Blood Princess and the Knight

Memories~Bai Ji after her first embrace

At noon the day after tomorrow, at this time, according to the information Bai Ji knows, the Forbidden Army launched a large-scale

The time period for training out of the city was something she found out after hiding.

At noon, all the Imperial Guards will leave the city, and all posts will be replaced by ordinary miscellaneous troops.

Card soldier, the defense of the imperial city has never been more relaxed than at that time. Master the key.

The difficulty of jailbreaking will be greatly reduced. Of course, this is only relative. There is only one chance.

Whether he can grasp it or not depends on the Yue tribe member himself.

Then there was herself.

For her, the only chance is -

She not only gave the keys to the prison door to the Yue tribe, but also distributed them to all the tribes imprisoned there.

Prisoners of war on death row.

This is not only to help them escape from prison, but also to create chaos and help herself'

prison Break'.

The time to say goodbye has arrived, and she has delayed it for too long.

Of course, the reason why she delayed for so long was to deceive the vampires into trusting her and letting them know that she

She has been completely assimilated and will no longer have the thought of escaping. What she didn't expect was that

, she was actually almost assimilated by her identity and bloodline in the process of disguising.

This made her vigilant and frightened at the same time. At a moment when she didn't even know it, she sucked

The concept of vampires was slowly eating away at her heart. If she continued to stay, I'm afraid that she herself would be completely

He didn't know it at the moment he turned into a vampire.

She began to plan to run away and leave this exquisite birdcage set up by the vampire queen. To this end,

She can't act alone, she has to have many people covering her.

The thinking pattern is getting closer and closer to that of the vampire queen, so despicable and selfish.

But she has no time to be confused now. She can cut through the mess with a sharp knife. Now it is her decision.

It’s time to decide!

But if this is Lilias's conspiracy, the trust that has been built up for a long time will be shattered.

Not to mention disintegration, her end will definitely be tragic.

Bai Ji never thought that Lilias had released this hidden news in the palace.

fake news, it can be seen from her long-term understanding of Lilias that this vampire queen will not just do it for

He made such a big noise just to test himself.

If this news was really revealed inadvertently because there was no airtight wall,

Then this will be Bai Ji's only chance. If she wants to leave in the future, it will be as difficult as going to heaven. She can't bet.


In the past two days, she has been as usual, neither acting overly well-behaved nor acting unfamiliar.

, and seemed willing to be used as a pillow by Lilias.

I just don’t know why, being held by Lilias like this, smelling the girl in her arms

Her body fragrance made her feel a little reluctant to give up.

What's going on? Are you kidding me? How could we be so angry with the instigator?

What about this feeling? ?-It must be an illusion, yes, it must be an illusion.

This vicious vampire queen, her body and mind became what she is today because of her worship.

Given that, shouldn't my feelings for her be filled with hatred? Why can't I let her go?

Are you willing to stay here? ?Have you been successfully trained?


Close your eyelids and if you don't deliberately think about those things, they will inevitably come to mind.

I am leaving here tomorrow, where should I go from now on? I look like this now

It is obviously impossible to return to the human city-state, so where should she go?

Still, go back.

No matter what, that's her hometown, and she wants to go back

In a charming and beautiful dream, she fell into sleep.

The early morning light slightly lit up the dim room. When she opened her eyes, no one was around her.

As soon as she could see her, her favorite snacks and breakfast were placed on the table.

Bai Ji is used to this kind of care.

It is said that it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. Many people fall into such gentle family love.

It will be difficult to extricate yourself.

Glancing at the exquisitely crafted snacks on the table, Bai Ji threw the white hairpin she wore on her head onto the pillow.

Hide it underneath, get out of bed, flick the silk gauze curtain, and let the scorching sun spread over your body.

"Farewell, Scarlet Blood Realm." She whispered softly, with a hint of complicated emotions.

From the moment the royal prison fell into chaos, she knew her chance had come.

The royal treasury contains the artifacts and holy objects of vampires from past generations. Not only that, but also

There are many important trophies captured from foreigners.

The guard strength of this place is relatively weak, because only members of the royal family are qualified to enter it, so there are not many extra manpower sent there.

"Damn it, go get some manpower!" The soldiers outside the treasure house were now in a mess.

"What happened?" At this moment, a clear and childish voice came, sucking

attracted the attention of the guards.

Two flowing silver ponytails were tied with bat hairpins and hung down. Black high heels

Long boots are paired with black stockings, and the dress, which is neither too long nor too short, just outlines the seductive absolute collar.

Domain, ornamental and noble coexist without hindering movement, it is a perfect outfit.

"Your Majesty the Queen, Your Royal Highness the Princess, why are you here?" Seeing people dressed up and traveling

Bai Ji, the guards were all confused.

"When you hear the noise, come over here to see what happened." Bai Ji Mianruo

The frosty face made the guards present involuntarily think of Queen Lilias.


"Your Highness, there was something wrong in the prison just now. The prisoners inside attacked the guards and escaped.

He went out and is currently missing. "

"Well, the situation is urgent. You should hurry up and notify other ministries and ask them to send troops to arrest you.

fugitive. "Bai Ji ordered

The soldiers looked at each other.

"What are you still waiting for? The prison has been breached, the dangerous fugitive is still in the palace, and

Is there anything more urgent than this?" Bai Ji raised her eyebrows, her eyes gradually becoming colder. "Soldier,

Do you want to disobey, or do you have no regard for Her Majesty's safety?"

"I don't mean that, Your Highness Princess, we will do it right now." Two guards were left behind to watch the door.

After that, the guards who were supposed to be guarding the treasure house dispersed.

Watching the figure gradually disappearing, Bai Ji turned around.

"Your Highness, what's wrong?"

"I'm sorry, can you please go and have a sleep first?" The coldness melted away, and Bai Ji smiled like a flower.

Oh!" After two muffled sounds, the two guards fell to the ground.

After taking care of the two guards, Bai Ji regained her indifference, bit her finger and let the blood drip.

In the center of the wheel at the gate.

The simple black pattern began to rotate, followed by a muffled sound, the door separated to both sides, reflecting the

What comes into view is a dazzling array of treasures.

A Victorian tea set, a trophy iron helmet from the ancient Oran, from the Asian cat tribe

The captured stone statues, the sacrifices offered by Queen Succubus, the saints from Queen Solanya’s time

Bai Ji didn't even look at these things. She stepped on the hillside made of gold coins and took that random handful.

The long sword stuck in the corner was drawn out.

The long sword [Saint], together with [Tianfeng], was given to her by the bishop. It was she

One of her accompanying swords, and also her partner who fought with her to the last moment in the Battle of Fall.

After being captured, the sword was randomly thrown into the blood clan's treasure house to eat ashes, but it survived.

Tianfeng, all rights belong to the church.

"Let's go." He pulled it out from the gap in the pile of gold coins with difficulty. "It's time for us to go home."

Familiar touch, Bai Ji faced a second difficulty after reuniting with her companions who lived and died together.


[Saint] is not an ordinary long sword, it is a product of the wisdom of human craftsmen.

It was made of refined Ryukyu wood, but it was not something that her current small body could lift.

But now she is no different than before.

[Universal magic spell: power increase]

[speed increase]

Under the increase, Bai Ji could barely drag [Saint] along, wiping out sparks along the way.

To recapture the [Saint], everything is going according to plan, so far it's going very smoothly.

Now the gate of the city has become a mess. You will definitely not be able to get out if you go there.

Bai Ji planned another route, which was the secret passage of the imperial city.

There are very few people who know this path. Maybe even Lilias doesn’t know that she is secretly scheming.

I investigated the secret passage in the royal city.

The only thing to blame is that she accidentally heard about the existence of a secret passage in the imperial city.

Dragging Saint Lu back to the royal city, if she remembered correctly, the secret passage was on the third floor of the royal city.

In the toilet.

The imperial city is now in chaos. There should be very few people in the palace. Even if there are, be careful to avoid them.

Just open it.

"Your Highness Princess, where are you going? Hey? However, God's fate is not as good as that of man. Bai Ji's

The move was discovered by a maid who happened to be passing by.

"You, what is that in your hand? Throw away that dangerous thing..."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I will try my best to be gentle. Bai Ji apologized again and again. It's really hard for her to deal with the maid she knows and has taken care of for more than a year.

But if it’s not easy to do something, it’s not easy to do it. She still has to do it when she needs to do it -

He turned around and knocked the poor little maid unconscious.

After hiding the unconscious maid in a cubicle and making sure no one found her, Bai Jiyi

The road runs towards the third floor.

"Sure enough! There really is a secret passage." After a while of knocking in the toilet on the third floor, Bai Ji found a piece of

The brick was actually hollow, and I was immediately overjoyed.

Finally, she can leave this place.

After removing the bricks, Bai Ji used the Saint to explore the depth and jumped down.

It was dark inside the secret passage. Bai Ji cast a fluorescent spell to illuminate herself, which lasted for about half a day.

After an hour, the secret passage came to an end.

"Crack, click!" The long sword pierced the grass covering the upper layer, and Bai Ji, who poked her head out, saw the sky again.


Looking back, the Vampire Imperial City was behind her.

"Come out, we finally escaped, woo hoo big

Overjoyed, Bai Ji couldn't help crying

made a sound.

So many days of forbearance were not in vain, she finally successfully escaped from prison!

Lilias, goodbye, no, never again!

"If Her Majesty the Princess has had enough fun, please go back with me. Her Majesty the Queen will let me stay here."

Been waiting here for a long time. "A voice came from behind, and Bai Ji's expression gradually stiffened.

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