Blood Princess and the Knight

Memories~Bai Ji after her first embrace 33

"Isn't this great?" The woman in black robe sitting casually on the silk sofa took a sip from her cup.

of red wine.

"There is no harm in learning more things for her. This knowledge will be used sooner or later. It is better than rushing into it."

He was stunned to death.

"Can you show up in my room silently next time?" Lilias raised her eyebrows.

, was slightly dissatisfied with this uninvited guest but did not act excessively, obviously two

People’s daily interactions don’t stop there.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were used to it." The voice of the woman in black robe was strange.

Very immature, she sounds like an underage little girl, but from her words she completely understands

I don't think I'm reflecting on it.

"What do you want from me this time?" Lilias knew the nature of this man in black robes and kept everything secret.

Sanbaodian is undoubtedly a troublesome guy, although the two of them are still in a cooperative relationship so far

"It's time to proceed to the next step." The woman in black robe said softly. "The time has come

It is much slower than I imagined. "

"Really, does Her Majesty the Queen really think so?" The woman in black robe looked at Lily in a funny way.

Yas. "How could I catch a trace of unintentional reluctance in Her Majesty's words?"

"Yes." Lilias disagreed.

"Ah? Don't you even realize it? I've been watching you smile these days.

Chang Kai, if you take care of this daughter, I’m afraid she’ll develop feelings for her, right?”

"Your Excellency has talked too much nonsense. When will the next step be carried out?" Lilias glanced coldly.

The woman in black robe glanced.

"As soon as possible. After all, it has been delayed for a long time. To be honest, seeing such warmth and warmth

I can't bear to continue the humorous mother-daughter interaction. "The goddess in black robe looked at Li ambiguously.


"Otherwise, let's delay it for a while. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry."

"It's okay not to say anything useless."

"Oh? Since Her Majesty the Queen said so, I will continue. Oh, by the way, after a while

For a while, we may have to part ways temporarily. "

"What's the meaning?"

"You know, in order to preserve my memory to avoid errors, I have to temporarily seal my memory.

Appeared as a new identity, my contact with you will be disconnected during this period, so

If you have any questions, it's best to ask them now, because you won't have the chance later. "

Can it really be what it says on the parchment? "

"Of course, as long as you follow my instructions carefully, your bloodline will be purified, you will dominate the world, and you will finally become a god.

These steps are just a matter of course. "

What crazy words, but Lilias just believed it.

About ten years ago, this woman in black robe came to him, seeking a relationship with him


Today, when the predictions of this black-robed woman have come true many times, Lilias has completely

I believe that this woman in black robe does have the ability to [predict the future].

It is precisely because of his ability to predict the future that he has provided Lilias with great help on several occasions.

He even helped her out of danger several times. It can be said that Lilias is indispensable for achieving the position of queen.

The help of the woman in black robe in front of me.

But she still has doubts.

"Why do you serve me so wholeheartedly?" Lilias is completely incompetent for a person with such abilities.

I doubt that she has the ability to challenge the true god. In the eyes of such a being, not to mention her, even the entire blood

The clan may be small, so why should she help him repeatedly?

"Is this the only thing you want to ask? But I remember that more than ten years ago, one of the things we agreed on was

There are mentions of 'Do not ask about my identity', 'Do not ask about my purpose', 'Do not question my actions'

These three, right?" The woman in black robe raised her eyebrows.

If you don't want to answer, forget it. "Lilias shook her head.

"Ah, it's not that I can't answer, it's just that the answer is too simple. I'm afraid even if I say it,

You don’t believe it either. "The woman in black robe said with a smile.

Lilias frowned slightly. This was why she was a little disgusted with this woman in black robe. She

Can't see through her.

As a demon who plays with people's hearts, the thing Lilias hates is undoubtedly that she can't see it.

Things that are transparent, like the woman in front of me, even though she spent more than ten years of effort, she didn't get involved

Reveal the other party's intentions and what exactly she wants from her.

Yes, Lilias couldn't sleep or eat well if she didn't figure this out.

Having been king for many years, she knows very well that there is no free lunch in this world, and everything will fall from the sky.

The principle of weighing weights.

How much benefit you take away will cost you. Sometimes the cost of giving it back is even

Take away the benefits several times and know dozens of times.

Therefore, Lilias never dared to feel too comfortable without knowing the other party's intentions.

Over the years, I have been prepared for danger in times of peace.

"Originally I didn't want to say much, but it seems that if I don't say it, Her Majesty the Queen will be suspected.

The torture was very painful. "black

The woman in robe smiled.

"Save people.


"My purpose, don't you want to know? I'll tell you." The woman in black robe blinked.


Save people?

Lilias narrowed her eyes. The black-robed woman's half-smiling expression made her wonder what the other party was talking about.

Whether the statement is true.

Whether it is true or not, what is the reason for saving people, and who connects her

Is it difficult to save this kind of existence?

Lilias couldn't figure it out. She knew that even if she had doubts, the other party would not continue to follow her.

She had solved her doubts, and she had no interest in asking for trouble.

It doesn't matter if it's the truth or a lie, she just needs to know that the other party has a clear purpose.

And this purpose does not conflict with oneself. The more you know, the worse it is.

Lilias, who has been working with us for a long time, has always adhered to this principle and has been grasping it for so many years.

My own curiosity, perhaps this is one of the reasons why the cooperation between the two of them can continue to this day.

"Your Majesty the Queen, it's getting late and it's time for me to leave."

"Oh, please."

"It's so heartless." The woman in black robe shook the red wine in her glass with a hint of teasing at the corner of her mouth.

think. "My old friend is leaving. I don't know how long it will be before we see each other again. I don't plan to say anything more."


"Other than wishing you good luck, I really have nothing else to do." Lilias closed her eyes slightly.

Upper eyes.

"Yes." The woman in black robe stood up, put her hands behind her back, bowed slightly, and put her head in front of Lilias

"For example, an encouragement, a hug~~"


Do you need those?" Lilias rolled her eyes. "Besides, we just each

Just take what you need. "

"It's so sad. Everyone gets what he needs. Is this what you always thought? It's been more than ten years.

Although more than ten years is not a long time for a vampire, the two of us still have no tacit understanding at all after all this time.

Have you cultivated it? "

"Stop doing this, leave as soon as you want, hurry up." Lilias frowned slightly, after being together for so long

, she still doesn’t know that what this woman likes and is best at is teasing other people’s feelings by acting coquettishly.


"Tsk, this reaction is really boring. It's far less cute than last time."

"Are you leaving or not?"

"Okay, okay, I'm leaving, I'm leaving. It's true. If you are in a hurry to drive people away now, you won't be able to do it by then."

Don't miss me. "The words of the woman in black robe were filled with anger.

"No one will miss you."

"Are you going so far? Then it's agreed, don't miss me."

The woman in black robe pretending to be angry opened the balcony door and turned around to look at Lily in the room.

Yasi couldn't help but sigh.

He is really a guy who is afraid of being alone but loves to show off his strength.

Along with a spell, there was no one outside the balcony, and the deserted room was like

The once deserted palace.

So what about the royal city, so what about the symbol of the highest power of the blood clan, it’s just a pile of rubble.

It’s just a dead thing.

Lilias is not a person who covets these things. If it were not for the scepter, no one would inherit it. Now she is sitting

It should be her sister on the throne instead

Power, wealth, status, to be honest she doesn't like these cold things, if she can

If so, she just wants to be the little sister who makes jokes in the big family. After watching her mother abdicate,

The emperor's sister ascended the throne and supported the emperor's administration. She had time to do something of her own every day.

Now, she no longer has this margin.

She is the only one who can inherit such a large royal family. The accident that happened many years ago took away her

The lives of her parents caused her sister to be expelled from the royal family and move away from home.

"How long has it been? I can't remember clearly." In the empty room, Lilias

Whispering to himself. "How are you doing, Sister Liliko?"

When I came to the window sill alone, the cold wind came to my face.

Soon, this palace will become more boring than before. It's really boring.

It’s all over!

Bai Ji, who woke up from her sluggish state, naturally saw this familiar figure as before.


Not to mention the huge embarrassment, she didn't think about how Lilias would torture her this time.


It’s over, it must be over! The devil Lilias must be more than that, knowing that she

If he wanted her to cause such a huge embarrassment in public, she would definitely not let him go easily.

What will it be this time? Butter bucket or cake rain??

Is it still too late to pretend to be dead at this time?

"Her Royal Highness, Her Majesty the Queen is here to see you."

I'm coming!

Bai Ji rolled her eyes and immediately wrapped her head in the quilt and pretended to be asleep.

Accompanied by Lusa, Lilias came to the edge of the bed.

"Is the child awake yet?" Li Liasi asked Bai Ji's personal maid next to her in a low voice.

".Uh huh."

The personal maid is still somewhat partial to her master, even if she knows

Bai Ji was actually pretending to sleep, but nodded.

Lilias said that she knew, covered Bai Ji with a quilt, and covered the leaked toes

After getting better, he took Lusha and left.

It wasn't until Lilias walked away that Bai Ji poked his head out of the quilt and asked for the purpose.

The light shines on his personal maid.

"Queen, she has left.

Leaving now?

Bai Ji sat up straight and tilted her head. She always felt that Lilias was a little abnormal today.

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