn't see her expression at the moment.

After thinking for a long time, Gu Liang said, "I probably understand what you mean. Why don't we try to stroke this matter? Let me talk about the dagger, six hundred gold bars, which my brother bought and gave it to me. Clearly, the dagger undoubtedly belongs to the Gu family.

Then let’s talk about this ghost. Ruan Zimo and I are already married. Regardless of whether Ruan Zimo is the ghost you are talking about, she is a member of my family. You can’t just cut the weeds and remove the roots. My family should be without this person, and I’m Gu Liang. Just pretend not to be married

Murong Cheng, the earth does not revolve around you, there is no such reason in the world. "

He looked at Murong Cheng and smiled faintly: "Of course, you have always been unreasonable."

"Be reasonable?" Murong Cheng sneered, "Gu Liang, you figure out that whether it is Ruan Zimo or Ruan Zixuan, both are dead, and they are dead in the hands of the woman next to you! If you want to be reasonable, shouldn't you tell her first? Calculate this account?"

Tangtang lowered her head, her tightly clenched knuckles turned white, and her body was trembling slightly.

"Two lives, huh..." Murong Cheng's expression sneered, "You keep her, you keep the enemy, and keep a scourge!"

Gu Liang cast his eyes down and glanced at Tangtang.

She trembles harder, her whole body tight, as if trying to suppress something.

Murong Cheng said again: "Don't you want to raise her too? Raising her is better than raising a white-eyed wolf. Do you know how Mu Zening died?

It looked like he was drowning, but if it weren't because he raised this little devil and his body gradually weakened, he might be able to stay in the river for a while, he might not die. After all, Mu Zening was killed by her! Died in her hands! Gu Liang, are you going to follow Mu Zening's old path..."

"You bullshit!!!" Tangtang was furious, and stood up unbearably, "Muzening was killed by you! It is because of you! Because you are chasing after, we will get on that ship! Because we want to save Mu Zi, He will jump into the river!"

"What about Sister Ruan?" Murong Cheng sneered. "They didn't do anything. Didn't they die in your hands?"

"They are my sacrifices! What to do with me? The tourists opened the lions' cages by themselves, and the lions ate the tourists. What is the matter with the lions? You sacrificed to the river **** and threw the cattle and sheep into the river. The animal died What is the matter of Guanhe God?!"

"Little ghost, don't wear a high hat to yourself, the evil **** is not a god." Murong Cheng pointed at her, "you are a ghost, a monster, a monster that shouldn't exist!"

"I'm not!!!"

She was so angry that she was stretched straight, her face was white, her eyes were astonishingly black, her pupils were flashing fierce red light from time to time, making her look terrifying and hideous!

People all around clenched their guns.

Murong Cheng stared at her coldly, and suddenly smiled.

He curled his lips to look at Gu Liang, and pointed to Tangtang, "Have you seen? The little ghost is now in his original form and can't pretend to be a white rabbit. Gu Liang, look at it clearly and remember her current ghost virtue."

Tangtang shrank when he heard the words.

She was stunned for a second, then dropped her head extremely quickly, staring at her feet, not daring to look at Gu Liang's current expression.

For a long time, Gu Liang didn't speak.

Later, she heard a faint sound from the lighter, and then the bitter smell of cigarettes filled the air.

"What are you going to do with her?" Gu Liang asked Murong Cheng lightly after taking a few puffs.

When Tangtang heard this, his soul seemed to fall sharply, panicking sharply.

Murong Cheng said: "She compared herself to a lion just now. Let me say the same. Even if the tourist who opened the cage is dead, now the lion has run out. In order to prevent the lion from eating people, I will shut the lion back in. Cage, this requirement should be reasonable, right?"

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