The defense lawyer was embarrassed, "Don't you... don't you think he is just joking?"

Tangtang frowned, "I'm not stupid, of course I thought he might be lying to me, so I asked him many times, if it's not fun, would he really kick my head as a ball? He is very sure That said yes! I was also surprised, I have never encountered this kind of neurosis!"

The defense lawyer was a little dumbfounded and looked at Tangtang blankly: "...So you went to his house?"

"Yeah." Tangtang nodded, "I hesitated, and then I thought about it, even if I meet a liar, he can't do anything to me, then go and chant, in case he is telling the truth, miss it? It's not a pity!"

"Then... you take the initiative to undress, what's the matter?"

"Because I lost to him. After I went to his house, I found that his house was dirty and smelly, and there was no fun at all. I asked him for his head. He played poker if he said boring. Whoever loses will take off. A piece of clothing. I took off a coat."

Speaking of this, Tangtang became emotional, "I have never played poker before, and I really wanted to play poker with him! But he was too much, and he was shameless after losing! Not only is it pressing on me, Take off my clothes!"

The lawyer asked: "Why didn't you call for help at that time?"

Tangtang blurted out: "Are you stupid? What if his accomplices are called?"


Mu Zi couldn't bear to look straight, turning his head to look at Gu Liang with complicated eyes.

Gu Liang smiled faintly, and said, "I'm used to it."

On the witness stand, Tangtang continued to say: "Anyway, I let him let go, but he didn't seem to understand me, he kept laughing, and said that there would be fun things waiting for me soon, this kind of shamelessness. Man, how could I believe him anymore? I grabbed my collar and didn't let him take it off. He couldn't move it. He was going to pull my skirt. Oh, then I was really angry!"

The lawyer said: "So you used playing cards to attack him?"

Tangtang was dumbfounded, with a dazed expression: "I want to use something else too, but there was none at that time..."


The judge secretly covered his mouth, holding back a smile, "Sorry, lawyer... please go ahead."

The defense lawyer was extremely embarrassed. She was originally a novice, and she could only take a deep breath to mediate her emotions when she encountered this situation.

"Ms. Ruan Zimo, why didn't you call out loudly or struggle hard, but used such an extremely **** method..."

Tangtang seemed embarrassed, and smiled shyly, "I just threw him a face of playing cards. I didn't expect his playing cards to be so useful, hehehe..."

The act of throwing playing cards is not bloody, the **** is the final result, and the result is not the responsibility of Tangtang alone.

The defense lawyer returned to his seat in frustration, "Your Honor, I'm finished asking..."

The judge knocked the gavel and announced an adjournment. Going on, he was afraid he would laugh again.

Tangtang walked back slowly, and said, "It's pretty fun to go to court."

Mu Zi couldn't help but pour cold water on her: "That's because you were lucky and met a novice!"

Tangtang is totally unaffected: "Next time you come to help me fight a lawsuit."

Mu Zi rolled his eyes and wanted to say: Gu Liang, come and take care of your wife!

Turning his head and looking around, he saw Gu Liang making a call not far away. He put down his phone and walked over and touched Tangtang's head: "There is something temporarily, I want to go back."

Tangtang was unconscious, and subconsciously said: "Then I will go back with you."

"No." Mu Zi held her decisively, "The case is about to be closed, and you are not here, how can I play?"

Tangtang narrowed her mouth, reluctantly: "But I want to stay with Gu Liang..."

Gu Liang laughed: "I can be together at any time in the future. Only this time is the only time to go to court. Obedient, I will pick you up when it is over.

Tangtang had to let go and watched him go.

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