Blood Princess and the Knight

Memories~Bai Ji after her first embrace 31

As a count under Duke Sethis, Earl Garr does not directly belong to the female

Wang Guan.

The so-called vassals of my vassals are not my vassals. Count Carl's family is eating, drinking and having sex.

It is under the jurisdiction of the boss of the family, Duke Sethis, and has no relationship with the queen who is far away.


The reason why I asked to see the queen today was mainly because of the support of my boss, Duke Sethis.

Order, come here to test the Queen's tone.

The Duke Sethis family strongly encourages the Queen to rule by doing nothing and completely hand over everything in her hands.

She has the power to let her subordinate vassals manage the kingdom's factions.

To put it bluntly, just let the royal family be their mascots, and the country will pay them all.

Leave it to the subordinate vassals to govern, and all you need to do is plant flowers and drink tea in the palace.

Asking the royal family to give up all their rights is naturally unacceptable to the royal family.

It's just a joke to bring up this kind of thing without any leverage. Of course, Sethis has something to rely on before she dares to take such initiative.


In addition to the Sethis family, Duke Sethis has already won the support of two other duke families.

, the three duke families are an extremely powerful force, which means that almost more than half of

The area supports the royal family and does not take power, and An Xin acts as a mascot.

The other two duke families, except for Melvi who strongly supported the royal family, Leforno remained

Neutral, caught in the middle and helping no one.

This situation is obviously unfavorable to Lilias. This subordinate sent by Sethis

Lilias knows very well what kind of farts her subordinates will fart, but as a queen, she does not accept subordinates.

The request for an interview didn’t seem very good, so Lilias refused on the grounds of being busy. Unexpectedly, Seth

Si was so shameless that she sent someone to wait in front of the palace, saying that she would receive her whenever she wanted.


Yes, this Earl of Garr is already prepared to wait to death. For this reason, he has prepared

Some dry food.

"Strange, why haven't you seen the maid come over to serve tea or something for so long?" Earl Carl said somewhat.

Weird, even if you have opposing political views, you won't lose etiquette, right? In that case, the royal family would be too much

Yu Xiaojiazi was angry.

"I've been waiting for a long time, His Excellency Earl Carl~~" At this moment, there was a soft and sweet voice.

The voice echoed in his ears. Count Carl turned around and saw the energetic silver-haired girl stepping forward.

With elegant steps, he came to himself with a tea tray.

Jiaer was stunned for a moment, then quickly stood up. "See the Princess Palace. Your Highness the Princess is very interested.

"It's okay. This is how your mother taught us how to treat guests. Please have some tea~"

"Oh, ok, thank you very much." Her Royal Highness the Princess of the Scarlet Blood Realm actually came to give it to her in person

Serving tea moved Earl Carl very much, which also made him somewhat ashamed.

It is true that the royal family treats guests with such thoughtfulness, yet he treats a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

This is so inappropriate.

Thinking of this, Earl Carl took a sip of the tea in his hand.

"How is it, Mr. Earl, does it taste good?~" Bai Ji stood beside her with her hands folded, like a waiter.

Just like Bong's little maid.

"Well, it tastes great. It is indeed the tea brewed by Her Royal Highness, paired with this tea that is unique to the royal family."

Ye, they are simply a perfect match. Hmm!" Earl Carl said, suddenly adding

Her legs were tightened, and her face was the color of pig liver.

"Eh? What's wrong?" Bai Ji pretended not to know anything and tilted her head.

"I, I. Sorry, I'm in a hurry! Where is the toilet in the palace? ?" It seemed

It seemed that he was really in a hurry, so anxious that Count Carl even forgot to say an honorific.

"Oh, over there." Bai Ji pointed in the direction behind her.

"Thank you, thank you!"

"Hey." Looking at Earl Jia Er running away, Bai Ji showed a regretful expression. "Hello

It seems like it was pointed in the wrong direction. "

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a scream from the end of the corridor.

"Pfft, isn't it already out? You can't even hold it back." Bai Ji played with it in her hand.

Amber potion, eyes shining.

"Okay, this medicine works incredibly fast. It only took down less than one-eighth of it. If it were all

Fall down, hehehe, Lilias, you are dead!" Bai Ji waved at the air fiercely.

He shook his fist.

At this moment, in Lilias’s palace.

"Has Sethis's messenger arrived?" Lilias took a sip of hot tea, and the water vapor floating on it

Here's a few hints of mist.


"Okay, let him wait a little longer. Be patient. I have never lost before."

"But the count seems to have left again." Lusha added.

"What, left?" Lilias was rarely surprised.

How could Satis, that bastard who would never let go, give up so easily?

Or do they have other plans?

"It seems to be due to physical discomfort, and Lusha's face turned gloomy." Then

A gentleman who was sent here by order, he leaked in the palace."


"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I have ordered people to carry out disinfection and odor cleaning when the incident occurred."

No odor will remain.

"This is not what I mean. How did that earl leak the truth?" Lilias wondered.

Holding his head, he seemed to have thought of some possibility.

"I'm not sure about this. But when something like this happened, the earl was too shameless.

No matter how thick you are, you probably won’t have the shame to stay any longer. ”.

Phew, did he drink something unclean when he entered the palace? "

"This subordinate is not sure about this, because according to the maid who brought her tea, the tea is from the princess

His Highness personally delivered it. "

"That's it." Lilias showed a clear face. "That little guy hit him crookedly and helped

This has done me a big favor. "

"What a mistake? Are you

"Who knows, maybe the little guy is making some deliberate tricks to tease people, and he accidentally hits the truth.

The subject of the test was Earl Carl. "

"Is that so?"

"Ignore all this for now, just let the little guy stay in the palace - everything will be fine. We can't do that now.

Let her out. "Lilias took out her pocket watch and checked the time.

"It's getting late. There will be a court meeting in about two hours. It's time for me to prepare.

"Hey hey hey, the court meeting is in two hours, Lilias, please lead me to death!

Bai Ji was in her room, as if she wanted to repay all the humiliation she had suffered.

Biting Lilias's name hard.

Soon, the court meeting will begin.

A petite figure slipped into the backstage room quietly, looking around to make sure there was nothing there.

After becoming a person, he gradually became bolder.

She took out a bottle of amber potion from under her skirt and poured it all into the scarlet

in the glass.

Lilias would drink a glass of ice-blooded wine to calm her mind before every court meeting.

A secret that only those around Lilias know.

Bai Ji took this opportunity to drug the glass of ice wine that Lilias wanted to drink, and then

Waiting for her to make a fool of herself!

Hey, why are there two glasses of red wine?

Bai Ji, who was so carried away, noticed a problem after pouring out the liquid in the potion.

There were two glasses of ice wine on the banquet table in the background. As far as she knew, Lilias should have

Just have one drink

Then get rid of this cup.

Thinking like this, Bai Ji took a deep breath, holding the wine in her hands and planning to take a sip, her footsteps

The sound came.

"Who is there?"

"Eh?!" Bai Ji obviously didn't expect Lilias to come so quickly. In order not to be found out,

It turned out that she was half an hour ahead of schedule.

"Xiao Bai Ji? What are you doing here?" While thinking, Lilias and her servant Lusha

She had arrived at the backstage room and saw Bai Ji, who was holding a bottle of red wine and was at a loss.

"We, we, haha, aren't we going to face those dried orange peels soon?

I'm harassed, I thought, I just wanted to give my mother a surprise to relieve fatigue and annoyance Bai Ji

Holding the wine glass, he forced himself to explain.

"If you really think so, I will accept this offer." Lilias leaned closer to Bai Bai.

Ji, forcibly took the wine from the other party's hand.

"Thank you for your blessing." After saying that, Lilias drank the bright red wine slowly.

"That, that, eh, wait a minute! Bai Ji just wanted to stop it but it was already too late, Lilia

Si has already finished the glass of red wine.

"Huh? What, is there a problem?

"No, it's better to say that there is a problem precisely because that glass of wine is fine!

You drank the cup without any additives, how can we make you look embarrassed? ?

No, if we continue like this, the plan will be exposed. Lilias has already discovered that she

Well, even if you drink that glass of wine, it will be a one-for-one situation at best. You have to quickly drink that glass of wine.

Just destroy it and run away!

As soon as she thought about this, Bai Ji bit her fangs and pretended to pass by the extra cup casually.

of ice wine, he picked it up calmly and planned to turn around and leave the backstage.

"Then, Madam Mother, you are busy with your business, and Bai Ji will go back on her own."

"Wait." When she was about to walk out of the room, Bai Ji suddenly seemed to understand something.

Lilias stopped.

"Xiao Baiji~ You just said you were here to accompany your mother, right?~"

"Yes, it is.

"Well, since you want to accompany me, just stay with me until the end." Bai Ji turned her head expressionlessly and faced her.

It was Lilias’ face with a slightly scary smile.

"Will you accompany me to the court?" Although it was a question, Lilias was a little hesitant.

She didn't give Bai Ji a chance, so she pressed Bai Ji's shoulder.

"Our health is not good."

"It doesn't matter, you just lie in my arms and listen

No one cares about you. ”.

"Bai Ji, who was still looking for excuses, was suddenly blocked.

"By the way, are you feeling unwell?" Lilias suddenly laughed and took away the wine from Bai Ji's hand.

Liquid, the other hand opened Bai Ji's mouth bit by bit.

"Come, drink this and then accompany me to the court. You will definitely not feel sick anymore. I have tested it myself and it is effective."


"?!" My personal test is so effective!

"Mother, mother

"Come, drink, and be obedient~"

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