From Tangtang's perspective, all evil spirits in this world are connected.

No matter what this weird snake shadow is called abroad, in her eyes, the ghosts and evil spirits she sees in peacetime are no different. They are all transformed by evil spirits.

If she can eat ghosts, she should be able to eat them.

Estimate the size, eat it... it should be fine, right?

Tangtang touched his stomach subconsciously.

Seeing her hesitating, Gu Liang was always a little worried, and said: "If there is a risk, let's take it easy. After we go back, we can think of other ways."

"There will be no risk." Tangtang refused.

She knows how much trouble this thing is in his hands. He wears gloves almost twenty-four hours a day and does not even take them off when sleeping. In summer, he cannot wear short sleeves, swim, or go shirtless to the beach to surf and dive. Seeing guests, people will be suspected of having a cleanliness.

Although it does have a little...

She gently stroked the black snake shadow on his hand and raised her eyes to look at him, "When I eat it for a while, it may be a bit ugly... Close your eyes, OK?"

Gu Liang knew that she loved face, smiled and closed her eyes.

After a while, he could clearly feel something flowing rapidly in the veins of his right arm.

Just like Tangtang just said, eat it all in one go.

They flow faster and faster, just like warm blood is suddenly injected into cold water, the blood vessels seem to be stretched open, and there is a tingling sensation in the cold, and then they smashed out the flesh, all rushed out!

If there is a sound, Gu Liang thinks it must be crashing.

It died down soon.

He didn't feel the surge anymore, "Tangtang, is it all right?"

No one responded.

Gu Liang opened his eyes and saw Tangtang covering his mouth with both hands, his face was extremely ugly!

He suddenly hung his heart, and hurriedly asked: "What's the matter?!"

Tangtang covered her mouth: "Uuuuu..."

"You can't speak? Tangtang?" Gu Liang was flustered and grabbed her wrist. "Can't you eat it? You vomit it!"

Tangtang shook his head vigorously, tears were almost overflowing in his eyes, "uuuuu" for a while, suddenly turned and ran out!

"Tangtang?!" Gu Liang immediately caught up.

Tangtang covered her mouth and rushed out the door, running all the way! She stumbled and panicked, and rushed into the elevator that was about to close the door!

Gu Liang was one step behind and failed to catch up.

He was in a rush, but had to patiently observe the changes in the number of floors, and found that the number had stopped on the 12th floor, he immediately took another elevator down.

Tangtang and Huang Laogui’s guest rooms are on this floor.

The door to the guest room was wide open, and obviously she didn't have time to close it when she ran back. Gu Liang hurried in and saw Tangtang kneeling on the ground with his back facing him, both hands supporting the ground, breathing violently.

Gu Liang ran to support her, "What's the matter? Does it matter to you?"

Tangtang looked up at him, still panting, his forehead was full of cold sweat, but there was a bright smile on his face like early spring.

"Gu don't know how much it was hanging up just now." She smiled and said, like a female student who finished 800 meters, weak and proud, she was surprised and moved a little bit by herself.

Gu Liang looked at her like this, and really wanted to scold her! ...But reluctantly.

Tangtang curled his eyebrows and said to him in an inviting tone: "I told you, just now..."

Suddenly she lost consciousness and she fainted.

"Tangtang?! Tangtang!!!"


Tangtang slept for a whole day, and it was evening when she woke up.

The sunset on the sea was extremely magnificent, as if the hand of God had inserted a blooming rose into the sea, and those brilliant colors shone into the window and reflected in her gradually opening eyes, with an indescribable squiggle.

Gu Liang watched her quietly for a long time, and for the first time in his heart understood what **** was, and the emotions were surging.

Tangtang's first sentence after waking up was: "Where is my cat?"

Gu Liang expected that she would ask this, and his eyes faintly passed the foot of the bed——

There is a black cat lying at the foot of the bed with, nine tails, dangling...

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