What's more, based on Lin Xiang's observations during this period.

Tang Yi had no corresponding creative experience in the past, and he did not show any interest in this area.

Looking forward, it seems that there is no possibility of creating miracles again.

A flash in the pan.

This is a fact that she and Jun Ge did not say, but they tacitly accepted in their hearts.

It is also the general opinion of many people who saw this hot search content today.

Even Yang Ming and the senior executives of Penguin Music behind him never expected that there would be a day when they would have intersections with Tang Yi again.

The domestic music scene has never lacked singers with amazing singing skills, but what is lacking is talented creators.

This has also led to the fact that from the past to the present, so many so-called classic songs, most of which are covers of popular songs from other countries.

"What are you talking about? You made Lin Xiang unhappy."

"Yeah, the dish isn't even on the table yet, and I'm already so pissed off just watching you guys fighting like cocks, hahahaha"

"Look, the food is being served, Lin Xiang. We'll have to toast you and congratulate you on finding your dream job.��

Seeing the waiter start serving the dishes, Lin Xiang's roommates took the opportunity to pull her back to her seat.

If there was any more unpleasantness at the farewell dinner, the scene would be really ugly. As soon as she sat down, she could see Tang Yi and the other person not far away.

Staring at Tang Yi's back, Lin Xiang had an inexplicable thought in her mind.

"Could it be that he is really a hidden talent, a rare genius?"...

"After this departure, I don't know when we will meet again."

After drinking a glass of wine, Jun Ge sighed softly.

"This guitar is for you. It has been with me for many years. I will leave it to you as a keepsake."

"When you really miss me, you can take it out and play it. Seeing it reminds you of me, hahaha."

Although the words were not serious, the affection was very strong.

Tang Yi took the guitar solemnly, then subconsciously held it in his arms and played a few chords softly.

He knew nothing about musical instruments before, but he learned a little bit from it through learning from Jun Ge during this period of time, and with Jun Ge's hand-in-hand teaching in his spare time.

As a result, he really has some talent in playing the guitar.

Perhaps because he can't see, he is less affected by the outside world and it is easier to focus on one thing.

It didn't take long for him to be able to play it well, which amazed Jun Ge, and then he thought of giving his beloved guitar to him.

"Brother, expressing your feelings through musical instruments is a good way to relieve loneliness and depression."

"It has been with me all these years. Treat it well."

"And don't forget me......"

It was already evening, and the meal was coming to an end.

The sun was setting, and a ray of setting sun was hanging on the distant hills.

The faint glow of the sunset provided the only remaining light, and for a moment, it seemed as if the whole world had quieted down.

"The sunset is drunk, the sunset is drunk, no one can hide it, because my heart, because my heart has long been drunk......"

Jun's face was slightly flushed, I don't know if it was because of the sunset or because of the tipsy feeling caused by the alcohol.

I saw him tapping the edge of the table with his fingers, humming a song that was as beautiful as the sky.

The box that was unusually noisy and full of people just now fell into silence.

Listening to the slightly drunken and sad singing coming from outside the box, and looking at the increasingly dark sky, the people at the dinner table suddenly lost interest in talking. The night finally came.

After tonight, they will go their separate ways, heading for the vague future.

From now on, they will no longer have the chance to live a free and carefree life.

Poetry and distant places are only in dreams, and the current compromise is the eternal theme.

Now, they have to say goodbye not only to the classmates who used to be together day and night, cried and laughed together, but also to the passionate years of youth that will never come back.

At this moment, they tasted the cruel taste of parting for the first time.

The taste is so bitter......

"I'll go to the bathroom first."

Lin Xiang stood up and spoke to break the bitter atmosphere that seemed to be frozen.

Then, the students stood up in groups of three or two.

Several girls cried in a corner where no one noticed.

The boys came to the door in groups of three or two and lit cigarettes. In the smoke, they didn't say a word but seemed to have thousands of words to say.

"Remember to contact us more often in the future"

"No matter how well or badly you do in the future, never forget your brothers!"

""Come on! Come on! Come on!"

After finishing a cigarette, several boys gathered in a circle, just like they usually do when playing basketball in a team, and shouted to cheer themselves up.

This time, their voices were particularly loud and heard from far away, attracting diners who were dining in the restaurant to turn their heads and look.

When seeing this scene, many people couldn't help but smile, and then fell into memories, which were meaningful.

"Brother Jun, take care of yourself in the future!"

After coming out of the bathroom, Lin Xiang went straight to the table where Tang Yi and the others were sitting.

Then he raised a glass of wine to toast Brother Jun.

Having just said goodbye to his classmates and then seeing off his new friend, Lin Xiang felt a little heavy.

"Lin Xiang, you will have to take care of this kid after I leave."

Jun Ge thought this city was just an ordinary stop on the way, but he didn't expect that Tang Yi's appearance would make him feel worried.

This concern was precious, and it made Tang Yi's reluctance even stronger.

Looking through the glass window, he looked at the group of graduates who met outside, crying and laughing.

Many childhood scenes suddenly emerged in his mind.

He also went to school and had like-minded classmates and friends.

Now they have all become vague memories.

If life is a journey, then his past���A sudden departure without saying goodbye.

At this moment, facing the friend who is about to leave, in this season of parting, he can't help but feel sad.

The lingering sadness in his heart made his hands play a beautiful and sad melody.

Looking at the sunset outside the window, bathing in the afterglow of the setting sun, with tears in his eyes, he was reluctant to part with his students.

In this situation, he seemed to have thousands of words in his heart, but he didn't know where to start. After many twists and turns, it finally condensed into a moving ballad.

"Outside the long pavilion, beside the ancient road, the grass is green and endless"

"The evening wind blows the willows, the sound of the flute fades, the setting sun shines beyond the mountains"

"At the end of the sky, at the corner of the earth, half of my friends have left"

"A pot of muddy wine to end the remaining joy, don't dream of the cold tonight"......


Lin Xiang and the other person had already raised their glasses to their lips, ready to drink them all.

But when the song started, they froze, and then cast their eyes on Tang Yi's face in disbelief. A flash in the pan?


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