Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1471: Closing Statement

Tangtang's eyes were too slimy.

Mu Zi couldn't help but touched his arm, soothing the goose bumps that were about to move.

"If you pester him like this all day long, aren't you afraid that he will annoy you?"

Tangtang was taken aback and turned to look at her: "Will it?"

"I don't know." Mu Zi looked at the disappeared back and said with emotion, "But, if he is not annoying, I will admire him very much!"

Tangtang was thoughtful and did not speak.

Mu Zi felt that Tangtang had changed a lot. As Murongcheng said, she regarded Gu Liang as a life-saving straw, so she paid attention to him all the time.

Mu Zening is gone, she can't take Gu Liang away.


At the end of the adjournment, Mu Zi, as the prosecutor, first began to close the case.

"This case is very simple. A woman went to a man's house. The man wanted to have a relationship, but the woman refused. The man ignored the woman's wishes and was finally attacked by the woman, causing her left eye to be injured. This is a very clear attempted rape. ."

Mu Zi said as he walked to the jury and looked at them with a smile: "But... this case is also very complicated. Do you know why? When the defense lawyer makes the closing statement, you will know the reason, I can First guess what she will say."

She stretched out her hand, making gestures one by one: "Voluntarily go to the strange man's house, take off his clothes voluntarily, when the man rushed over, he didn't scream loudly, didn't resist desperately, although he said let go, but I'm sorry, the voice is too small. Acting like a baby, there is no clear expression of willingness to refuse at all. In the eyes of a man, he just wants to refuse and welcome, even deliberately seduce——

So, how can we accuse Ding Gooshi? He is just an innocent man with a strong adrenal gland and unable to control his lower body. He saw a beautiful woman and made a mistake that every man would make. What's wrong with him? "

When Mu Zi stopped here, he deliberately scanned the expressions of the jury members, "If Ding Gooshi is not wrong, then, is the wrong person Ms. Ruan Zimo who was almost violated? It's... so funny!

In China, 50,000 **** cases are recorded every year, and 80% of acquaintances commit crimes. These are just the tip of the iceberg, because 90% of the victims choose not to call the police! Why do so many people choose to remain silent? why?

Because calling the police, in the final analysis, is to make up for the loss, to ask for an explanation for the injured self! If the result of calling the police will only make you more hurt, why call the police? What's the point? !

When things happened, no one blamed the criminals for their crimes, and no one went to the supervision department. All of us were just staring at the poor woman-caring about whether her dress was revealing, whether her behavior was frivolous, Did she make a loud enough cry for help, why didn't she struggle to protect her virginity?

Then our media began to get busy, propagating that women need to strengthen their awareness of self-protection, and various versions of anti-wolf techniques began to circulate on the Internet.

What kind of world is this? If you want to prevent rape, do not rely on the law or morality, but rely on women's self-prevention consciousness? "

Mu Zi said that he was happy, and laughed to herself: "Hey...I really think women are too busy. Apart from taking care of their own lives, they must also help men to prevent them from becoming criminals.

If we really think that a woman’s dress and behavior will induce a man to commit a crime, even if a woman says'no', a man will think that it is a desire to refuse and welcome it. This is not only an insult to women, but to most normal men. It is also an insult! "

Mu Zi looked at them, the corners of her mouth curled slightly, and she smiled indifferently: "Maybe we should forget men and women. Regardless of gender, we are all human beings. If we are human, we should be kind and upright."

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