Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1458: Tsing Yi Taoist

The elderly physicist was stunned and looked at Tangtang.

Tangtang couldn't help asking again: "Why do we exist? What is the meaning of our existence?"

The other party smiled and asked her: "Do you know why people like to pursue meaning?"

Tangtang shook his head blankly.

"Because in the magnificent universe, we are too small, so no matter what we do, we like to pursue meaning, what is the meaning of existence, what is the meaning of doing something, what is the meaning of a painting, what is a story conveying? thought.

We created art, culture, ethics, and law, and gave them profound and long-term meaning, transcending the material, so that we can feel weight and endurance on the spiritual level, and obtain satisfaction. All of these are actually illusions. "

Tangtang was startled, "Void...Illusive?"

"Of course, this kind of statement may make many people feel uncomfortable." He smiled kindly, "At least from the physical level, humans and all living things in this world are made of matter. To be precise, humans are made up of 7000 trillion yuan on average. Composed of atoms-

65% oxygen, 18% carbon, 10% hydrogen, 3% nitrogen, 1.4% calcium, 1.1% phosphorus, there are 54 kinds of trace elements, only these, nothing more.

Even our spirit, consciousness and thinking are the material result of the electrochemical interaction between neurons and atoms.

So you see, you ask me what existence is. Our existence is some atoms, which are neither great nor meaningful. I think that thinking about your own existence is worse than thinking about what you want to be, which will make you feel happier. Relevant physics knowledge selected Leviathan, such as intrusion)

After the old scholar finished speaking, he handed her the signature, and Tangtang received it.

The students around were enthusiastic and surrounded the physicists. Tangtang was quickly squeezed to the outside by them.

Gu Liang came over, hugged her waist, and asked, "What are you talking about?"

"Talk..." Tangtang returned to his senses and smiled slightly, "Talk about us are all atoms. In fact, we are the same, we are a bunch of atoms."

Gu Liang laughed.

He shook his head helplessly, and walked out of the university with his arms around her. The sun outside was shining brightly.

The world is getting more and more absurd. The black guy puts on the beads and says that he is doing charity, the nouveau riche hangs up calligraphy and painting to say that he is literate, and a ghost holds a signed physics book and says that she believes in science.


The two drove home. Tangtang was tirelessly sharing their learning experience with Gu Liang along the way.

"Now the periodic table is ranked 119. How many undiscovered elements are still unknown. In theory, there are superheavy elements and multidimensional elements. It is only because of the limitations of technical means that humans cannot find their existence, or have discovered, But I can’t understand this existence."

Tangtang blinked at him, smiling very sweetly, "You know what I mean?"

She cocked her mouth, and Mimi's smiling expression had a philosophical temperament of "I am there when you see or if you don't see me".

Gu Liang squeezed her little face, "Understood, noisy atom."

"Huh! People don't make noise!"

The car stopped in front of the courtyard and waited for the courtyard door to open wide. When he drove in slowly, Gu Liang saw a Taoist priest in Tsing Yi standing not far from the door. He glanced quickly, and he felt a bit immortal.

After arriving home, Gu Liang called the servant to ask.

The servant said: "A Taoist priest did come today, saying that we are here with evil spirits and the master’s family is in trouble. If the evil is not expelled as soon as possible, the consequences will be disastrous. We said that the master is not at home and let him go. Outside, hey, I can't drive away..."

Tangtang sneered disdainfully: "I can't help myself."

After speaking, holding her beloved physics book, she turned her head and went upstairs.

Gu Liang had other thoughts in his heart: Is this Taoist priest coming for Tangtang or for the evil in his arm? Or... is it a scene arranged by Murong Cheng?

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