Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1451: I will stare at you

"I understand what you mean." Gu Liang breathed out the smoke gently, and said calmly, "I want to know more specific, for example, what you need to do if you want to shut the lion back."

"Where to come from, and where to go back, you give me the dagger, I will naturally find someone to take her in. As for the dagger, I have another arrangement, so as not to let some unscrupulous people toss it out. Add chaos to me."

After Murong Cheng finished speaking, his cold eyes swept across Old Huang.

Huang Laogui knelt on the ground, shivering, not daring to look up.

Gu Liang flicked the soot, his expression indifferent, "You mean, you can't do anything without that dagger, can you?"

Murong Cheng frowned upon hearing this.

"On the day of the wedding, I did see a dagger, but I never saw it again after that day." Gu Liang raised his eyes slightly and looked at Murong Cheng, "You have to protect your wife and children, I understand, but there is no dagger. It won't help if you take her away. Why should we tear our faces for this fruitless dispute? It's not worth it."

Murong Cheng's complexion is already gloomy...

He silently looked in the direction of the second floor, his eyes gloomy.

"If you don't believe me, just search it." Gu Liang smiled faintly, "I'm not ashamed to let you go back after a hard time, but it's better to lighten your hands and feet, otherwise I'm afraid I will find Mu Zi consults and sees how the mayor’s lawsuit against the private house should be fought."

"Okay, then search for it." Murong Cheng's smile faded away, and he coldly scanned the subordinates beside his eyes.

The subordinates knew, and immediately led people upstairs to search.

Gu Liang's men and horses all showed their unhappiness, and they could not bear to touch Gu Liang's slightly stern eyes.

In the almost depressive living room, no one spoke.

Gu Liang lit the second cigarette.

Without waiting for the cigarette to finish smoking, Murong Cheng's people had already come down from the stairs, apparently getting nothing.

"Let your people go away." Gu Liang put out the cigarette **** and said calmly, "Xianghai is a thousand miles away from Qingjiang. As long as she doesn't set foot in Xianghai, you don't have to worry about her looking for you for revenge. Instead of spending time with me. Now, it's better to find a way to find the dagger."

Murong Cheng stared at Tang Tang coldly: "Little devil, where did you hide the dagger?"

Tangtang lowered his head and said nothing.

At this moment, someone on the side took two steps forward and said a few words to Murong Cheng.

After listening to this, Murong Cheng snorted and looked at Gu Liang: "Okay, thank you for the hospitality today, I won't disturb the two newlyweds, and I will come back to talk about the past another day."

Gu Liang calmly said: "Welcome anytime."

Murong Cheng turned and walked outside, walked to the gate and stopped suddenly, turned his head, and stared at Tangtang sharply: "Little devil, I will stare at you."

Tangtang sat motionless beside Gu Liang, still maintaining his original posture.

Murong Cheng Leng smiled coldly and left with someone.


Only Gu Liang left in the living room.

Subordinates asked Gu Liang for instructions.

Gu Liang said blankly, "It's all rubbish."

Everyone held their breath and murmured.

"I think one by one is getting too comfortable, and people break into the house before they react. If Murong Cheng is rushing to my life, would you just wait to collect my body?"

His tone was still indifferent and peaceful, with a gloomy and lifeless air in the calm, he was already extremely angry.

Everyone is afraid, no one dares to respond.

Since Huo's defeat, Gu's family dominates in Wenzhou, and there are no opponents to fight against. Gu Liang's men are indeed a little fluttering.

"Let Tong Wu come here, and all the staff in the new house will be changed." Gu Liang dropped these words and went straight upstairs to the study.

Tangtang, who had been hanging his head, finally raised his head, looking at the back of Gu Liang leaving, he stopped talking.

In the end she didn't say anything, and sat down on the sofa, silent.

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