——Recognize me as master and enter my ghost bell!

The sound made her head split apart!

The chest cavity undulates violently, but the pain is too painful to breathe!

The body gradually loses consciousness, and the consciousness is torn a little bit, don't... she don't enter Yuguiling!

The right way asks God, the one who asks is Sanqing Yuanzun and Thunder God;

The evil ways restrain the ghosts, but the wandering ghosts, monsters and elves are restrained.

It has been a servant of controlling ghosts since ancient times, but there are countless little ghosts in the world, but the evil gods can meet them. If the evil spirit can be held into the ghost bell, the bell will be shaken, and the ghosts will obey orders, the bell holder can almost do whatever they want!

It's just that Cthulhu is fierce and has to work hard to calculate-get rid of her dependence, weaken her body, and wait for her lack of energy and trance. At this time, the action of starting the battle will lead her into the game!

Some people search for suitable virgin boys and girls at all costs in order to make the most evil ghosts.

In order to obtain the Cthulhu, his trivial means is not worth mentioning.

Seeing that something was about to happen, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and his eyes showed greed. That righteous and awe-inspiring face has long been unsightly, only a sinister and ugly face.

He stared directly at the woman in the center of the circle, so focused so much that he ignored the looming figure behind...

The candlelight flickered, his pupils shrank slightly, as if he had noticed something, he was about to turn his head, and his eyes suddenly went black!


The solid brick smashed a blood flower on the forehead!

The old man dared to breathe when he saw the Taoist priest collapsed to the ground. He didn't dare to delay any more. He swiftly carried the Taoist backpack on his body, and then rushed to the center of the formation to help Tangtang.

"Hurry up! I can't leave when it's late!" Huang Laogui urged, and quickly pulled away the red string and talisman paper on her body.

The candle overturned and the flame burned along the red string soaked in wax oil.

Tangtang was weak, and forced his pet luggage backpack behind him.

There were many human figures indistinctly around the house, some were just a layer of fog, and some outlines were clearly visible with fangs.

The little black cat exploded its fur, meowed, and jumped into the backpack.

"My God! How many ghosts does this guy raise! They are all out!" Huang Laogui was shocked and frightened, took a sip, and took Tangtang to run out of his life!

The candlelight connected into a large area, igniting the rotten wood and old debris in the empty house, and it burned more and more.

Those ghost images slowly gathered around the Taoist priest, layered on top of each other, becoming denser and denser.

Tangtang followed Huang Laogui to the door, stopped, and looked back at the Taoist priest surrounded by the ghost.

Harnessing ghosts as servants is like hunting and taming animals to work for themselves. If the little ghost is a dog, the ghost is a jackal! Even a lion, a tiger! The more powerful, the more dangerous, once the hunter is injured and weak, he will face the most vicious revenge of the beast!

Throughout the ages, most ghost-raisers have not been able to die well because of backlash.

Tangtang shook off Huang Laogui's hand, suddenly turned around and rushed in!

Huang Laogui died anxiously: "Why did you run back again?! Hey! You want to die?!"

She ran over in one breath, taking advantage of Li Gui's attention to the Taoist priest, quickly grabbed the Yugui Bell from the Taoist's hand, and then returned to the door of the house without leaving a moment!

One or two ghosts noticed her and followed Youyou, but they were stopped by the fierce flames. The flames reflected ghosts, dim and distorted, making it difficult to distinguish whether the ghosts floating in the fire were ghosts or burning. Thick smoke.

Huang Laogui only waited for Tangtang to come out and immediately closed the door!

Fearing that the uncontrollable ghost would come out and make trouble for him, he kept grabbing a few withered branches nearby and threw them in through the broken windows of the abandoned empty house.

After throwing a few of them, seeing that the fire was about to burn the roof through, he pulled Tangtang up and ran away: "Hurry up! Hurry up! Or the nearby villagers should treat the two of us as arsonists!"

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