The mutual smile turned into a knife piercing the chest.

In the unknown year of the empire, the territory is famous for its indestructible courage and bravery against all odds.

A pair of twins were born to a big family.

Their father, the patriarch of the family, a well-known general in the mainland, was very fond of him.

His two daughters had high hopes and named them Shenglun and Rasambo respectively.

Shenglun is the name of the family's ancestor, and Ratsambo is the place directly under the family's jurisdiction.

name, it can be seen that this general had great expectations for his daughter.

And his two daughters did live up to his expectations. At such a young age, they were ranked among their peers.

There are no rivals among them, and their reputation for their extraordinary talents has spread throughout the empire and even the entire continent.

They are called the twins of destiny of the empire. One of them has superior force, and the cooperation of two people

Integration can double the combat effectiveness, and together they can even defeat the empire's first...


"Sister, sister, sister Shenglun!" The blond girl sitting under the tree enjoying the cool and meditating heard this in front of her ears.

The familiar and childish voice sounded, and there was a hint of vagueness in the corner of the serious mouth.

"What's wrong?" Sheng Lun - opened his eyes, he was so naughty, he seemed to have endless activities all day long.

Li's sister was jumping back and forth around him like a golden elf.

"Sister Shenglun, I got a lot of apples. Come on, give me one~~" Rasambo said with a smile.

He picked out a big apple from his arms, rubbed it against his clothes and smiled like a baby.

"This apple is quite big. Where did it come from?"

"Of course I got it from home."

"Really?" Sheng Lun tilted his head and looked at himself with an expressionless face as he turned his head away due to a guilty conscience.

Go sister.

"If I remember correctly, this variety of apples is only cultivated at Uncle Sam's house, right?

"Sing me, I bought it from him!"

"Uncle Sam treasures his apples. Even if they are rotten, he will not take them out.


"Ugh" Mian pointed out the lie to his sister, and Rasambo lowered his head like a little girl who had done something wrong and was waiting for punishment.

"Sister, you don't know how stingy that Uncle Sam is, even if the apple

Even if it's rotten, they won't take it out for me to taste. "

“No matter what, it’s wrong for Uncle Sam to take other people’s things without permission.

Every day, I will count the number of apples in my house. If I find that one has been stolen, I will definitely come to my door. Let’s go.

Let's give the apple back and apologize to Uncle Sam. "Said, Sheng Lun stood up and pulled up

My sister's hand.

"But, sister, Uncle Sam will definitely tell father about this. If

If my father knows that I stole someone else's apples, Rasambo won't be able to eat them and carry them around. "

"Why bother in the first place." Sheng Lun sighed and rubbed Lasambo's head. "rest assured,

There is a sister with you

The two went to Uncle Sam's manor, and after returning the apple to Sam, Sheng Lun bowed.

Apologize to Mr. Sam personally.

"Sorry, Uncle Sam, I stole the apple. I'm sorry to cause you trouble." Saint

Lun sincerely apologizes.

When he was sure that his apples were safe and sound and were brutally murdered by Ratsambo, Sam's

Most of his anger was gone. He looked at Sheng Lun who bowed his head and apologized, then looked at the side and dared not speak.

Rasambo, how could he not see who stole the apple?

Sheng Lun is a good child with excellent moral character. Even the stingy Sam cannot bear to blame her.

So the two sisters escaped.

"Thank you sister, I know you are the best to me, sister!" Pulled Sambora on the way back


"Don't do this kind of thing in the future. If you want to eat apples, you can tell me and I will buy them for you." Sheng Lun

He patted his sister's furry head.

"Actually, I don't really want to eat apples." Lasambo poked his finger.

Although the two are twin sisters, Ratsambo is one head shorter than Shenglun, so

Very easy to distinguish.

"Then why did you steal Uncle Sam's apples?" Sheng Lun was puzzled.

"Actually, I just want to give my sister a surprise, so that she can also enjoy some of the rassam.

Blessing or something, who knows, messed up

"There's no need to do this." Sheng Lun pinched Lasambo's cheeks, which had a hint of baby fat. "

I am already very content to have such a lovely sister. "


Perhaps because of the relationship between twins, the two have a close connection and are inseparable sisters.

It's as good as a person, and all the daily necessities for food and clothing are of the same style.

The two have completely different personalities, but they complement each other unexpectedly.

Sheng Lunyi, who is of high moral character and excellent, has a strict attitude, and it is inevitable that he does not know how to be flexible when dealing with certain things.

, and often suffer as a result.

Ratsambo is different. This naughty child is full of evil and evil.

He is weird and often uses pranks to trick people into turning around. Even those who are highly skilled in deception are

Liars are all fallen for her.

Take a lesson.

Sheng Lun, who is upright but doesn't know much about the world, was supposed to be the target of many playboys.

After all, there is nothing easier to deceive than an innocent girl like this. In addition, Sheng Lun’s

Her beauty attracted a lot of dandies.

However, these sanctimonious young people did not even have time to launch an offensive against Sheng Lun's evil deeds.

Being hit by Rasambo's ruthless serial schemes, almost all of them were killed before they had time to implement their plans.

Injured and hospitalized, unable to recover.

This is a protective measure taken by Ratsambo to protect his sister. It is not convenient for her to do it, or she cannot do it.

Let her do the rest.

The relationship between the two sisters is so good that no one can interfere, so that it makes people

I have to wonder, the relationship between the two is really good, could there be any taboos in private?

development of.

Sheng Lun doesn't pay much attention to these rumors that arise out of nowhere. In her opinion, rumors only stop with wise people.

, the ridiculous rumors will always dissipate one day, and she can't just go away one by one.

Explain it.

As for Ratsambo, she used to resort to violent means to deal with rumors that were unfavorable to her sister.

After getting rid of the source, this time unexpectedly I didn’t take action. Instead, I felt a little satisfied -

The annual holiday celebration is also the coming-of-age ceremony for the two of them.

Sheng Lun has grown into a tall and graceful noble lady.

The dazzling blond hair is draped down the shoulders, so beautiful that it covers the sunny face, and the eyes are full of

She is indifferent, with a convex figure and a curved back. Her every frown and smile are filled with the ultimate beauty of women. The sense of distance brought by her frosty temperament makes people want to stop.

However, Ratsambo has not grown much in height over the years and is still a cute little blond boy.

Luo, of course, in front of her sister.

According to etiquette and custom, sisters or brothers need to exchange gifts and wishes with each other.

During the celebration, the two exchanged their coming-of-age rituals and wishes.

"Sister, sister, I have an idea~" Ratsambo, wearing a small dress, looked like a high-ranking official today.

An expensive yet adorable little princess.

"Let's not say our wishes first, write them on paper, wrap them in tin foil and give them to the other party.

How about it?~"

"Okay." Sheng Lun, who doted on his younger sister, naturally agreed.

Holding the tinfoil of his sister's wish, Sheng Lun put it away properly.

When they reached adulthood, it was also when they officially took up official positions in the empire, but they still did not separate.

Shenglun went to the army and became the captain, and Ratsambo tried his best to become the deputy captain. Shenglun

After becoming the leader of the promoted knights, Rasambo became the deputy leader, even after his military career.

, the lives of the two are still close, just like usual.

The two of them had made great contributions to the empire in less than three years. They were on the safe side -

Sumima's country now dominates the mainland, and all this is indispensable without the assistance of the two sisters.

Until one day.

Their father informed them in a letter at home that something had happened at home and asked them to go home quickly.

The two had to abandon their duty to guard the border, hand it over to their trusted subordinates, and then return.

at home.

The situation was worse than they imagined.

Seeing my father who looked heavy with pain and intolerance, and my mother who was sad and crying,

Ratsambo had expectations.

"Your Majesty, she wants to see you two." The father sighed, but only said this.

Then I don’t dare to see my two daughters.

Sheng Lun didn't know what was waiting for them, but Lasambo's eyes gradually darkened.

Come down.

Wait until the two of them arrive at the palace.

His Majesty the Emperor, who was sitting in the highest position of power, first expressed his high appreciation for the two of them for their achievements in fighting in all directions. Then, His Majesty the Emperor personally gave them an order.

"My brave and fearless knight, can you help me share my worries?" The emperor seemed very troubled.


"Your Majesty, please tell me. It is the duty of the subjects to share your Majesty's worries." Sheng Lun was obliged to do so.

"Well, they are indeed the twin flowers of my empire. That's it. A few days ago, my wizard night


After talking about a bunch of ridiculous inferences, the emperor got to the point. He proposed that in order to let

The empire is stable and peaceful, and two healthy twin women are to be sent into an unknown realm.

within the gate, otherwise the gods will punish his world and people.

And the meaning of saying this kind of thing in front of the two of them is self-evident.

There is undoubtedly only one choice before the two of them.

"I will do anything for Your Majesty." Sheng Lun lowered his head and replied.

"Okay! You are worthy of being my most valiant knight. Bring me some wine and serve these two women without mercy."

The knights march!"

What kind of bullshit is it that women don’t respect men? ?

Rasambo stared at the emperor on the throne with hatred. He was so angry that he wanted to get off the throne.

Pull the face down.

This is obviously because the emperor is worried that his great achievements will shock his master. Now in the army, the two sisters

The reputation is very

As far as overshadowing the royal family, this kind of thing is never allowed by the emperor, so even if it is used

They both must be eliminated even if they make such ridiculous claims.

It’s just that the reason must be legitimate and justifiable. The emperor’s open mouth and silence are the differences between the people and the emperor.

China has stood on the moral high ground from the beginning.

In addition, their father is a die-hard loyal to the empire, so the emperor can be so successful.

Get the two of them back to the palace

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