Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1474: Can you be a little promising

Early the next morning, Mu Zi came to collect debts——

Despite Gu Tangtang's wailing, she forcibly pulled her away from Gu Liang.

"I want to be with Gu Liang!" Tangtang couldn't stop complaining while sitting in the car, "Why not let him go with me? Why?"

"We are going to visit prisons. Do you think you are going to travel? You are still bringing your family?" Mu Zi said irritably, "Could it be that you have to stick with him 24 hours a day?"

Tangtang was rightly confident: "Yes, why not?"

Mu Zi rolled his eyes silently.

When they encountered a red light, their car stopped, and Mu Zi pointed to the rose flowers in the green belt outside the car window: "Have you seen? You must maintain a proper space and distance between the two flowers, so that you can stretch the branches and leaves and bloom. What would happen if they were crowded together? They would suffocate to death!!!"

Tangtang said, "You are talking nonsense! Gu Liang and I are not flowers!"

Jiang Ci, who drove, laughed and laughed at Mu Zi: "What a broken example, the chicken soup can't be fed hahahaha..."

Mu Zi was very upset, and ran over all the way, leaving her husband and children, not just to be idle.

"Anyway, you promised me that if the lawsuit is won, you will help me to do things, don't want to go back!"

"But you obviously said that it's very easy!" Tangtang argued for reasons.

Mu Zi replied: "It's easy for you!"

"It's not easy to leave Gu Liang!"

"It's only been a few hours, what's not easy! I look after Liang, wishing you to be pulled out by me, just to make him quiet and quiet! How else would he not stop me?!"

Tangtang was very angry and stared at Mu Zi. At the end, she didn't know what she thought of, her face sank, turned her face to look out of the car window, and ignored Mu Zi.

Seeing her disappeared, Mu Zi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Today is mainly to take Tangtang to meet some prisoners. Some may have come in for the crime, some may have concealed clues to other cases, and some may have committed corruption. Although people have gone to jail, the money is missing.

If Tangtang could see any clues, it would save a lot of things.

Mu Zi made up his mind to ask for some interest from Tangtang, or wouldn't this lawsuit be a waste of money? She is not really short of those lawyers' fees.

Throughout the morning, Tangtang saw ten prisoners one after another.

Her ability is not a hundred-thirty test. It is not so much to look at the past, as to use the soul as a medium to peep into the memory of the other party.

The pictures I see most often are the relatives and friends of the prisoner, or the bad things he has done, because this part of the memory will be more profound.

However, there are also some criminals who are born cold-blooded and don't care about killing people. Their memories are chaotic and they can't see anything clearly.

By noon, Tangtang was too tired and yelled to go home.

Mu Zi and Jiang Ci compiled today's results and were very satisfied.

"Why don't you come to our police station as a consultant!" Jiang Ci said with interest. "If you don't usually need to go to work, you will come when you need to, and you will be able to get paid every month."

Mu Zi was very interested when she heard it, "Can it work?"

Jiang Ci said: "Why not? Now it is very popular to ask a consultant. If the interrogator fails to find a clue, he will find a psychological consultant to talk to the prisoner and hypnotize it. I will tell you all the things that I didn't want to say! Any blood analysis? Teachers, ballistic analysis experts, micro-expression experts, and Russian psychics will be invited. These are all consultants."

Mu Zi smiled and said: "Don't be so evil, just let Tangtang be a conversation consultant."

The two of them talked fiercely about career development.

Tangtang lay on the table ignoring them, and shouted feebly: "I want to go home... I'm looking for Gu Liang..."

Mu Zi looked at her, hating iron but not steel: "Can you be a little bit prosperous? Can you be self-reliant?

"No matter, I want to Gu Liang...I want to Gu Liang..."

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