Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1469: After the trial

The man pursed his mouth and remained silent.

Mu Zi repeated the question again: "What did you do to her before she hurt you?"

Ding Goushi looked irritable and replied, "Undress."

"Did she express her rejection?" Mu Zi asked.

Ding Goushi said impatiently, "Aren't all women like this? If they want to refuse, they still welcome them. They say no, but they are really anxious..."

Mu Zi interrupted him: "So she said'no' to you, but you still continue, is that right?"

"She said'let go', but her voice was very small..."

"Thank you." Mu Zi interrupted again and looked at the judge, "Your Honor, I'm finished."

After speaking, he turned and walked back to his seat.

Ding Goushi became anxious and shouted at Mu Zi: "She has never resisted!"

Mu Zi's pace stopped, and he looked back at his left eye which was wrapped in gauze, with a smile that seemed like nothing at the corner of his mouth: "Really, I think she resisted, and it was quite intense."

The judge asked whether the defense lawyer needed to question the witness, and the defense lawyer gave up the right to ask.

I probably felt that after Mu Zi's questioning, the impression of Ding Goshi by the jury members had fallen to the extreme, the chance of a comeback was slim, and another way was needed.

The defense lawyer asked Tang Tang to testify in court.

Tangtang was very happy to sit down and watch the excitement. It was really her turn to play, and she was a bit stage fright, especially after she witnessed Mu Zi holding Ding Goshi's nose all the way, she was very worried that she would be embarrassed.

"What to do?" Tangtang asked Mu Zi.

"Just tell the truth." Mu Zi said faintly, "I will remind you of what is wrong."

Tangtang sat on the witness stand nervously and half novel.

The defense lawyer asked her: "In the confession provided by the police, you said that you confessed to the wrong car to get into Mr. Ding Goushi's car by mistake. But as far as I know, your car is a luxury car worth more than one million. , And Mr. Ding Goushi’s car has a market value of only 100,000, which is very different. How could you admit it wrong?"

Tangtang blinked his eyes and replied straightforwardly: "They are all the same color, all are four wheels, I think it looks very similar."

The lawyer was consciously embarrassed: "It seems that you don't have any common sense about cars, and you don't know how to look at brand logos, do you?"

Mu Zi stood up: "No, the common sense of my client's life is not necessarily related to this case."

"Ah...I'm sorry, I will ask the point right away." The new lawyer helped the glasses and asked again, "After discovering that you were in the wrong car, why didn't you get out of the car and went to the other party's house?"

Tangtang pursed her lips and looked at Gu Liang, seemingly guilty.

The lawyer said: "And you are already married. As a married woman, does it feel inappropriate to go to other men's houses alone?"

Tangtang showed a confused expression upon hearing the words, and wondered: "Will it be inappropriate? Why?"

"Since you are married, of course you can only have a husband and a man in your heart, going out with other men alone. This can easily give people a hint..."

"Objection." Mu Zi reluctantly stood up again, "Your Honor, the life style of my client is not necessarily related to this case."

The judge nodded slightly and looked at the defense lawyer: "Lawyer, please ask the main points as soon as possible."

"Oh, uh..." The defense lawyer was a little nervous, flipping through his own notes, "That... can you explain, why did you go home with Mr. Ding Goushi?"

"I found out that I was in the wrong car. At first, I wanted to get off. But he asked me to go to his house. I thought to myself what fun could be in your house. I didn't want to go. He said it must be fun, and he said If it’s not fun, just send my head to play as a ball. I’ve never played a ball made of a human head, so I’ll go."


Mu Zi: "..."


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