Mu Zi finished the soup without saying a word, and said thank you to Chen Cailing in a dumb voice, then lay back and closed his eyes to rest.

She wants to recover as soon as possible, and can't drag Murong Cheng's back legs sickly.

What if he turns her window in the middle of the night and asks her to go to the End of the World with him?

Gu Liang said to her softly, "Zi Zi, I will see you tomorrow."

Mu Zi opened his eyes, "Gu Shao, thank you for today, but I'm really fine, you don't have to worry about me."

Gu Liang smiled faintly, "You take a good rest." Then he left the ward.

Chen Cailing looked at the conversation between the two, with some confusion in her eyes.


In the next few days, Chen Cailing came to deliver soup to Mu Zi every day, but the old lady never came again, even if she had visited her son, she would never stop by to see Mu Zi, as if the idleness she caused last time has not disappeared.

Mu Zi didn't know anything about it, and didn't care at all.

She eats and sleeps regularly in the hospital, while watching the progress in Qingjiang City.

Daily news will be followed up. I don't know any anonymous person who provided the news that the banquet held on the yacht that day was not an ordinary banquet, but a retirement party for Huo Rong.

Another group of snipers were found on the other side of the river.

It is speculated that these assassins were arranged by Huo Zheng. As long as the yacht docked, Huo Rong would be sniped and killed, but Huo Rong first attacked him.

There were traces of bullets on the wreckage of the yacht. A fierce gun battle occurred that day, which eventually caused a fuel leak and caused the entire yacht to explode.

So, all this is just an accident.

Mu Zi vaguely touched something, sketching the outline of the entire event in his mind——

Huo Zheng arranged a sniper on the river bank.

Huo Rong noticed in advance and sent someone to kill the sniper.

Someone on the yacht found that the plan had failed and temporarily moved to murder.

People on both sides exchanged fire, the fuel tank was hit, and the yacht exploded...

So, is everything really just an accident? An accident that Huo Zheng didn't expect, and Murong Cheng couldn't prevent it?

Mu Zi stared at the bold black line on the phone: No one survived.

No matter how good Murong Cheng's life is, he is not a ghost. How can a mortal body withstand the lethality of the explosion? So many people were killed or stunned. The bodies were scattered in the river, some were picked up, and some didn't know where they were.

Where is Murong Cheng?

Where is he?

Mu Zi learned from Gu Liang that Huo Zheng had not given up yet, and that Huo Zheng's private boat was still searching for Huo Rong's whereabouts in the lower reaches of the Qingjiang River.

It's weird...

She obviously should hate this person, but after hearing the news, she felt comforted.

At least there is another person in this world like her who believes that Murong Cheng is not dead.

It seemed that the more determined Huo Zheng searched, the more she could convince herself that Murong Cheng was not dead.

He is still alive, living in a secret place and accumulating his energies, and when his strength is accumulated enough, he will return with a high profile and high profile, just like his evil charm and madness.


Mu Zi stayed in the hospital for seven days.

Her body has completely recovered, and she plans to get in touch with Wang Zhan first, and then fly directly from Jingling to Xianghai. After she is settled down, she will send someone to pick up Bai Wei.

Huo's family suffered heavy casualties, and the entire Wenzhou casinos and others took over. Huo Zheng must be so busy that he may not have time to take care of Xianghai.

What's more, Murong Cheng started his career in Xianghai, and his power is deeply rooted. Huo Zheng's move will surely arouse public anger, and his staff in Xianghai may not be able to mobilize.

Mu Zi leaned against the window, thinking quietly.

She was thinking that she should ask Gu Liang for some help.

Although her character does not like to trouble others, she will be rude if she needs it.

Chen Cailing walked into the ward carrying a lunch box and saw the clothes packed on the bed. She knew that Mu Zi was leaving. He hesitated and said, "Zi Zi, do you want to... visit your father? I mean, Situ Yan."

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