Chen Cailing's personality is somewhat similar to that of Bai Wei. He is a typical lady with a gentle personality. Even if there is any dissatisfaction, he will be held in his heart, and he will subconsciously consider everything for others.

She was not sure of Mu Zi's temper, and worried that calling Situ Yan as Mu Zi's "dad" would annoy her.

But it feels weird to call it by name.

When Chen Cailing was embarrassed, Mu Zi turned around, with a faint expression on his face, and said, "Okay, let's take a look."

Now think about it, does the visit of Situ's house mean to Murong Cheng? If she is not going to Jingling, I'm afraid he will be coaxed to go elsewhere, right?

In fact, he didn't need to lie to her, as long as he explained the pros and cons, staying might become a constraint, she would definitely walk away without looking back, and would definitely not drag him to let go.

...Yes, she must go decisively and simply.

Mu Zi thought so.

She and Chen Cailing went to the aseptic warehouse.

Situ Yan's recovery is in good condition. Through the transparent glass, he can be seen half leaning against the hospital bed, surrounded by various monitoring instruments. The needle is inserted in the skin and the blue veins are wandering, making his skin pale.

Although haggard, there was light in his eyes, which was a bit of aura.

Mu Zi has only seen him on TV. Now that I see him, there is a sense of distance. I can't feel the warmth of family love, and I don't feel the blood connection.

She could only stare at him indifferently, even the smile from the corner of her mouth revealed reluctance.

Situ Yan was much more nervous and excited than her.

He had never thought that he would have children, nor had he experienced what it was like to be a parent. He also thought that Mu Zi was the child that Ruan Li gave birth to for him. He was emotionally guilty and ashamed, and he was at a loss.

The aseptic chamber has a built-in communication device. Situ Yan talked to Mu Zi, opened his mouth, and stopped talking, as if there was a lot to say, but he didn't seem to know what to say.

After hesitating for a while, Situ Yan asked Mu Zi inside: "Pumping bone marrow...does it hurt?"

Mu Zi's tears fell suddenly, and they filled her cheeks silently.

Chen Cailing was stunned.

Situ Yan was shocked and asked, "Does it hurt? Does it still hurt?"

But Mu Zi covered her lips, as if the pain was uncontrollable, and slowly squatted down, tears gushing out like a spring, flowing unscrupulously, she pressed her lips hard not to cry, and the tears made her hands wet.

It has nothing to do with Situ Yan.

She just remembered that the night before the operation, Murong Cheng called and asked her: Would it hurt to have bone marrow?

His life was hanging by a thread that night, still thinking about her surgery the next day.

Does it hurt?

Mu Zi wanted to answer him now: It hurts! Even if I got anesthetics, it still hurts! The pain was so painful that even the bones cracked inch by inch! She was about to be sore by the pain! Why is he not coming back? !

Knowing that she will hurt and cry, why do you want to play such a trick of life or death? !

Why did you even fool her? ! !

Until now, Mu Zi could only believe that Murong Cheng had played a trick and set up a game of escape.

She could not accept the accident of the yacht exploding.

She could not accept Murong Cheng's death!

Mu Zi squatted under the glass window and cried.

Situ Yan was limited in his field of vision, and could only see Chen Cailing's anxious and flustered expression, and he felt more guilty.

Whether it's his youth and frivolousness or Ruan Li's anger to run away, they are all self-willed when they were young. They loved it so much that they were heartily, but what about Mu Zi? What is wrong with her?

The child is innocent after all.

Situ Yan clenched his fist without knowing it, and asked her in a dumb voice: "Zizi, would you like to...let me be your father?"

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