Blood Princess and the Knight

Memories~Bai Ji after her first embrace 29

"Your Highness, it's time for dinner."

"Ugh! After the sound went silent, there was only a sound of retching in the room.

Excuse me. "The maid knew that she came at the wrong time, so she left with the tableware and food.


"Well, cough. In the room, a naked girl is wearing a silk bath towel and is wet.

His silver hair was hanging down his head, his shoulders were trembling, and his whole body was trembling.

Her face was as pale as paper, and she was sitting on the edge of the princess bed shivering, her fair skin

It became whiter due to fear and cold, and the whole person looked like someone who had just been fished out of an ice cave.


She scratched the ground with her bare toes and crossed her chest with her hands. Her face was ashen and her eyes were full of hopelessness.

Those eyes have no focus or focus, just like a pool of water without waves and vitality.


When she was fished out of the butter bucket, she walked very peacefully, coming and going gently.

Brings nothing, brings nothing, reminds one of a philosophical statement,

If life does not bring it, death will not take it away.

Whether it is life or life, - open your eyes - - close your eyes, there is a beginning and an end, except

There is no other meaning except the swollen belly and the breasts mixed with tears and saliva on the face.

The oil proved her existence. At that moment, she lay in the arms of Ratsambo

In the past, Bai Ji would have cursed Lilias in her heart while being punished, and

He swore a poisonous oath to retaliate, but waited until she reappeared from the dark ocean of cream.

At that moment of light, she felt that nothing mattered anymore.

She is willing to give everything for this glimmer of hope, even if it means kneeling down to lick Lily

She will not hesitate to touch Yasi's toes, as long as she can be rescued from this damn purgatory.

So cruel, that woman is so cruel!

Two whole hours, do you know how she spent these two hours in there? ?

The amount of cream was just right. In order to prevent herself from drowning in the cream, she was

After forcing himself to eat a lot of butter and absorbing tons of damage, he could barely stand on tiptoe and breathe.

dirty empty

It's so cruel. Although she has known this for a long time, Lilias, this woman really

Still so scary!

Bai Ji, who will carry forward her Q spirit every time she receives punishment, even curses in her heart.


Lilias successfully left a huge psychological shadow in her heart, so much so that she even

There is no thought of resistance, let alone revenge.

At this moment, she was shouting endlessly in her heart: Why should we provoke that woman? ?

What is she doing? Is that devil someone we can mess with? Woohoo

The cream on my body has been washed away, but the 'cream' in my heart remains forever.

It’s so scary. Lilias is really scary. It’s better not to mess with her in the future. Do this to make her

She can't bear the consequences of being angry!

"Xiao Bai Ji." At this moment, the door was opened.

The moment she heard this voice, Bai Ji quickly ran away from Lianyu as if she had a stress reaction.

He hid under the bed before even taking the towel.

When Lilias entered the door, the bath towel had just fallen to the floor, and there were still water stains on the floor.

"Puff, are you a turtle? Why do you always look for "shells" whenever something happens?" Lilia

Si walked to the bottom of the bed and didn't forget to mockingly -

Normally Bai Ji would reply with a few words at this time, but how could Bai Ji dare to speak at this time?

Hiding under the bed and shaking, her courage had drained from her body.

"Okay, come out quickly. What happened today is that I went too far. I say to you

Sorry, is that okay? "

Bai Ji hesitated for a long time, shook her head, and refused to come out.

"Come out." Lilias smiled dangerously. "Otherwise, I will be angry."

"?!" Bai Ji was frightened and immediately rolled and crawled like a little white ball from under the bed.

Rolled out.

"That, we,

"Paji." Before Bai Ji could say anything, her naked body was hugged.

"As long as you don't betray me, I will never torture you like this, do you understand?" Lilias, who was holding her, whispered softly in her ear.

Bai Ji didn't care, she nodded her head desperately, how could she dare to say anything?

Not a word.

"I don't dare anymore. I don't dare to do anything harmful to my mother anymore. I'm sorry.

Sorry, we were wrong. Bai Ji, who was in a panic and said nothing, was just begging for mercy.

In order not to be punished, dignity has been left behind.

"To be honest, you kid, it's a little bit embarrassing to torture Bai Ji like this."


But she must be ruthless about this kind of thing. This time she really didn't expect it. If

If not discovered in time, the consequences may be disastrous. Bai Ji may have escaped from the castle and left forever.

Drive her

So she must take action to let Bai Ji

Don't dare to do such a thing easily, it's best to

She had a psychological shadow, so she could only say sorry to her.

To swallow one's anger and not retaliate is what they say, but is it possible? ?

Hum hum!

Bai Ji, who didn't remember to eat or drink, slept until dawn and forgot everything after dinner. What should I do?

Something like that or something like that.

As the saying goes, the more you think about it, the more angry you become, the more you take a step back, the more you lose. Bai Ji decided to embrace Lilias Cai.

Take a vigorous act of revenge to let that hateful vampire know about her little

Comrade is awesome!

"Strange, why haven't the fish taken the bait yet?" Bai Ji, who was sitting on the edge of the moat fishing, held a tea tray.

, sit and watch the fishhook drifting with the tide, and sip tea lightly.

"Is there no fish in this moat? Or is our bait not high enough?"

"Hey, Princess, are you fishing?" At this time, a noble girl passing by saw Bai Bai

Ji, curiously came over.

This girl, Bai Ji, met at a banquet. Her name seems to be Doreen.

"Isn't this obvious?" Bai Ji glanced at her. Not in public, Bai Ji expressed

It's very casual.

"Ah, I'm sorry to say it, but it seems that Your Highness didn't catch a single fish." The name was Doreen.

The aristocratic girl seemed to be very novel about fishing as an entertainment activity, and couldn't help but join in with curiosity.

Come up.

After all, the time of noble children is almost always filled with various etiquette studies and courses.

Of course, fishing is not something that many nobles would consider appropriate, and even children would not be interested in it.

For those who would not let them learn, aristocratic parents would rather let their families learn more about these things in the future.

Useful skills, not this useless thing.

"Yes, by the way, can you fish? If so, can you teach us how to do it?"

"Well, I can't." Doreen scratched her brown hair and said embarrassedly.

"Oh, it doesn't matter." Bai Ji ignored Duo Lin and continued to look at the fish mark intently.

"Your Highness, do you want to taste the fish? Well, that stuff doesn't taste very good. I'll try it."

Pass. "

"Fish? We're not interested in that kind of thing."

"Hey, then why did you come to fish?" Doreen was puzzled.

"When it comes to fishing, the result is not important. What you enjoy is the process." Bai Ji read with a hint of Duolin at the corner of her mouth.

Unexpected pleasure.

As expected of Her Royal Highness, what she said was so philosophical.

Although Duo Lin couldn't understand Bai Ji's words, she always felt that she was very powerful. There was a look in her eyes.

Dots of admiration for Bai Ji flickered.

Yes, it was the process that I enjoyed, especially when she thought that the bait she used was some stinky vampire idiot.

The built-in fabric of the egg makes it even more enjoyable!

Humph, you stinky queen, let you bully us and let us fish with your underwear!

"Speaking of which, I remember there were fish in the moat. Why haven't I seen any movement for a long time?" Doreen

She was confused, but she often heard her elders say that the piranhas in the moat of the imperial city were so fierce that nothing happened.

I want to go up and take a bite.

"Yeah, I'm hooked! Come and help!" Bai Ji's eyes lit up when she saw the fish mark moving, and she hurriedly

Ask Doreen next to you to come over and help.

"Hey!" The two of them worked together to pull up a small piranha.

"Oh, I've caught it, I've caught it!

"Yeah, we didn't expect that we could actually catch fish. It seems like there are some cannibals in this pond.

The taste of fish is not very good

Huh?" Doreen tilted her head, unable to realize for a moment that Bai Ji said she was not in good taste.

What does that mean? Then he saw Bai Ji changing the bait.

She took out a cloth-like object from the bucket next to her and hung it on the hook.

It's fabric.

"Well, Your Highness, what are you using as bait?"

"Do you want to know

Doreen was about to nod, but an inexplicable thought occurred in her mind that it might be dangerous to continue asking.'

Such an inexplicable thought.

"Huhu~~ You don't need to know this, you just need to know that our bait is very expensive.

A scarlet blood domain, oh no, there is no second supplier in the entire Baland. "

"Ah?" Doreen became more and more puzzled. This seemed to be made of more luxurious fabrics.

, is there anything else strange about it?

No, no, it’s weird to think of cloth as bait being used!

Looking at Bai Ji who was singing and fishing, Duolin didn't know what to say.


"A great harvest, a great harvest." Bai Ji looked at the basket full of piranhas in the fish basket, and then looked at it again.

Looking at the empty bait basket, he nodded with satisfaction.

"Here, everyone go back. It's hard work for you to play with us today." Bai Ji put the basket of

All the fish were released back into the moat, carrying empty bait baskets and humming songs and returning home full of joy.


"Xiao Bai Ji, you look very happy today?" As soon as she entered the palace hall, Bai Ji asked

Ji Bian

He was stopped by a voice.

"Have you entered my king's room today?"

Bai Ji didn't panic about this and held up a bucket to signal. "We've been out fishing all day today,

Nothing done

Is this so? "Lilias looked confused, but then her expression recovered.

"Strange, where have all my favorite clothes gone?"

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