Blood Princess and the Knight

Memories~Bai Ji after her first embrace 28

"So, what's going on with these unexpected gains?" Lilias crossed her legs and supported herself with her hands.

Head, overlooking the group of freshly escaped prisoners kneeling under the throne.

"The reason will be explained clearly by my subordinates.

"No need, rather than torture, what I want is someone's explanation." With that, Lily

Yasi moved her gaze to Bai Ji, who kept her head down and said nothing, pretending to be a bastard.

When Bai Ji was about to escape, the prisoners in these prisons just found the opportunity to escape and create chaos.

Chaos, the plot seems to be predetermined by the emperor. Of course Lilias will not think that this is


"We, we gave you the key. Bai Ji's shoulders trembled slightly. At this time, I will be lenient if I confess and resist."

Strictly speaking, no matter what she says has even the slightest flaw, it won’t fool Lilias’s ears.

Not only will it not have a positive effect, but it will also irritate the other party. It is better to tell the truth directly, and maybe you will

My death will not be so ugly." Lilias did not say anything, but just stared at Bai Ji with a smile, making the latter feel...

The pain of suffering this.


"My subordinates are here.

"These prisoners should go back wherever they go." Lilias's lazy voice came out, making these prisoners

The escaped prisoners were shocked.

"What about punishment and prosecution?"

"A prison that will never see the light of day is their punishment.

"Okay, I understand." Lilias's intention of dealing with these prisoners first was very clear to Lusa.

It was obvious that Her Majesty the Queen wanted to educate her daughter, so she asked her to send away outsiders.

Lusha took the order, ordered the soldiers to drag the prisoners back to the prison, and followed her out of the castle.

Hall, close the door.

Seeing the prisoners under her orders being dragged away one by one, Bai Ji actually wanted to shout "please"

Let's take us away too'.

"Bang!" The sound of the door closing made Bai Ji startled, she lowered her head and continued to pretend to be dead.

"Xiao Bai Ji~~" Footsteps sounded from the steps of the throne, one step after another, and the crisp sound swayed regularly from the silent hall, as if every step touched Bai Ji's heart.

The footsteps stopped, and Bai Ji could feel Lilias stopping in front of her. As long as

She raised her eyes slightly and could see the exquisite jade toes wrapped in transparent black silk.

Bai Ji swallowed her saliva. At this moment, she felt the sound of her swallowing saliva.

Surprisingly jarring.

She almost buried her head in the soil.

The wordless silence was broken by no one.

"Well done."

Eh. ? "I expected how Lilias would accuse me next, but I didn't think about it.

Lilias would say such a thing.

Is this sarcasm? But the tone doesn’t sound like it.

"After defrauding trust, he still did not act rashly, but chose to create chaos to cover himself up.

Hu, if you can think of this level, Bai Ji, I haven’t taught you in vain these days.

"? ? ?" This is serious. Is this overjoyed tone serious? ?

Bai Ji cautiously raised her head like a timid ostrich.

There was no resentment or anger on that childish face that was too delicate to look like a human being, but only admiration.

With a hint of praise.

"Well done, my king's heir finally knows how to add his own wisdom and wisdom to his strategy.

Considered, this is worthy of praise. "

Instead of punishing myself, I praised my rebellious behavior. Is this true?


Bai Ji felt like she was dreaming. Lilias, a ruthless master, made mistakes every time.

They are not stingy about punishing themselves, why this time?

What a weird vampire.

Bai Ji thought of this, and at the same time she breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed like she didn't need this posture.

You're punished. It would be nice to remove the failure penalty.

"Nothing." Lilias's smile gradually deteriorated and the conversation changed. "Although strategies and tests

The quality is worthy of praise, but this kind of rebellious behavior makes even me feel very angry.

Very, angry

Bai Ji silently recited these words in her heart, her eyes gradually widening.

Until now, Bai Ji has never heard Lilias speak out about herself.

If you say something like this when you are angry, you will usually be punished with a smile.

Saying these three words "angry" means that Lilias may be really angry now.

It's over, is it too late for us to beg for mercy now?

Bai Ji, who was sitting on her knees, had a 180-degree change in mood, and had a moment of relief.

He felt like he was sitting on pins and needles, and his body moved back involuntarily.

"Even if you are naughty, there must be a limit. Really, does this king treat you badly or abuse you?"

You actually want to run away quietly like this." For some reason, Bai Ji actually left Lilias

There was a hint of resentment in his tone.

That's right, it's resentment, not anger and indignation.

"Mother, we were wrong. I won't dare to do it next time. I apologize to you for my immaturity. I hope

hope you can

accept. "Bai Ji put her forehead on the ground and skillfully used the standard apology gesture.

The clouds and the water flowed so smoothly that it was obvious that I had not done this twice or three times.

"Yeah, I apologize sincerely."

Bai Ji's body trembled as she knelt down. Everyone could hear the teasing in Lilias's words.

To tease.

At this moment, Bai Ji's heart trembled, it was over, this move couldn't be used.

Although this trick has never been used before, it at least alleviated the pain I suffered later.


Bai Ji raised her head slightly.

It is estimated that not only will he not be punished, but he will suffer more.

"But this time, I won't accept it." Lilias raised Bai Ji Guangjie with her toes.


Bai Ji didn't dare to move, her eyes were forced to meet Lilias's.

During this year of battle of wits and courage with Lilias, every time Lilias said she wanted to punish her, then

It is to punish her. No one can save her. There is no point in resisting. It will only make the punishment become

more violent

It's okay to cut it. Except for the fried meat with bamboo shoots, it's a punishment for human food. It's top-notch.

She was punished by holding a vase or something, and she just gritted her teeth and got over it.

She, Bai Ji, isn’t even afraid of the Vampire Queen, so is she still afraid of these things? Lilias thought

This will help you to have a long memory? It doesn’t exist. Next time we run, we will run when we get the chance!

Although she thought so, she honestly admitted her mistake and said that if she was wrong next time, she would

If he runs again, he will let himself kiss the horse and kill him suddenly, and swear a poisonous oath.

"Bai Ji, I have noticed a problem."


"To deal with a person who refuses to change despite repeated admonitions, you need to leave unforgettable memories deep in her soul.

OK. ‘

"Therefore, no matter how cruel the method is, it will be enough to achieve the goal."

"Gu Baiji has a bad feeling.

Che said it is so terrible, what else can you do to us? Even if we lose arms and legs, we will

Don't be afraid, what can you do to us? Hum, in the end, you have no choice but to let me go

Bai Ji encouraged herself in her heart, but she couldn't stop the panic from spreading in her heart.

Diffuse and diffuse.

Lilias clapped her hands, and two maids who were already ready walked out, holding in their hands -

A large wooden barrel filled only with a white viscous liquid.

"Bang!" The barrel was placed heavily in front of Bai Ji.

"Here, what is this?" Bai Ji leaned close to her head and sniffed, and suddenly there was a smell

The cold made her shrink back instantly.

"Ugh, I'm so disgusted. This bitter, astringent and sticky smell. What kind of chemistry is this?"

Reagent? ? If you throw it out, it can be used as a biological and chemical weapon, right?

"Is it disgusting?" Lilias tilted her head. "You may have seen this thing often before.

Even if you eat it, it shouldn't make you sick or anything like that. "

"Let's punish him."

The two female foreigners looked at Bai Ji, who knew nothing about the torture she was about to undergo.

He looked at Lilias again, and after a moment of hesitation, he had to say sorry to Bai Ji secretly.

"Sorry, Your Highness Princess, please bear with me for a while, we will try to make you faint as soon as possible."

Yes, Her Majesty the Queen will probably soften after seeing you lose consciousness. "

"???" Bai Ji was confused.

No, what on earth do you want to do? Is it so scary? Even if you have to feed yourself this pot of chemical reagents, you won't faint.

After thinking about it for a while, the two maids had already put on their white gloves and aprons for work.

With a mask, you won't let the juice in it splash on yourself.

Then, under Bai Ji’s increasingly outrageous gaze, she picked up Bai Ji who was tied up into a crab.

"Plop!" Bai Ji was stuffed into the barrel.

"Wow! ! ! ! !" Bitter, astringent and sticky stuff came out of the nostrils, mouth, ears and eyes.

And all the holes that can be entered come in!

Pain can no longer be used to describe her current situation. This is a step further.

Life is worse than death.

She subconsciously wanted to jump out of the barrel and hit her head on something hard.

After throwing her in, the two maids covered the barrel.

'Wow wow wow wow!!!'

The cream in the barrel just covers the edge of the barrel. After closing the lid, Bai Ji's cream can be removed no matter what.

The head is completely overwhelmed.

Subconsciously, I wanted to scream, but even the right to scream was deprived of me. Opening my mouth would make

More cream enters his mouth and throat

Unable to think normally, she wanted to use whatever force she had at her disposal to explode the barrel.

If you don't open it, you might as well blow yourself up.

But his hands were tied and he couldn't even make a sound. The curse was completely sealed.

In the hall, the three of them looked at the rickety barrel in silence. They could imagine soaking it.

How crazy Bai Ji's struggle is.

"Your Majesty, you should be fine. I can't breathe and do such strenuous exercise. Princess Palace."

I was suffocating, and even the maid next to me couldn't bear it.

"It's still early." Lilias chuckled, looking at the bucket where the struggle was weakening. "Royal

Life is very tenacious, and it is perfectly fine to suffocate for a while. "

The two maids stopped talking and could only silently pray that the princess among them was okay.

Hope the bat is okay.

After a while, the struggle in the barrel gradually subsided, and finally became calmer.

"Her Majesty the Queen

"Xiao Bai Ji, are you okay? ~" Elegantly stepped down from the throne, Lilias knocked on the wall of the barrel. "Do you remember clearly? This is the consequence of betraying this king."

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