Different from the passionate and heartfelt"You Are My Eyes".

This song about farewell has a beautiful and moving melody and sincere feelings. It is sad but not sad, elegant and refined.

Compared with the melody, what really touches people's hearts and resonates with them is the timeless lyrics with a deep classical literary temperament and poetic style.

Staring at the beautiful scenery of the setting sun and the afterglow outside the window, the two people's minds are the pictures constructed by the first two lines of lyrics.

The long pavilion, the ancient road, the fragrant grass, the evening breeze and willows, the sound of the flute, the sunset, and the distant mountains.

The eight images are perfectly integrated into a picture, making it difficult for people to distinguish between reality and fantasy for a while.

Like falling into a dream.

Only the sadness of parting lingers in my heart and cannot be removed.

In this season of parting, at the moment of separation.

This song was born in response to the scene, taking the lead and hitting people's hearts!

Not only Lin Xiang and the two were moved, but also the diners who were dining in the hotel lobby, and the graduates who were immersed in the sadness of parting in the box next to them.


The first person who could not help but cheer was a white-haired old man.

An old man with reading glasses and a head full of white hair but full of energy pushed open the door, walked out of a private room, and excitedly came to the table where Tang Yi and the others were.

He looked at Tang Yi with such a fiery gaze, as if he saw the most precious treasure in the world.

Following closely behind him was a group of young students with different expressions.

"Professor Xiao!"

"You, you guys......"

Lin Xiang recognized the identity of the old man in front of him at a glance. He was the famous and highly respected Professor Xiao Ming in the Chinese Department of their school.

Normally, they were not in the same major and had no intersection, so Lin Xiang should not know him.

But this old professor is not just an ordinary teacher, but also a poet and writer who has won many heavyweight awards and is well-known.

I didn't expect that the students of the Chinese Department graduating class today could invite him.

He is a real god!...

"This is not just a song!"

"This is also a farewell poem with profound artistic conception and high literary value......."

Professor Xiao spoke softly to himself, his words could not hide his love and admiration for

"Hey, I'm so sorry to interrupt your singing."

"Excuse me, what is the name of your song?"

When he came to his senses, the old man apologized first, and then eagerly asked about this ballad he had never heard before.

Tang Yi immediately stood up and answered softly:

"This song was written by the boy on a whim when he was bidding farewell to his friend."

"Let's call the song"Farewell"."

Tang Yi said casually.

But as soon as he said it, everyone in the room was shocked!

If he could see at this moment, he would find that everyone in the hotel lobby opened their mouths wide and looked at him in disbelief.

"Is this really the song you just composed on impulse, inspired by your feelings?"

One of the Chinese students following Professor Xiao couldn't help but questioned. Everyone has their own expertise, and their appreciation of literary poetry is much higher than that of ordinary people.

They are the top students of the Chinese department of a prestigious university, and the talented people in the eyes of ordinary people. But now they have become the stars that are surrounded by stars, dim and dull, and they can't help feeling sad.

All of this is because the lyrics of this song are so amazing.

To say that it is just the lyrics of a song is an insult to it.

Didn't you see the surprise and amazement in Professor Xiao's eyes that couldn't be hidden at this time?

This is something they have never seen before.

Seeing that the other party's words were a bit aggressive, the hot-tempered Jun Ge couldn't sit still anymore. He stood up and pointed at Tang Yi in front of him, and said arrogantly

"Look carefully, he is the composer of the song"You Are My Eyes"!"

"My brother has no other skills, he can compose a poem in seven steps, and he can sing whenever he wants."

"People are just so awesome, born that way, don't accept it? Hold it in!"

Brother Jun will not indulge these petty people, his voice made people blush, unable to spit out a breath, and he held it in his chest, causing pain.

However, his words pushed the atmosphere at the scene to another climax.

"Wearing sunglasses, he, he is really the one who went viral a few days ago......"

As soon as Tang Yi's identity was revealed, the doubts just now disappeared immediately.

Then, people looked at him with even more astonishment.

Thinking back to that time, he just improvised and"occupied the magpie's nest" and sang the song that moved countless people live in Jun Ge's live broadcast room.

With this previous experience and the amazing performance just now, who dares to say that he was a flash in the pan and had bad luck?!

"It’s really him, it’s definitely him!"

"There was a hot search about him this morning, saying that the song he had previously shared was bought by Penguin for a whopping 5 million yuan. I wonder how many people are jealous and envious."

"If you are not envied, you are a mediocre person. If a tree stands out in the forest, the wind will destroy it. Talent and innateness are not something you can envy."

"Yes, I saw the comments below, many people were questioning whether he was just lucky and destined to be a flash in the pan, but they were immediately proven wrong."

"It turns out that the legend of composing a poem in seven steps is true! In ancient times, there was Cao Zijian, and now there is Tang Yi!"......



The diners who were watching were talking about it, which was particularly harsh to some people.

Shame and embarrassment.

The same emotions filled the hearts of the Chinese major student who had just questioned and the boys who had previously believed that Tang Yi was lucky.

Under the watchful eyes of the public, I felt like the king in"The Emperor's New Clothes". I was a villain and felt ashamed.

"Oh? Since this is a masterpiece that was inspired by my heart and created by my hands, I wonder if there will be any follow-up?"

Unlike the students who were amazed or ashamed, Professor Xiao felt extremely regretful at this moment.

He was afraid that his involuntary exclamation might interrupt the completion of a classic work.

He knew that even for a talented genius, inspiration and literary ideas are not easy to come by.

Especially in this noisy environment under the watchful eyes of the public, it is like an antelope hanging on a horn, which is fleeting.

Fortunately, the lyrics of this song are not complicated, born out of emotion, and Tang Yi has already made up his mind.

"No, I have already thought about the rest."

"Oh? That's great!"

"Come on, boy, sit down quickly"

"I am all ears!"

After learning that Tang Yi was the blind man in the rumors, Professor Xiao looked at him with a look of admiration and pity. He did not care about the difference between the old and the young, and went straight forward to help Tang Yi sit down again.

Tang Yi was not pretentious, and after sitting down, he plucked the strings again, and under the attention of everyone, he continued the second half of the song.

"A thousand strands of love, a glass of wine, the sound of the flute urging us to leave"

"When will you return? Don't hesitate when you come back."

"At the end of the sky, at the corner of the earth, half of my friends have left"

"Reunion is rare in life, but separation is common"......

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