Blood Princess and the Knight

Memories~Bai Ji after her first embrace 34

Day after day passed, as Bai Ji imprinted the life of the vampire clan on her soul.

, the entire Scarlet Blood Territory gradually accepted this princess from a foreign country.

The defenses of the blood royal city are so impregnable that not even the divine vein-level magic spells can crack the cracked city.

The wall blocked all the girl's delusions.

She may never get out of this cage for the rest of her life. The girl lying on the big bed is like this

Thinking of it, I stared at the ornately decorated ceiling with an expressionless expression, like a puddle of burning embers.

But why did she feel like "this is good" in her heart? - It must be

Staying here for too long makes me feel weird.

Forget it, go to sleep.

His consciousness gradually couldn't support the weight of his eyelids, and they drooped.

The dream is still messy, with exhausted shouts and a burning village in the desolate wind.

The smell of blood penetrates into the air, the color of the soil is dyed dark red, and the countryside is littered with corpses

Rivers of blood flowed, and the monsters returning from hell became mankind's indelible nightmare.

How could I forget this feeling, this feeling of despair and helplessness?


Looking back to this day, I succumbed to the Vampire Queen, and even my body and mind were almost assimilated by her, enjoying it

In the comfortable current situation, what on earth is she doing, having forgotten her hatred and selflessness? ?

Walking out of the dilapidated village, countless innocent souls dissipated. Bai Ji saw clearly the

The culprit who led the army to massacre villages.

"That's a vampire girl, no, that's me? ?"

Bai Ji's eyes widened. At this moment, she felt a sense of enlightenment in her mind.

It was like these chaotic days, she finally found herself.

Vampire, how could she really think of herself as a vampire when she sucks blood? ?

It's time for me to wake up.


"Who? Who's there?" Bai Ji's eyes tightened and she looked around nervously.

"Mr. Knight, don't be nervous, I'm here to guide you." In the defeated village, a man

A woman in black robe came over.

"Who are you? Don't come closer." The moment the voice came out, it felt familiar after a long absence.

Looking at himself covered with calluses, Ji Bai was surprised to find that he had changed back to his original form without knowing when.

body of.

"Don't be afraid, Lord Knight. Let's be blunt. I can come in and out freely and even change your dreams."

In this situation, wanting to harm you is just an idea. "The woman in black robe spread her hands. "So

You don't need to be wary of me at all. "

"what are you up to."

"I'm not doing anything. I'm just going to do you a favor and give you a hand." The woman in black robe said

The sound is frivolous. "Well, no, if I hadn't helped you find yourself, you might have really had to become a

The vampire princess you hate the most, the vampire you hate the most

What do you want from me? Let’s talk first. I’m extremely poor and don’t have much left.

His family property was probably confiscated by the temple.

"Puff, you are as cute as ever.


As usual?"

"Do you think what I want is something as mundane as money?"

"Then what do you want?"

"Hee." The woman in black robe walked over with her hands behind her back, turned around Ji Bai naughtily, and replied

He reached the spot and poked Ji Bai's chest. "I want your person, is it okay~?".

Don't make such a joke. "

"Do you think I'm joking? .Okay, I won't tease you anymore."

"Do you want to get out of this iron prison?" The woman in black robe stopped smiling.

"Do you have any idea?"

"Piazza." The woman in black robe snapped her fingers. "Of course, if you, Mr. Knight, are used to

I'm used to my current status. If I don't want to leave, it's another matter. If I disturb your enjoyment, I'll leave now. "

"How to leave?" Ji Bai didn't have time to talk to the suspicious black-robed woman in front of him.

Of course I was eager to leave this gorgeous gold birdcage.

"Simple~simple~" the woman in black robe said with a smile on her face. "After you wake up, walk out of the palace door.

The road goes south. "

"You want me to die?" Ji Bai said solemnly.

"You are right what I said. Don't worry, there are only a few soldiers and generals of the Vampire Tribe there. You

If it degrades to the point where you can't even deal with it, then pretend I didn't say anything. "

Then what. "

"Then naturally we left the royal city smoothly and walked all the way to the woods outside the royal city.

, I have prepared a space tunnel there, and I can transport you directly to Scarlet in a blink of an eye.

The border of the blood realm. "

"Space curse?" Ji Bai was startled. "Are you an elf? ?"

"Who stipulates that only elves can learn space magic? And creatures like elves are now

The Sutra no longer exists in Baland, oh, of course, it just doesn't exist on the surface."

Ji Bai remained silent. He couldn't see through the identity and purpose of the person in front of him, and how he could relate to such profound

There are unpredictable and unclear existences. The risks involved in cooperation must be greater than the gains.


But now, he has no choice.

"Tell me, what do you want from me, my soul or my body?

Let me tell you first, I can’t give you my body.” When Ji Bai was a knight, he had heard of many

An example of a case where a robot cultist tried to communicate with the demons outside Barand and ended up having his body taken over.

Obviously, she has classified this woman as a "Barand extraterrestrial creature".

"You really want to know the price? ?" the woman in black robe said funny. "This kind of thing

It's fine no matter what the situation is, but I have to remind you that if you continue to delay like this, maybe time will

It will be too late. This opportunity will be lost by then, and there is nothing I can do about it. "


What should I do to protect against Lilias and the Praetorian Guards patrolling the city?"

To be honest, with Bai Ji's strength, he can only deal with three Royal City Imperial Guards by himself. This is already

It's already the limit.

This shows how big the gap between the combat power levels of humans and vampires is. As the King of Knights, he

Dealing with three forbidden troops is already the limit.

"I told you to rest assured that you won't meet any of the Imperial Guards. In addition, Lilias, you will

I will never run into her, that's my guarantee. "

"Any more questions?".

there is none left. "

"Then, I wish you good luck, Mr. Knight." The woman in black robe waved her finger, casting a spell on her

condensed on the fingertips, everything in front of you becomes illusory and blurry

When he woke up, Ji Bai found that he was lying on the bed with his body next to him.

Sword, [Saint].

At the brightly lit city wall, the vampire soldiers standing guard suddenly saw a figure slowly walking out of the shadows.

The sound of the armor's armor clanking against each other was particularly harsh in the stillness of the night.

The metal helmet skin reflected silver light from the firelight, and the silent posture was shrouded in the dark night.

It's extremely frustrating.

"Sir, please show your pass and identify yourself. Otherwise, we can only do a routine

You are detained on official business. "The vampire soldiers became vigilant and issued an ultimatum to the armored man.

The people who came out of the royal city should have great status, but the soldiers didn't care about this at all.

Just because he felt the oppression and coldness from the armor.

"Don't come any closer, otherwise we will use force to suppress it!" The guards put their hands on their respective

on the weapon.

The armored knight said nothing, holding the sword like a cold puppet, taking heavy steps.

He stepped on the ground and walked towards the nervous Vampire soldiers.

"Suppression by force."


After repeated warnings to no avail, the soldiers had no choice but to take measures to suppress and then clarify the situation.

The swords were drawn and the spears were pushed forward, sparking fierce sparks on the pure silver armor.

The armored man was belatedly aware of this, as if he only reacted at the moment of the collision -

The sword cut off all the spears, making them as fragile as toothpicks.

As the black-robed woman said, these guards are only as good as ordinary vampire soldiers.

, not even at the ordinary level, more like a miscellaneous soldier like a militia.

This kind of soldier doesn't even know how to perform sword moves, let alone how to release magic spells.

The speed of the shrimp soldiers and crabs will not be Ji Bai's opponent, and the striker will be eliminated in three strikes, five divisions and two.

The regeneration ability of lower vampires is very weak, only a few lines better than that of humans.

It only takes causing them to bleed profusely to render them incapacitated.

The long sword shimmering with silver light was like flying wings in the crowd. Under the sharp edge, blood flowed.

The tribal soldiers were as fragile as tofu, their limbs were cut off easily, and they died soon after.

Lying on the ground moaning.

"Quick, sound the alarm!" The captain lying on the ground just wanted to call the guards below to sound the magic spell.

clock, but it was already too late.

Bai Ji had cleared away the soldiers next to Zhong before he gave the order.

"Huh?" The principal opened his eyes wide and looked at the man who opened the gate and left on his own.


"You, what are you..." His answer was destined to be a wordless wind.

I succeeded, right?

Ji Bai, who stepped outside the royal city, had an extremely unreal feeling in his heart.

It came so easily that he felt a little confused and doubted the authenticity of the things in front of him.

On this day, he finally succeeded in breaking free from the cage, right?

In the towering castle, a pair of eyes calmly watched everything happening at the gate of the royal city.

"Your Majesty, is this really okay?" Lusha still had a lot of thoughts about Lilias' actions.

Unreasonable place.

"Everything is under my control, there is no need to worry." Lilias closed her eyelids slightly. "let

Let her go. "

"You can't grow if you are locked in the royal city blindly. Let her go where she should go. Reunion

That day will come sooner or later, and by then, all the problems in the Scarlet Blood Territory will be solved with her return.

untie. "

Finally looking in the direction of the city gate, the curtains were drawn again.

These are just part of the plan

(What plot do you still want to see, Bai Ming or Lilina? A new book is indeed being prepared

, but this book will not be finished, there will always be extra chapters, and the new book can also be regarded as a new book to a certain extent.

The continuation of the vampire clan. )

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