Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1457: Physics lecture

Tangtang hugged him tightly.

"I hate them!" She buried her head in his arms, her hoarse voice crying, "riding horses is not fun at all! They are so stinky!"

Gu Liang patted her on the back lightly, "Yes, it's not fun."

"Those dogs are also very annoying! Barking all day long and biting people!"

"Yeah, it's annoying."

"I will never go horseback riding anymore!"

"Well, never go again."


Tangtang cried for a long time, and after crying, he scolded.

She often does this, like a child who is not good at expressing her sadness with anger, and her loss with verbal abuse.

Later, she fell asleep in Gu Liang's arms, and all his clothes were soaked.

Gu Liang helped her dry her body, hugged her back to the bed, and covered her with a quilt.

Xu was wronged today. Even after falling asleep, her brows were still slightly frowned, her moist eyelashes were still with tears, and her delicate nose was red.

It's so pathetic...

Gu Liang looked at her sleeping face, stretched out the back of his hand and gently rubbed her cheek, ripples in his calm and calm heart, continuous and sad, about the feeling of sadness.


Tangtang didn't like to show his sadness on his face, so he cried and resurrected with blood the next day, eating and drinking like a okay person.

She is very happy every day, and every time she appears in front of Gu Liang, she always smiles.

Gu Liang was not sure if she was really happy or pretending to be happy.

In fact, he didn't know Tangtang. He used to think he knew her, but now he thinks it might be all an illusion. He has never understood her.

In October, a well-known physicist in China was invited to give a lecture at a university in Qingjiang City.

Because it is public, people outside the school can also participate.

Gu Liang remembered that Tangtang was interested in this, so he took her to the lecture.

Tangtang was extremely excited.

She hadn't been so happy for a long time, and her eyes were shining while listening to the speech.

Gu Liang also listened for a while, and then started using his mobile phone to process work emails.

At the end of the speech was the question session, Tangtang raised his hands high.

Her seat was close to the front, and she was cute and lovely, especially conspicuous among the crowded crowd of science students.

"Teacher! According to the theory of relativity, the ether does not exist and space is indistinguishable. According to quantum theory, a particle moves at a velocity v. It will randomly appear everywhere in space. The probability of point A in space is high, and the probability of point B is low, but AB The space between the two points is indistinguishable, and the mass velocity of the particle is the same. What force determines that the probability of point A is higher than that of point B? Is it the initial state?"

Tangtang's voice was crisp, and the long question expression scared Gu Liang and the students in the audience.

It's really because her looks are too sweet, it feels like a beautiful anime girl in a serious science class, which is very unconventional.

The gray-haired physicist helped his glasses and said with a smile: "It's very rare. More and more young people are beginning to be interested in the subject of physics. There is a misunderstanding in your question. In the theory of relativity, space Every place has the same status, but can be distinguished. It is determined by the volatility of the particle that the probability of a certain point is higher than the other. The probability of a large wave amplitude is greater. The size of the probability can be said to be determined by the initial state of the particle, but where does it appear? , The initial state cannot be determined."

Tangtang was very happy, and said, "Thank you teacher! Can the teacher sign my name later?"

The other smiled and nodded.

Other students asked questions one after another, and the atmosphere of the venue was warm.

Tangtang shook Gu Liang's arm excitedly: "Gu Liang! He promised to sign for me!"

Gu Liang grinned and thought: She looks like a star chaser in this small appearance.

The questioning session lasted for about half an hour. Tangtang waited anxiously. Once it was over, she couldn't wait to run onto the stage. Even Gu Liang was left behind by her, lest she would be too late.

When the physicist signed her, Tangtang asked eagerly: "Teacher, what do you think is our existence?"

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