Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1465: The married life of Mu Zi and Murong Cheng

The thoughts of the superior are never easy to guess.

Gu Liang got up step by step in the Gu's house, unlike Murong Cheng's big ups and downs, Gu Liang walked steadily every step, and every step was carefully thought out. He is almost exhausted.

The only time his plan was disrupted in his life was probably when his arm accidentally contracted a strange disease.

This step is messy, and every next step is out of control.

Mu Zi thought for a while, and said, "According to you, it would be better for her to stay with Gu Liang. At least someone can restrain her."

With that said, I couldn't help but think of Mu Zening in my mind.

At that time, every time Tangtang lost her temper, only Mu Zening could restrain her, using some methods that Mu Zi didn't seem to be clever, but Tangtang liked his style very much.

Thinking of those past events, the expression on his face was reduced, and his mood was a little dull...

Murong Cheng asked her: "You didn't promise her, did you?"

Mu Zi returned to his senses, "What?"

"The lawsuit."

"Oh... I agreed."

"You agreed?" Murong Cheng was stunned.

"Yeah." Mu Zi nodded. "She said that the man had forced several girls, but no one dared to call the police."

Mu Zi sighed, and then said, "This time is an opportunity. If he can be sent to prison, it would be considered an indirect justice for those girls."

Murong Cheng: "..."

It's over, professional cleanliness has committed again... Notre Dame's disease has committed again...

"Why look at me like this?" Mu Zi frowned and glanced at him dissatisfiedly.

Murong Cheng looked away, coughed a few times, pretending to help the mother and daughter arrange the toy beads, slowly said: "Can you believe what the little devil said? How can she know what others have committed before, maybe just want to lie to you past."

"No." Mu Zi lowered his head and stringed beads. "Mu Zening said before that the sky can see the future, and the ghost can see the past. Although Du Hao later said that there is no such thing as opening the ghost eye, but Mu Zening said that Several things are indeed very accurate. I believe that he used Tangtang's ability, which also shows that Tangtang can see people passing by."

The movement in her hand paused, looking at Murong Cheng, and instructed him: "After I go to Qingjiang, you have to take care of your children and don't throw everything to the nanny. Parent-child interaction is also very important."

Murong Chengtou is big, "Do you have to go? It's better to let Xiaoming go, it's not an extraordinary case..."

Mu Ziwu thought for a while, then suddenly frustrated, and muttered to his forehead: "Forget it."

"What the hell?" Murong Cheng looked at her, "Aren't you going?"

"No." Mu Zi sighed and leaned on his forehead and whispered, "I just want to say...Forget it, don't count on you, I will call my mom later and ask her to move in temporarily to help me take care of the child. "

"How can it work?!" Murong Cheng's reaction was great, staring at Mu Zi with a stunned look, "If Mom moves here, Pete will also move here!"

Mu Zi looked inexplicable, "That's for sure, they are husband and wife, and my uncle must live with mom."

Murong Cheng's face became more ugly, "You call him Uncle?"

"Otherwise, what is your name?" Mu Zi chuckled, covering his mouth, "It seems a bit unspeakable to call Dad, and it is not appropriate to call him Brother."

Murong Cheng: "..."

The inner feeling is like chewing a fly.

But Mu Zi didn't let him go, but still said, "Don't always show your face to others, it's not good, and the impact on children is not good. What if you don't know how to respect the old and love the young when you grow up? If you really don’t want to get along with him, just go to the casino hotel and stay for a few days. Anyway, don’t make conflicts, don’t make your mother sad, don’t teach your children..."

Murong Cheng's posterior molars grinded and creaked, "What's the matter? Once he comes, I can't go back to my house?"

"I'm not talking about if? If, as a last resort..." Mu Zi sighed helplessly, "Don't be emotional, it's naive."

The beaded daughter raised her head and grinned: "Daddy is naive, naive."

Murong Cheng felt that the whole world was full of malice towards him.

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