Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 1483: Into my ghost bell

Tangtang's cry was so painful that it caused passers-by outside to look in frequently.

The doctor's assistant took Tangtang to the rest room inside to avoid being watched.

The assistant was a round-faced girl. She poured a cup of hot water for Tangtang, and patiently explained: "The doctor didn't intentionally get angry at you. A girl sent a dog before. The doctor took a lot of effort to save it, but he didn't follow it after returning. The doctor ordered me to take care of me. I became more ill. I was dead when I was sent here today, so the doctor was so anxious."

Tangtang nodded with tears in her eyes.

After sitting for a while, the doctor came in with the cat, and returned the cat to Tangtang, with a stiff tone: "I have been given the medicine, and it’s okay. In the future, I will feed the kitten’s special milk. When it’s ready, remember to fight. vaccine."

Tangtang wiped her tears and asked, "Where can I buy it?"

The doctor was afraid of her crying, and beckoned to the assistant to lead her to buy.

There is an area in the pet hospital full of pet supplies. Tangtang bought cat food and canned food, and picked one of the pet travel backpack.

When she was about to check out, she suddenly realized that she had no money, so she handed the cat to the assistant and said, "I don't have any money, wait for me."

I hurried out of the pet hospital and vaguely heard the doctor complaining in it: "I might not be back. I am a hospital and not a shelter."

His assistant said: "No, her dress is a famous brand. She doesn't lack the money and will definitely come back."


Tangtang went to the **** shop and pawned her wedding ring.

With money, she and her cat can live a good life. I'm just used to being led by others, and now I need to make my own choices in everything, and I'm inevitably confused.

At midnight, standing at an empty crossroad, she was hesitating which way to go.

The bell rang suddenly.

Jingling bell, Jingling bell... crisp and ethereal, endless.

It seems to be guiding her.

Her eyes gradually lost focus, and her body was like a puppet, slowly following the bell...


When she regained consciousness, she was lying on the ground with a damp smell of mud in her breath.

I want to get up, but dizzy.

Her cat bit her hair and pulled her scalp painfully. This trivial pain forced her to wake up as soon as possible.

She took a deep breath and forced herself to get up again—

Jingle bell... Jingle bell...

The bell rang again.

This time the ringtone was no longer crisp and sweet, but rather like a sharp needle, piercing her joints and pinning her to the ground!

Looking sideways, he saw countless red threads wrapped around his limbs, yellow symbols hung on the red threads, and upwards, there were countless dark candles flaring around.

The Taoist meditated cross-legged in the distance, holding a copper bell in his hand, and muttering words in his mouth.

After reading for a while, he said: "It is a kalpa for a soul to become a ghost, and a kalpa for a ghost to transform an evil. Isn't it a pity for you to become an evil **** with this? Ghost bell, I will build a temple statue for you, which will be worshipped from now on, with endless incense and endless wealth!"

Tangtang's vision was blurred and breathing became more and more difficult. She knew that the Taoist priest had deployed a formation and wanted to force her out of her current body.

It must have been planned for a long time to prepare so well.

She felt unlucky, but she didn't know why she wanted to laugh. Finally, she laughed and shed tears. She asked him dumbly, "You caused me to be kicked out... just to drive me?"

The Taoist raised his hand and waved it, not knowing whether it was cinnabar or what, and the candlelights flourished around him.

"That's natural." The Taoist priest said, his withered face flickering in the candlelight light and shadow, "The Cthulhu can order the Hundred Ghosts, you stay there is a violent thing, it is better to recognize me as the master, I can give you everything! Incense! Sacrifice! Man or woman, old man or child, I can give you whatever you want!"

Tangtang closed his eyes and murmured: "You can't give it..."

The bell rang again!

The Taoist's voice pierced her mind like a curse: "Recognize me as master, enter my ghost bell...recognize me as master, enter my ghost bell..."

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