Blood Princess and the Knight

Memories~Bai Ji after her first embrace 27

"If your Royal Highness has had enough fun, please go back with me. Her Majesty the Queen is waiting to see you.

The voice behind her made Bai Ji's smile gradually stiffen. She turned her eyes expressionlessly and looked behind her.

The maid holding a tea tray and drinking tea by herself.

Bai Ji knew her. This was Lilias's maid and captain of the personal guard, Lusha.

Speaking of this person, Bai Ji was impressed, rather than impressed.

Back then, when she had overcome all obstacles and cut her way to Lilias, she and the guard captain

They met head-on. To be honest, when she first saw that the other party was a defenseless maid, Bai Ji still wanted to

Don't let the water go unnoticed. As a result, a mask will cover up the fully armed Bai Ji and her thick body.

The heavy armor fell to the ground.

After fighting this personal guard captain for dozens of rounds, Bai Ji was careless and did not dodge.

Song was knocked down by the opponent very quickly.

It turned out to be an elite bodyguard disguised as a maid, and it seemed that he was well prepared.

Although Bai Ji has won according to the traditional knight's fighting method, the opponent seems to be

After receiving the Queen's order, I withdrew the raised whip and stopped fighting. I stuck to the dirt track.

Bai Ji saw that the other party stopped fighting, so she couldn't do it herself, otherwise the sword would be placed on her chest, -Jianzhao

Go down and poke a hole for her.

In short, this maid is difficult to deal with. Bai Ji suffered a lot of losses and was even beaten a few times.

A lot of psychological shadow.

"As expected." Bai Ji clicked her tongue. "Lilias gave us a hard time.


"This is an unexpected gain." The maid complained unhurriedly. "The fish Her Majesty wants to catch

It wasn't you. Who would have thought of trying this to bring out the little shark hidden inside?

"Your Highness Princess, please go back with me quickly. Now you can go back and say "I accidentally ran away because of fun"

Outside the city, "This kind of excuse won't fool Her Majesty the Queen." The maid sighed.

"You start to be dishonest when you seize the opportunity. Haven't the Queen's teachings these days been in your hands?"

Have you left any traces in your heart? You really didn’t have sex for three days. You think you’re a piece of shit.

Isn’t the stock red enough? "

"Don't be proud, this time is different from last time. You are alone. How can you beat us without anyone to help you fight us?" Bai Ji pointed at Lusha with her sword.

"More wins than less? Your Highness, Princess, was not defeated." Lusha raised her eyebrows.

"Last time, Lilias was behind to help you, but this time it's different!"

"Call the Queen by her real name three times. Your Highness Princess, you really don't want your own."

Buttocks? "

"Stop talking nonsense!" Bai Ji kicked the ground with her feet and stepped forward with her sword. "Who dares to block our way home?

Let’s beat his face into a cookie!”

"The pace is messy, Your Highness Princess." Avoiding Bai Ji's sword edge, he straightened Bai Ji's center of gravity.

Stabilize the body that is barely contained.

Ever since she changed her body, Bai Ji has trouble wielding the sword, and her body's center of gravity has changed.

Not to mention, the muscles have atrophied, and the two slender arms have no flesh at all. Even if they have increased strength, they can't swing the sword.

It was very difficult and not as easy as before.

"Tsk! Feeling the soft wind blowing across her waist, Bai Ji tightened her grip on the sword hilt.

"You guy."

"Here, be serious!"

"Pay attention to your posture, anger will not help, your sword dance will become more and more chaotic, and it will become more and more useless."

There is a plan. "

While dodging Bai Ji's sword blade, Lusha still had time to point out Bai Ji's swordsmanship.

"No, it's not possible at all. You've been in the Scarlet Blood Realm for too long, and your swordsmanship is no longer up to standard.

It’s over. "

"I want you to talk more!" Being teased like this, Bai Ji was so embarrassed that she tried her best to suck her milk.

However, this attack was not only easily dodged by the opponent, but he also accidentally twisted his waist.

His left foot stumbled over his right foot, and he almost fell into a spinning top with his sword.

"Your Highness, be careful." At the critical moment, a cold and soft plain hand grabbed Bai's hand.

Ji, pulled her in front of him.

"You, what are you doing??"

"Of course it is to protect the safety of Her Royal Highness the Princess."

"I didn't see you being soft-hearted in the last fight!" He was so cruel that he almost beat Bai Ji into a pig's head.

"It's different. Now, you are my princess. As your loyal subject, I am absolutely

I won't point a sharp weapon at the princess. " Lusha said with a serious face.

"Damn it. Let me go!" Bai Ji felt that the other party was completely joking with her.

I felt I had been humiliated.

"In that case!" An angry Bai Ji planned to show off the maid who looked down upon her.


His fingers moved in the air several times, and he muttered words.

"Come out, my retinue, what are you doing? ?"

"Spells are very dangerous. Your Highness the Princess should not play with such dangerous things." The maid's hand was five-fingered.

It penetrated into Bai Ji's fingers and forcibly interrupted her chanting and spelling gestures.

"Well, if Her Royal Highness the Princess feels that

If you've had enough fun, go back quickly, Queen

Your Majesty is very worried about your safety.

"Let us go!"

"This, I'm sorry, I'm offended." In order to prevent Bai Ji from using spells to deal with her, the maid

The lady skillfully took out a colorful ribbon from the bag.

"? ?What is this?" Bai Ji was confused. She had never seen anyone tie someone up in this way.


"Your Highness the Princess cannot be tied casually. There must be some sense of ceremony. Well, that's it." Cai

The belt was wrapped around Bai Ji's body, and after tying her hands behind her back, she also used the extra to tie a butterfly on her head.

Knot, like a Christmas gift.

"This is much better. The gorgeousness of the ribbons will make people ignore the fact that the princess is actually

It's the fact of being tied up. "

"It's so much better than a ghost! It's so ugly, so embarrassing!"

"Your Highness the Princess is really ignorant." After the binding was completed, the maid looked like she was carrying a crab.

Like a crab, Bai Ji was picked up with one hand.

"The nature of Her Royal Highness's escape this time is very serious. I am doing this to help you and let the Queen

Your Majesty can ignore your sins to a certain extent and suffer less. "

Bai Ji's body trembled, and she didn't realize it until she was caught.

She never thought that if the plan was exposed and developed in the worst direction, she would face

What a consequence.

It's not like escape has never happened before. In other words, in the past, Bai Ji escaped.

It was a daily routine. In order to punish Bai Ji who humbly accepted repeated admonitions and refused to change, Lilias judged the strength of the punishment based on the distance she escaped.

This is the first time I have run outside the city, so

Bai Ji swallowed her saliva and felt uneasy as she was carried back.

What a fuss.

The maid was also happy to have her leisure time, so she walked into the jungle and packed another one into a crab.

The people picked it up together.

"? ? ?" Looking at the man whose face was ashen and being carried like herself, Bai Ji felt a flash of blood on her head.

A few question marks.

“This secret passage is not prepared for you.


Bai Ji understood that it turned out that she was catching mice, but she fell into the mouse trap by mistake and was followed by her boss.

The mouse was trapped together.

Then there is a high probability that those Yue tribe members in the prison did not escape, they were all captured.

Bai Ji deceived them not to mention it, she even deceived herself.

Back in the familiar castle and in front of the familiar throne, Bai Ji took a look, and sure enough,

There were quite a few people kneeling below. Bai Ji saw the Yue clan member she had released at a glance.


The latter's eyes met his own, and he was angry at first, and was about to accuse Bai Ji of giving him the wrong love.

Reporting, regardless of martial ethics, taking a closer look, Bai Ji, as a princess, was tied tightly, and for a while

Don't know what to say.

The relationship between the vampire royal family seems to be more complicated than I imagined? ?

He glanced at Lilias, who was aloof, and then at Bai Ji, who was tied up and had her head turned away.

The people of the Yue tribe were thinking this way.

Lusha arrived and threw the man she was holding to the ground.

The temperature is much better. I put it gently, like a piece of art. Of course, the posture

Just kneel down.

"Lord Parr, how does it feel to be an undercover agent in the royal city?" Lilias said without looking at Bai Ji.

First he looked at the man who was thrown to the ground by Lusha.

"It's unjust, Your Majesty the Queen! I'm just a little untouchable doing things like being an undercover agent.

Loyal servant of the royal family, the royal family has carefully promoted and cultivated me, how dare I."

"Pah!" A document was thrown in his face.

"Lord Parr, the moment you entered the imperial city, the Queen's spies knew all your details.

You've figured it all out, right? Sir Parr, a guest of the Satis family. "Throwing the document into his face

On the pale face of Pal, Lusha said coldly.

"I, I faced this material that was so detailed that I found out his date of birth.

Unexpectedly, the man named Parr was so frightened that he trembled all over. "Your Majesty the Queen, please spare my life, I, I, too

It's helpless

"You have no choice but to be Seth's undercover agent and monitor our every move?" Lilias

He looked at Parr who was tired of explaining with a smile.

"No, that's not what I meant."

"What should I do?" Lilia looked like the dried orange peel was begging for mercy.

Si looked annoyed and waved her hand.

"Yes." After receiving Lilias's instructions, Lusha ordered the guards on both sides to shout this

The man begging for mercy was dragged off.


If Bai Ji remembered correctly, this surname should be the surname of a certain duke family of the blood clan.

Sethis is spying on the royal family? It seems that the vampires are not monolithic.

"Then, can you tell me how these people escaped from prison? My king

If I remember correctly, these people's escape from prison should not be part of the plan.

Yes, it was Lilias's conspiracy from beginning to end. The Imperial Army didn't go out for training at all.

, these forbidden troops have been lurking in every corner of the city, waiting until the criminals escape - and

Caught them back.

Bai Ji's idea was right, this was indeed not a plan for her, but she still "thrown herself into the trap"


Bai Ji, who wanted to understand, lay on the ground motionless like a tortoise, trying to lower herself as much as possible.

own sense of existence.

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