After lingering for too long, Tangtang slept with Gu Liang and quickly fell asleep.

Gu Liang gently opened her and pulled her fingers, covered her with the quilt, and walked gently and left the room.

After going to the study, Tong Wu told Gu Liang about the situation when Tangtang met with the Taoist chief, including the conversation between the two.

Gu Liang was silent for a long time and said, "She is a child with a temperament, and it is inevitable that she will be a little jealous."

"The subordinates are worried that his wife will be disadvantageous to Daoist Miaoqing." Tong Wu cautiously whispered.

Gu Liang frowned slightly and sighed, "Let's take a look again."


The next day, the Taoist chief came to give Gu Liang the needle as usual.

Gu Liang rolled up his sleeves and laid his sturdy forearms flat on the table. Miao Qing Daochang followed the mark made by cinnabar and moved down three inches, ready to use the needle again.

Miao Qing Daochang’s thumb and fingertips pressed on his arm, and his expression was solemn, “Dare to ask Mr. Gu, what abnormal happened to him since the poor road yesterday?”

Gu Liang was puzzled: "Why did the Taoist say this?"

"After Pang Dao used the needle yesterday, the evil thing shrank by three inches, but it only shrank by two inches when I explored it today. If I remember correctly, someone must have nourished the evil thing secretly, otherwise it won’t be the case. ."

Chief Miaoqing stared at Gu Liang with scorching eyes, and his expression was grim, "Mr. Gu, loyal to your ears, the flowery beauty you see in your eyes is nothing but pink skulls, dreamy bubbles, don't indulge in ignorance."

The Taoist means Tangtang, and Gu Liang knows it well. At this time, his heart is half burning and half cold, and the taste is really indescribable.

After a long silence, Gu Liang sighed, "Thank you for the reminder, please use the needle."

Miaoqing Daoist no longer said much.

After the injection was over, Dao Miao Qing re-ordered the cinnabar seal, and said to Gu Liang: "Blessed Life Immeasurable Tianzun, in case of rebirth, please stay here today. I wonder if you can?"

Gu Liang pondered for a moment, then nodded and asked, "What are the precautions of the Taoist chief's diet?"

The Taoist chief said: "If you don't eat cattle, mullet, geese, and dogs, these four things are loyalty, filial piety, festival and righteousness."

Gu Liang called the servant to come in and arranged for the chief Taoist to stay.

He knew that once the Dao lived, he would probably have a conflict with Tangtang, but he also hoped that Tangtang would be confused or playful for a while, and if the Daoist lived here, Tangtang might be restrained.

Gu Liang's thoughts were heavy, even when he looked at his arm returning to normal, he couldn't feel relaxed...

After staying in the study to deal with a few company affairs, he heard a crisp laughter from outside, Gu Liang thought for a while and walked out the door.

Before he went downstairs, Tangtang ran up with her skirt flying up, holding flowers into his arms, the fragrance was overflowing, "Gu Liang, do you think it is beautiful?"

Her voice is charming and charming, her smile is pure and sweet, and the continuous attachment in her eyes is sincere, so how can she give him a vicious thought?

Gu Liang held her waist and frowned and scolded, "How many times have you said, slow down when going up the stairs."

She didn't look right, she hung on him squeamishly, just as if she didn't hear her.

Gu Liang looked at the flowers in her hand. There were all kinds of miscellaneous, including roses and impatiens grown in the garden, as well as dandelions and dog's tail grass in the grass.

"The flowers that were just a few days old were picked off by you." Gu Liang gently slapped her butt.

Tangtang twisted in his arms and asked, "Gu Liang, why are there no crabapple flowers in the garden? I haven't seen a real crabapple flower. Can we raise a crabapple flower?"

Gu Liang smiled and said, "It's enough to raise you a headache."

Having said that, I called someone to buy flowers.

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