On the plane from Xianghai to Qingjiang, Mu Zi thought a lot.

Mu Zening still thinks about it the most.

He released his hands at the last juncture, and his voice was extremely calm: "Leave Tangtang a way out, I let her kill all the people, she doesn't understand anything..."

This sentence became his last last words. It's like sending one's life to a lonely person before death, which makes people unable to refuse.

But when Mu Zi woke up, Tangtang had already sunk to the bottom of the river with the dagger, and the matter ended in this way.

Perhaps her character is indeed too Virgin. Compared to Murongcheng, she does not have much resentment towards Tangtang. Perhaps, she was subconsciously affected by that last word...

Thinking of Mu Zening at the end of his life, he neither mentioned his love for her nor hatred for Murong Cheng, but was concerned about Tangtang's safety.

This little care made Mu Zi feel a little warm and hopeful in the ending.

After the plane arrived in Qingjiang, Mu Zi disembarked with assistants, bodyguards and others, and Jiang Ci and Qu Mingjun came to pick her up.

It's been a long time, my girlfriend gives a hard hug first.

Qu Mingjun said with shining eyes: "It's been a long time since you took the case. Who are you fighting this time?"

Mu Zi smiled and said, "Don't get excited, it's just a small case."

"Don't rush back after the lawsuit is over," Jiang Ci said, "just stay and help me check the case."

Mu Zi smiled and said, "I am not a prosecutor now, but a lawyer. Isn't it appropriate to interbank?"

"It doesn't matter, the boss is going crazy lately. As long as the case can be solved, anyone will be invited, even the Taoist priests. It is nothing to hire a lawyer." Jiang Ci said.

Qu Mingjun came over curiously and asked, "Big cousin, what is the case?"

"Go aside." Jiang Ci patted his head, "Confidential."

Mu Zi smiled, and the group left the airport.


The next day, Mu Zi went to Gu Liang's new house to meet with Gu's lawyer.

Gu Liang and Tangtang were also there. When the lawyer briefed her, they sat opposite her.

The surly girl in the impression suddenly became a person of her own age, which made her a little uncomfortable, and this person looked a little bit like her.

Mu Zi remembered that both of them were bleeding from the Ruan family.

"The difficulty of this case is that it is difficult to obtain evidence. Because it was an attempt, there was no static fluid, no wounds, and no one heard calls for help or quarrels. Witnesses nearby could prove that the wife walked into the room voluntarily, so... …The situation is really bad for us."

The lawyer said and sighed, "If this man has a criminal record, we can still get some opportunities in court, but the previous victims have chosen to remain silent, which is not easy to handle."

Mu Zi nodded slightly and came to a conclusion: "So, apart from Mrs. Gu's own testimony, we don't have any evidence to convict the other party."

"That's right." The lawyer nodded.

Tangtang looked at Mu Zi with a pair of pure and bright eyes, "Without evidence, can you win the lawsuit?"

Mu Zi flipped through the meager case materials in his hand, heard her voice, looked up at her, and smiled faintly: "Well, I can win."

Tangtang's eyes opened wider, "Even if I voluntarily go home with him, can I win?"

Mu Zi nodded calmly: "Well, I can win."

Tangtang's eyes became more surprised and asked: "Then what if I don't testify in court? Can I win?"

Gu Liang felt a headache, "Tangtang, litigation is not fun. If you decide to fight, you must take it seriously."

Tangtang hurriedly said: "Don't be angry, I just ask casually..."

Mu Zi silently watched the two of them interact and smiled and said, "Mrs. Gu, even if I don't let you appear in court, the other's lawyer will ask the judge to issue a court summons for you."

"Go, I will definitely go." Tangtang said, "I want to dress nicely, can you take pictures for me then?"

Mu Zi's mouth twitched: "Don't worry, there will be many people rushing to take pictures of you."

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