Blood Princess and the Knight

Memories~Bai Ji after her first embrace 30

The maids working in the imperial city discovered a strange phenomenon.

"Hmph hum~~" On the morning of the third day after being swept by the cream storm, Bai Ji hummed an unknown song

Blood clan nursery rhyme, sitting in front of the long banquet in the royal dining room, shaking legs, as if in a great mood

Good look.

"? Do you think that Her Highness the Princess may have lost her mind and gone crazy?" Not far away, there was a lady who was responsible for serving Bai Ji.

The maids at the meal were talking quietly.

"I also feel something is amiss. Just a few days ago, Her Royal Highness the Princess was severely lectured by Her Majesty the Queen.

The punishment was so cruel that I couldn't even listen to it. "

"It seems like the last person who survived this kind of torture was sent to a sanatorium, right?"

Nursing home is just a nicer name. In the vampire clan, the function and effect of nursing home are equivalent to those in the human world.

The “mental hospital” of the world.

"The current situation of Her Royal Highness the Princess is very abnormal. Do I need to report it to Her Majesty the Queen?

"No, Her Majesty the Queen is very busy. I think it would be better to communicate with the palace physician.

good. "

"Hmph hum~~" Bai Ji, who was in a happy mood, sat on the bench and swayed dishonestly.

Like a pendulum, I am in a good mood, and the breakfast I eat becomes more delicious.

It's so fun to tease Lilias, no, it can be said to be too fun! -

After being pinned down and bullied by Lilias, she finally felt proud one day and made fun of her.

Lilias once.

This exhilarating feeling is similar to the weak conquering the strong, the weak being able to turn around and take charge of the strong.

Break the bed again, the freshness brought by the contrast and the comfort of turning over are mixed together, two portions

Happiness naturally turns into more happiness.

But this is not enough!

Bai Ji has already started planning the next teaser plan!

This plan is not ruthless enough. She wants to make this stupid vampire owe her all the money she has owed her over the years.

Take it back with profit!

So, what's the next step to take revenge on that bastard vampire?

Bai Ji looked at the scarlet drink in the cup in front of her and suddenly had an idea.

Yes! Not long ago, she found out that the alchemists of the Vampire Palace had developed a brand new potion formula - one for diuresis.

It's just that the secret recipe is useless at all, and Lilias has no way to relieve her difficulties.

Difficulty and other problems, naturally not only can she use it, but she can also think of ways to use it, and

Or use it in public, letting her lose her virginity in front of all the nobles and subordinates of the vampire family.

The face of the king!

At this thought, Bai Ji's whole body became excited.

Okay, what a cruel plan. As expected of us, we can come up with this plan. Just follow it.


Bai Ji is a doer through and through. Once an idea is determined, she will implement it.

, but there must be a careful planning process before execution.

The first step is to steal the bottle of potion.

"Your Highness Princess? Hearing the sound of the door opening and seeing the person coming, the old man with the white beard was surprised at first.

, then two white eyebrows raised.

Bai Ji glanced at him.

They say alchemists are weird guys, and the rumors are indeed true. This old man

Ever since she entered the door, every pore of the boss had been exuding the smell of boredom and rejection.

It's hard to express Fang's status as a princess directly.

Come on, even if it's not expressed, that stinky face has already fully expressed the emotions in my heart.

I wish Bai Ji could leave now and not disturb him to continue his experiments.

"Mr. Wenger, Her Majesty the Queen needs your wisdom." Bai Ji said seriously.

"Of course I know this, otherwise would Her Majesty the Queen invite me to be the alchemist of the palace?" Yan

The implication is that you don't talk nonsense. If nothing happens, just go out.

Bai Ji felt that if she stayed around any longer, the old man would probably roll his eyes at her.


Does this old guy have the same attitude towards Lilias? I'm not afraid - his head will fall off if he's not careful.

Came down.

"That's not what we mean. What we mean is that Her Majesty the Queen has needs and needs your hero.

Please help her improve her life. The palace has supported the alchemist for so long. Now, it is you who can show your true self.

It’s time to realize your talents and values. "

"Her Majesty the Queen needs my experimental subjects?" Old man Wenger's eyes widened. He must know that the Queen is normal.

He rarely visited his place when he was young, and he was happy to have a leisurely time, using the experimental funds provided by the royal family to study what he wanted to study.

If the Queen requests it, it is appropriate to devote everything to the Queen. After all, the experimental funds are

Provided by the royal family.

"Okay, whatever Her Majesty the Queen wants, Her Majesty the Princess can take it as she pleases, no. The Queen has to be there

A handwritten official document will do.

Bai Ji, who was about to reach out to get the medicine, became a little unhappy when she heard this.

"What, the old gentleman doesn't trust us?"

"It's a silly question to trust or not. Old man, I just follow the rules." Wenger finished

Don't follow Bai Ji's example at all. This old man's temper is as bad as a stone in a latrine.

"She doesn't have Lilias's official documents, and she can't go to Lilias to get them. Just steal them."

Don't even think about it. There are three layers of handles inside and outside the place where the seal is placed. They have built-in protective charms. Just a little bit-

If you get close to her, you'll probably get roasted into a bat.

Little clever ghost Bai Ji rolled her eyes and had a plan in mind.

"Old sir, this is your fault. Why do you think the Queen asked us to ask you for

Where are the things?" Bai Ji was trying to be mysterious.

"Your Highness Princess, just tell me if you have anything to say. Don't be too close to me. Old man, I have no time to think about your royal family.

things. "

"Of course, there are some things that you don't want outsiders to know." Bai Ji behaved strangely.

"I don't want outsiders to know that Wenger was filled with doubts and looked at Bai Ji's ambiguous expression.

It also means something ambiguous. Suddenly I thought of something and my eyes widened.


"Of course, do you think Her Majesty the Queen is willing to make this kind of thing public? I don't think anyone would want to."

Do you want to let others know that you have some kind of indescribable strange disease?"

Wenger's expression became more and more weird. Looking at Bai Ji's face, although there was a hint of meaning,

It's delicious, but not even the slightest bit joking.

"What medicine did Her Majesty ask you to come to me to get?"

"Experimental product NS250, also known as diuretic." The corner of Wenger's mouth twitched.

He really couldn't imagine that Her Majesty the Queen still had obstacles in this regard. Look at Her Majesty the Queen.

It's really hard to tell from her usually cold appearance of a flower on the high mountain.

Wenger thought about it and it seemed quite reasonable.

If it is really what Bai Ji said, the queen will definitely not want to come to get the medicine in person, and let people know

How embarrassing would it be to know that you have this embarrassing and strange disease? ?

Even the old alchemist Wenger, who doesn’t know much about human nature and sophistication in experiments, understands

This principle.

To take a step back, even if these are just made up by the princess, diuretics are not a big deal.

It doesn't matter if you give away this important potion. Its function is only to make the blood in the vampire's body

Metabolism is super doubled.

"By the way, Your Highness the Princess." After handing the medicine to Bai Ji, Wenge hesitated, seeming to

I don’t know if it’s appropriate for me to say this.

"If the time is right, you'd better give Her Majesty the Queen a few words and tell her that sexual relations must be done in a clean and tidy manner.

Control, otherwise some inexplicable strange diseases will appear like this. Although vampires generally do not get

Sickness, but if she gets sick, it must be an urgent and difficult condition to cure. You tell her, Mouse Tail

Jue reflects well. "

"Pfft, Bai Ji couldn't help laughing.

"?But there is something wrong with what I said?" Seeing Bai Ji laughing, Wenger asked doubtfully.

"No, sir, you are right. We often advise my mother to exercise some restraint.

But she just doesn’t listen. Not only does she not listen, she often drags several uncles back to the palace~~”

"Stop! I don't want to know these private affairs of your royal family, not at all." As soon as I heard this

Mr. Riwinger stood up quickly with a snap.

He had a premonition that these things would have terrible consequences.

"Hey, these young people nowadays don't know how to exercise moderation. I'm not a court physician either. You

If you need it in the future, please go to the palace physician. "The Queen is so frightened by shaking it out for no reason.

The terrifying secret made Mr. Wenger feel his heart beating wildly.

"I will pretend that I have not heard anything about today. Your Highness, Princess, if you have nothing else to do, please

Leave quickly!"

"Pfft, ok, ok, we get it." Bai Ji smiled naughtily and left without saying a word.

Forgot to lock the door.

"Is this the legendary diuretic with double the effect?" Looking at the amber liquid in the reagent

Body, Bai Ji thought for a moment.

It would be too hasty to start planning directly. No matter what, you have to try the effect first.

You should try the color of the water, whether it will be detected as abnormal, the effective time and so on.

Who should I try with?

While Bai Ji was thinking hard, a maid carrying a drink passed by her.

"Eh? Are there any guests from the palace?" Bai Ji asked.

"Well, yes, Count Garr came to the royal city to receive an audience from the Queen. Do you have any questions, Your Highness?" The maid was stunned and answered Bai Ji's question truthfully.

Hey, don’t we already have experimental subjects!

"No, no, that's right, don't give me this drink, let us do it." He said,

Bai Ji then wanted to take over the tea tray from the other party's hand.

"Eh?! How can this be done? The maid would naturally not listen to the princess's request.


"Miss Maid, in order to show the royal family's enthusiasm for their vassals, I will deliver this drink personally.

Come on!" Bai Ji said with a serious face.


"No but, since he is your mother's guest, we will entertain him with all our heart and let them

The loyalty of the royal family surges and heats up! "Bai Ji is full of a sense of responsibility, and under the guidance of the maid

My eyes shine like the scorching sun in the sky


"Well! Well, if Her Royal Highness the Princess has this heart."

"Yeah, don't worry, leave it to us!"

"Your Highness, you have grown up and become more sensible." The maid was very moved.

Then, after the maid walked away with a moved expression, Bai Ji's true colors were revealed.

, took out the amber potion.

"Hey hey hey~~"

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