Tangtang stared at the painting for a while silently, and said: "If there is a problem with this painting, the couple who often come into contact with the painting will not be safe."

"Yeah." Gu Liang nodded slightly, "I plan to visit her house after I go back to see if I can find any clues..."

Tangtang immediately said: "I want to go too!"

Gu Liang smiled and rubbed her head, "Okay, let's go together."

Tangtang hung the oil painting on the wall again, then sat beside Gu Liang, admiring it from a distance, "If you don't think about the curse, this painting is still quite beautiful."

"That's nature." Gu Liang said lightly, "Mossan is a famous domestic artist. He is very good at history, religious culture and other subjects. His works are very popular at home and abroad.

Tangtang didn't know him, so he raised his head and asked him, "Who?"

Gu Liang lowered his head and lightly pecked her lips, "Mosan, my friend's husband, and both of them are painters."

"Why would he paint such a picture? It's strange." Tangtang leaned on Gu Liang's chest, keeping his eyes on the painting.

Gu Liang said: "The name of his painting is called Jilingjia. Jilingjia was an ancient country dating back 300 BC, and was later destroyed by King Ashoka of the Maurya Dynasty. Look at the elephants, they belonged to Jilingjia. War elephant."

As he said, his voice paused and frowned, "But... about the battle of Kalinga, there are only sporadic records on the stone inscriptions of King Ashoka. Apart from that, there is hardly any relevant historical data. This painting The costumes and architectural features of the characters are very vivid. I don’t know where he found the information."

Tangtang leaned quietly in his arms for a while, and suddenly said, "Gu Liang, I want to look at your right hand."

Gu Liang took off his gloves after hearing this, revealing eight of them. They are currently full of food and drink, and they are dangling on the surface of the skin.

Tangtang is sure that this is a fully mature state of the evil thing, just like the elephant in the painting.

If it weren’t for them to grow and mature, even if Gu Liang saw this painting again, I’m afraid he wouldn’t think of himself. After all, no one would deliberately remember a painting exhibition that he participated in by chance, let alone think of it, just touch it. At once, he was cursed to be parasitic.

Tangtang held Gu Liang's ink-stained right hand, was silent for a moment, and said to him: "Actually, I have an idea...but I'm not sure if it will succeed. Or, let's try it now?"

Gu Liang didn't know why: "What?"

"Do you know how to pull a radish?" Tangtang looked at him with bright eyes, "Before the radish grows well, all the leaves are pulled out, one piece is long, one piece is long, one piece is long, and it is never finished. Once it has grown, it can be pulled out with leaves and radishes."

She stared down at Gu Liang's hands, "I want to try... this time, can I pull them out in one breath!"

Gu Liang was stunned for a while.

He is easy to handle a person, because this thing has become a monster that **** living creatures, if it can be removed, of course it would be great, but now suddenly he says that he wants to get rid of them...it is inevitable that there is an unreal feeling in his heart.

He thought for a while and asked Tangtang, "Is there any danger?"

"I'm great!" Tangtang said, "I have eaten little ghosts, every one is bigger than it!"

After speaking, she didn't know what to think of, her expression became hesitant, and Ai Ai looked at him: "Then...If I fail, will you drive me away?"

Her cautious appearance came into Gu Liang's eyes, and her heart felt sore and sore...

Gu Liang stroked her face lightly and was silent. After a while, he got up and walked aside, took something from his jacket pocket, and returned to the bed.

He took Tangtang's hand and put a ring into her ring finger.

Tangtang opened his eyes wide and couldn't believe it, "Did you redeem it?"

It's her wedding ring!

"Yeah." Gu Liang said with a smile, "I won't buy you a new ring in the future. If you dare to **** it again, I won't want you."

Tangtang sniffed, and hugged Gu Liang tightly: "Hey, hey...it's wrong, people will wear it for a lifetime."

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