Blood Princess and the Knight

Memories~Bai Ji after her first embrace 32

The court meeting began, and the vassals headed by the five great dukes filed in. The spacious gray and dark hall

The hall was full of people.

The official uniforms of the Vampire Clan are mainly dark and solemn in color, paired with the generally white skin of the Vampire Clan.

The skin has extremely contrasting colors, and each of them looks like Yama coming out of hell, all of them are evil people.

This is not the first time she has gone to court with Lilias. Bai Ji is almost used to being in the spotlight.

I feel the purpose, just this time.

"Hurry up, little Bai Ji, the court meeting has begun. All the ministers are here. We can't be too late."

How long.

"We, we understand." Bai Ji appeared submissive on the surface, but in her heart, she had already forgotten Lilia.

All eighteen generations of Si's ancestors have scolded him.

Miscalculation, miscalculation! This wave not only failed to trick Lilias, but Lilias was also

Killed back!

"What's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable walking so slowly?" Bai Ji clamped her legs and walked slowly.

Lilias walked slowly, looking very concerned, as if that was really happening.


You ask knowingly! How are we doing? Do you really not have a little bit of Hercules in your heart?

Bai Ji gritted her teeth and still had to force a smile on her face. "Well, um, there are indeed some

I feel uncomfortable. Maybe I ate breakfast too hastily, so I feel a little uncomfortable, like this

"Ah, it's really distressing. In this case, I will allow you to lie in my arms and go to court.

Bar. "Before Bai Ji could say her request, Lilias interrupted the conversation first.

"Hey, but that damn Lilias, actually, ugh!

Soon, Bai Ji even lost the time to complain secretly, and a soreness spread from the hillside.

She immediately tightened her legs as she felt the unbearable urge to ejaculate all the way down to her waist.

No, if it doesn’t work, I feel like my whole brain has gone blank and sublimated!

"It's not your first time to go to court. Are you still so shy? Come on, don't be afraid. No matter what happens,

No matter what happens, my mother is always by your side. "Lilias seemed completely unaware of Bai Ji's determination at this moment.

Endurance and pain, holding her hand, walked through the curtain.

The light from the lamp decorated with purple-blue crystals hit her body. Bai Ji's body froze. She knew that at this moment, she had been exposed to the eyes of the nobles of the entire vampire clan.

"Well, she whimpered softly, stood beside the throne, lowered her head and said nothing, her shoulders trembling


Fortunately, the attention of the ministers was not on her, and the princess accompanied the queen.

It’s not surprising to appear in front of the throne. In addition to Bai Ji’s recent achievements in opening up territories, Her Royal Highness Princess Bai Ji

Ji's reputation is not low in the Scarlet Blood Territory.

At the beginning of the court meeting, the Duke of Sethis, the girl named Mi Xiu came forward and talked with the royal family——

The array is tit for tat.

But even though it's a tit-for-tat confrontation, it's just testing the Queen's bottom line and tearing her face apart.

This kind of thing is not the time, and it is not necessary given the current situation.

Bai Ji's feeling about this is that she has no feelings at all.

The feeling of being ready to burst out, like an orgasm that couldn't come up and come down, made her want to

The immortal is about to die, and his will almost collapses.

My brain, my brain is going to break.

Bai Ji's eyes turned up, her cheeks turned reddish, and her body trembled as if she was pounding garlic.

The obvious reaction has attracted the attention of some vassals, but everyone is focused on Setis and

The queens were trying each other's words, even though they noticed it, they didn't think much about it.

"Your Majesty the Queen, I agree with Lady Thetis that for the safety of Her Majesty the Queen

Considering it, I hope Her Majesty the Queen will return the royal guards located in each subordinate vassal territory to the imperial city.

, This move can be said to kill two birds with one stone. It not only strengthens the defense of the imperial city, but also makes the queen more vulnerable to the imperial city.

Increased control."

Killing two birds with one stone? Lilias sneered in her heart, even a fool could tell that these vassals were

Want to weaken the royal family's jurisdiction and control over other areas, and then let the royal family cower in the royal city

, the control over the entire kingdom further shrunk.

If the royal guards located in various municipalities are taken back, those dukes will be able to do whatever they want.

In order to do so, you might even dare to lie about your taxes, or even refuse to pay them. Is this possible?

This time, Satis brought over two allies with related interests, and they openly agreed with each other at the court meeting.

She set a trap against her. This new Duke Sethis is indeed very capable.

"Why is this necessary?" Lilias smiled with ease. "The royal family dispatches personal guards

It is a rule set by the late king to go to various territories and municipalities for supervision, and I also think it is very desirable.

Why should we change it? Or for you, do the royal guards in your own territory hinder you from doing certain things? "

This "certain thing" bit her tongue emphatically, and Lilias directly changed the point of the conversation.

It moved to Mi Li and other Dukes.

"Of course not, it's just that the royal family interferes too much with the vassals below, which will inevitably cause some vassals to

I am dissatisfied with the so-called loyal advice and I hope that your Majesty can adopt your suggestions. I am here to express my gratitude to you.

The royal family is loyal. "

He is so loyal, and he has completely concealed his purpose.

But as Mi Li said, this is indeed a point of conflict between the vassals and the royal family.

Since ancient times, the conflict of interests between the royal family and the nobles has never stopped, and Lilias said

The era of office has ushered in another climax.

The royal power and the vassals below were once again in conflict, and disputes arose due to interests.

Of course Mi Li knew that it was impossible for the royal family to completely give up their rights, and he couldn't eat hot beans in a hurry.

Rotten, she chose to encroach step by step, first making an excessive request, then making a compromise

deal with.

This can greatly weaken the royal family's external control power and further control

Control the scarlet blood domain.

Naturally, the royal family refused to give in to this, and Lilias herself was very aware of Mi Li’s intentions.

Pei Xing knew what she was planning in her heart.

What you get after giving in once is not the stopping of the nobles, but more greedy demands, ordinary people.

Greed has no bottom line. After seeing the compromise and weakness of the royal family, they will become more like this.

Li fought endlessly.

And since Mi Li represents the interests of the nobles, once he succeeds, everyone will follow him.

As a result, most of the nobles almost overwhelmingly supported Mi Li, with only some loyalists supporting him.

They strongly opposed the expressions of the royal family, such as the Duke and Prime Minister.

"Loyal? Lord Sirtis, you have been thinking about doing something great for a few days since you took office.

Achieved?" The public minister frowned and said, in his opinion, Mi Li's request was already considered treason.

"I'm afraid that before the success is achieved, I will leave behind an infamy that will be forgotten through the ages." As a veteran of the three dynasties,

Duke Delan, he has seen too many young people like Mi Li, and their initial thoughts

They are all good, but in the end, they will be dominated by their own greed and desire, and if they are not careful,

He will fall into the abyss and be shattered to pieces.

Duke Teresa really wanted to advise the young princess to reflect on herself. After all, she

As a person who has been through the experience, he has seen many similar people, but he knows that this group of young people

Most people will not listen to the words of the old man. Just like when he was young, he was unruly and always thought that he was good.

You are the special one, you want to do something extraordinary, and you have to wait until you get older.

Realize the wisdom of the old man.

It is said that people are not frivolous and waste their youth. How can you listen to the words of the elderly when you are young?

"Thank you, Mr. Minister, for reminding me. Mi Li will keep it in mind." Mi Li smiled at the minister with a smile.


The look on her face clearly showed that the Duke and the Prime Minister wanted to stand together with the Queen, indicating that the will of the emperor was inevitable.

The expression of retribution.

Just when the scene was at a stalemate, the palace sounded so quietly that you could hear a pin drop.

- bursts of whine.

"? Your Royal Highness, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable?" Princess Delan looked at her in confusion.

It fell on Bai Ji.

After diverting their attention, the ministers below unanimously moved their eyes to Lilias’ side and put their hands together.

On the figure whose legs were trembling.

"We, we, Bai Ji, raised her cheeks, her face that was about to cry was covered with shy shame.

The red cheeks are like ripe little apples. "We can't hold it in any longer!

Bai Ji made an uncontrollable sound, and the nobles present all looked confused, wondering if they could hold it back.

In what sense does it mean that you can't hold it back.

Soon, the scene in front of them gave them the answer.


"Prince Delan was silent, Mi Li was silent, and the five great dukes were silent.

Some nobles also fell silent,

"Huh!?" Bai Ji's expression froze, and then she realized that the feeling of wanting to be released had decreased a lot.

It seemed like it all flowed out of her body.

flow, out,


Due to a series of accidents, the banquet ended early.

After taking a shower and changing into new clothes under the service of the maid, Bai Ji was sent back with a look on her face.

The bedroom.

The so-called daughter sacrifice has unlimited power, and it has developed in such a dramatic way. This morning, the meeting

They could no longer drive, and the vassals and nobles took carriages back to their fiefdoms with different expressions on their faces.

This explosive power struggle was successfully resolved.

"It seems like the fuss has gone too far." Lilias sighed. She didn't expect that Bai Ji wanted to

The medicine she administered is so powerful, how long has it been since she was in court?

Okay, it was indeed the consequence of her becoming playful, and she also started to deal with it, ordering

The officials blocked the news and everyone had to pretend they didn't see it.

After all, the face of the royal family will be lost if this matter is revealed.

But that child's skills are getting more and more excessive, and he even starts to use them to make fun of himself.

This is a trick.

“Really, I don’t know the importance of it at all.

"Isn't this great for you?" A voice sounded from behind Lilias.

You must know that this is Lilias's bedroom, except for herself and a certain daughter and...

shaped pillow

In addition, even personal maids cannot enter the territory.

"Can you say hello next time you come here?" Lilias had no reaction on her face.

Just slightly dissatisfied, he glanced at the woman in black robe sitting on his sofa.

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