Mu Zi originally invited Tangtang to have a meal with Jiang Ci to show his gratitude, but this guy had to go home to look for Gu Liang, looking like a ghost.

There was no way, Mu Zi had to send her home.

Tangtang got off the car at the door of his house, walked into the courtyard, and saw Tong Wusong Road growing out from a distance.

Her brisk footsteps became slow unconsciously, step by step, getting closer and closer to the Taoist priest.

At a distance of two or three meters, the Taoist priest stopped. Although his face was indifferent, his eyes were shockingly powerful. He opened his mouth and was extremely peaceful and natural: "The Blessed Life Immeasurable Tianzun is a different kind, so why bother to be greedy and hate, it is better to leave quickly."

Tangtang stared at each other coldly, his whole body revealed a gloomy and cold breath, and he replied unceremoniously: "I can't leave, it's your shit! If you dare to play tricks, I want you to die!"

Tong Wu's expression dimmed slightly, and he watched Tangtang pass by them suspiciously, feeling vaguely disturbed.

Miaoqing Daochang beside him shook his head and sighed: "Ming is stubborn, Ming is stubborn..."


Tangtang found Gu Liang in the study, and when he saw him, he rushed over, pestering him like an octopus.

Gu Liang laughed: "What's wrong again? Mu Zi bullied you?"

Tangtang didn't speak, but hugged his neck tightly, his cheeks pressed against his shoulders. The breath on his body made her feel at ease, the bitterness of cigarettes in Qingli, and a little bit of her taste. .

Gu Liang felt her emotional depression, but couldn't guess the reason, and asked, "What did Mu Zi let you do? You quarreled?"

"No," Tangtang said in a dull voice, "I just couldn't see you all morning, so I miss you especially."

Gu Liang laughed in a low voice.

When he laughed, there was a slight tremor in his throat, which was a very pleasant sound. Tangtang licked next to it, like a kitten, and kissed it along the line of his jaw...

Gu Liang's eyes darkened, and his voice was muted: "Tangtang..."

She kissed the corner of his lips, staring at him with her eyes, as if infinitely attached: "Don't you want me?"

Gu Liang raised his hand to pinch her chin, and gently rubbed the white and delicate skin with her fingers. Her eyes became more blurred and soft, her lips were moist and attractive, and even the exhaled breath was sweet.

He was fascinated by her, and his voice was very low and low: "How can he act like a baby like this?"

Bowing his head to kiss her, the familiar lips and teeth are intertwined, the softness and moistness inside is fascinating, the numb throbbing constantly accumulates on the tip of the tongue, and then a little bit melts into each other's body, warm and comfortable.

Gu Liang carried her back to the bedroom, the door closed, and the rapid breathing gradually lost its rhythm...

I did it twice. It was a long process. I can’t remember how many times I climbed the top of the cloud or how many times it flooded the ocean. At the end, Tangtang was soaked, like fished out of the water. Stubbornly hugged Gu Liang.

"More." She closed her eyes and gasped.

Gu Liang laughed: "Do you want to squeeze me out?"

Lifting her limp legs, seeing that place was really red and messed up, she couldn't help feeling distressed. She leaned over and kissed her, and sighed in a low voice, "It's so tender, I don't know how many days to raise it."

Tangtang was a little confused, and murmured like a mutter in a dream: "Gu Liang...Stop the treatment, okay?"

"Say something silly." He smiled helplessly.

I probably understand why she is suffering from gains and losses, but how can ordinary people bear the foreign bodies on their bodies?

He sighed slightly, picked her up and went to the bathroom.

When cleaning, she didn't hold back, like a small animal with extremely low sense of security, pulling him and asking, "Will you still want me after the cure?"

Gu Liang was shocked when he heard the words.

The original intention of this marriage is not simple. Although he is indeed fascinated by her right now, in fact... he is not sure whether this fascination is enough to offset her wicked status?

Tangtang didn't wait for a reply, but his voice was flustered: "Gu Liang?"

He returned to his senses, looking at the girl in his arms, his heart as steady as Taishan couldn't help but feel a trace of melancholy, and sighed softly, "Reluctant."

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