Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1482: The last pillar

Tangtang didn't know how many hours he waited.

For no reason, she insisted on seeing the ending of these cats, so she kept waiting and waiting...

There are many people passing by.

Make fun of the cat, touch the cat, and leave easily after being happy.

Parents are not allowed to raise; the landlord is not allowed to raise; there are dogs in the house; there are children in the house; cleaning is troublesome; the barking of the cat will disturb the people; maybe the cat is sick; maybe there are fleas on the cat...


A seven or eight year old girl ran up to the carton and waved to her mother: "Mom! Hurry up, there are kittens here, can I take them home?"

Her mother came over with the bag, frowning, "Take it back, you must be fresh for two days."

"No, I won't care about it. Mom, I want to raise a kitten."

"Then can you take care of them? Feed them every day, accompany them, take them to the doctor when they are sick, and don't throw them away because they are tired. Can you do this?"

"I can do it, mother, let me raise them."

Mother sighed and picked up two kittens from the carton, "Well, can we go now?"

"Mom, there is a black one inside."

"No, you can only raise two at most. Besides, black cats are unlucky, let's go, I'm going home..."

The little girl turned her head and looked around, and finally followed her mother bouncely.

At this time, the street has become very deserted, there are not many people, the temperature also drops with the sunset, and the air is cold.

Tangtang stood up, walked slowly to the carton, and squatted down, leaving a thin and small black cat inside.

She reached out and touched it.

It used her finger as a toy, holding it in its mouth and biting.

The small fangs are very sharp, but she has no strength. She doesn't hurt or itchy, but smiles slightly: "Little thing, are you not afraid of me?"

Perhaps because the cat itself is very yin-qi, and the black cat is extremely yin-qi, so I won't reject her.

She hugged the little black cat in her arms, stroked the soft cat fur, and said softly: "You are not wanted, and I do not want it. Let us be company in the future... Don't worry, I won't leave you behind. No matter..."

I feel a little better, and feel that I finally have a companion.

She took apart the sandwich from the maid, fed the cat with pieces of tuna, and then fed it with some milk.

With someone to take care of, Tangtang raised his energy a little, looked at the darker and darker sky, and decided to find a place to sleep first.

She found a hotel with a cat in her arms, was told that pets were not allowed, and found several hotels, all of which were refused.

She didn't know what to do, and had never dealt with this situation.

When she was at a loss, her cat began to vomit and diarrhea, her little body curled up weakly, and even the bark became much quieter.

She frantically looked for a hospital on the street. The dense electronic luminous billboards were dazzling. The kitten in her hand was her last pillar at this moment. If the cat is gone, she will be alone.

After finally finding a pet hospital, the doctor didn’t give her a good face, and scolded her, “You don’t know if kittens can’t drink milk? Do you know about lactose intolerance? Pets are also life. You young girls keep cats. Before the dog, can you do your homework first? Don’t know anything, isn’t this a waste of life?!"

Tangtang was scolded and confused.

She looked at the doctor and murmured: "I, I don't know... No one taught me..."

After speaking, somehow, the backlog of emotions suddenly turned over to the sea, the eyes were hot, tears burst the embankment in an instant, like a raging tide rushing out——

She cried and blocked her throat, and she couldn't even speak.

After being kicked out of the house, she did not cry.

Hungry and cold outside, she did not cry.

Gu Liang refused to forgive her, she did not cry.

But the doctor blamed her for feeding the cat milk, she cried out of breath, and the pain was about to die...

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