Blood Princess and the Knight

Memories~Bai Ji after her first embrace 25

It has been almost a month since I returned from the Moon Clan incident.

After that time, Lilias held a celebration banquet specifically for Bai Ji, only to see Bai Ji

After his interest was not that high, he quickly dismissed.

After this, Duke Leforno's banquet incident also occurred, and Bai Ji was ignored by Leforno.

Tina was rescued from that hopeless and cramped little house.


Ah, the sky is bright again, the sky remains unchanged, good morning.

Bai Ji straightened up from the bed and yawned out the window expressionlessly.

Her messy silver hair was hanging down. She had no intention of taking care of it and walked straight to the mirror.

In front of her bed, she looked at the girl in the mirror who was clearly decadent but still stunning.

Bai Ji smiled miserably. If a person is good-looking, anything can be justified, even if he is extremely depressed.

It is also full of contrasts and cuteness, - a good face can win big names even if you don’t dress up much.

Family affection, especially for such a beautiful girl

If it were his old self, he would almost look like a haggard uncle.

Yes, the original self

Bai Ji sat down cross-legged in an unladylike manner, with her back hunched and her head close to her eyes.

The girl is in sync with her expressions and movements.

"Hey, who are you?" Bai Ji poked the mirror. "How could it replace our original one?

As for the body, we are knights, not vampires.

"Come out of our body, okay? You will be your vampire princess, and I will go back and be our rider."


"Say okay, what do you mean by imitating me? Stop making trouble, I know you are here, don't you

may be

Bai Ji also understood during these days in the vampire clan.

How is it possible for a vampire to embrace a human for the first time? This kind of thing only appears in fairy tales

There is no one before or after. There is no bloodline threshold. Humans who accept the blood of vampires will definitely explode.

He died, why did he survive?

After mocking the people of the Yue tribe for overestimating their abilities, Bai Ji woke up at that moment, and so did she in the past.

Like this, do not succumb to the ravages of vampires and resist the invasion of aliens tenaciously.

As a knight, she moves forward with a clear conscience. If she were in the same situation, what would he do?

Maybe not as good as these unwavering Moon Clan people.

Why would she laugh at them? ?Obviously they are who she used to be and now

She has lost herself, wandering further and further down the road of no return, unable to see the road clearly.

We can still go back to the past.

This feeling of losing herself made her more and more frightened. She didn't want to forget the past like this.

Self, in this case, what is the difference from death? ?

"Your Highness, Your Highness, it's lunch time, Your Majesty the Queen.

"We don't want to eat.

"But you haven't eaten for nearly a day. If you continue like this, your body won't be able to bear it.

"I said I don't want to eat." Bai Ji repeated, and later realized that her tone was a bit harsh.

, the depressed voice lowered. "Sorry, we don't feel very well and we're not very hungry. You can just go and eat."

obey. "The footsteps faded away, and the maid outside the door left.

"Bai Ji, who was lying on the bedside, couldn't calm down. She turned like a wheel on the bed.

It keeps rolling, like a white radish.

She didn't eat for a day, but she didn't feel hungry at all. After struggling, she decided to

Go check it out.

It took about an hour to get dressed and take care of her hair, until she

Looking at the appearance in the mirror, she nodded with satisfaction, put on her white silk stockings, put on her leather shoes, and held up her long skirt.

Walk out of the bedroom door.

Dungeon mouth.

"Your Highness, Princess, do you want to visit the prison?"

"Well, yes." Bai Ji said calmly

The guard guarding the door hesitated. "This is the prison in the royal city, where all the people are imprisoned

Some extremely important prisoners, do you have special permission from Her Majesty the Queen? "

"No, why, can't we go in without the queen's special permission?" Bai Ji raised her eyebrows.

"Your Highness, this is a rule established by the Scarlet Queens of previous generations and continues to this day.

There is nothing we can do. "What's wrong with the guards?

"We are just trying to talk to Lilias. Do you think she will disagree?

, Besides, the person we want to see is the one we captured. Do you have any objections? "Bai Ji's tone was aggressive.

No, please do, but don't stay in there for too long. "The guard became frightened.

Forget about others, how can a small guard like Her Royal Highness the Princess stop her?

Her Royal Highness is the Queen's only legitimate daughter. In other words, the other party is the future Scarlet.

Queen, if you offend her, you will lose more than you gain.

And Her Royal Highness the Princess will not do anything out of the ordinary. Although she was formerly a human,

I heard that after these days of baptism, my understanding has been completely assimilated.

"Please." The guard opened the door for him.

Facts have proved that there is no difference between the royal iron prison and the local iron prison.

The iron prisons under the royal city were all imprisoned.

Because of the crime, it was even more bloody.

"Long time no see." Bai Ji stretched out her hand, as if touching something, but there was nothing but rusty

The cage is the air filled with blood.

The smell of blood is no longer nauseating. On the contrary, I still like it.

She was once a resident in the dungeon of the royal city, and she was still imprisoned in the innermost room.

It can be said that it is an S-class prison where even a pangolin cannot escape, so this place is still quite familiar to her.

Yes, after all, I have lived there for a while.

Most of the iron bars in the dungeon are empty, or there are a bunch of people who don't know when the wind will blow.

Dry skeleton.

People imprisoned here will basically say goodbye to freedom for the rest of their lives, even if they tell them

The information the royal family wants to know is just to avoid cruel physical punishment. It is impossible to get out.


Walking down the stone steps, Bai Ji stopped in front of a cage.

The things in the iron prison noticed her arrival, looked up at her, and then looked away.

"Hello, are you okay?" Bai Ji knocked on the cell door and asked knowingly.

"It doesn't look good." The blood-stained clothes were in tatters, and the hair was messy.

Tian's cheeks became extremely thin and covered with stains, especially his eyes, which seemed to follow the darkness.

The sun was like a dungeon, having lost all its light.

"Why have you lost weight? Didn't the guards give you anything to eat these days?" Bai Ji raised her hand towards the cage.


"The moment Bai Ji put her finger into the cage, the thing in the cage flashed, she opened her mouth and bit it down.

"Tsk, there's no need to be so hungry after not eating for a few days, and we can't eat with our fingers either.


"The man Baiji Rasambo hit his head on the iron prison, and looked at Baiji with splitting eyes.

"You took my country, what happened.

"What's wrong? - Everything is running smoothly. As the only heir of the late king, the legitimate princess has ascended the throne.

The princess is gone. "Bai Ji said expressionlessly. "It's just that he is a puppet who can never take power.

The puppet princess. "

"You! The man in the cage struggled violently.

"The Blood Clan's army was stationed in the Moon Clan's royal palace on the grounds that they were still weak at the place where the Moon Clan made a coup.

, they are the elite among the elite, ready to kill anyone who dares to resist the princess of the Moon Clan.

exist. "

"Huh, what a shameless statement! You just want to eliminate dissidents!"

"That's right." Bai Ji answered truthfully. "The Blood Clan fought their way through, and the Moon Clan's army was completely defeated.

Destroyed, today's Moon Clan is definitely no match for the elite of the Blood Clan even if they join forces together. "

"You devils! The person in the cage is the leader of the Moon Clan resistance army who was captured alive by Bai Ji.

Sleeve, at this moment he is cursing Bai Ji in vicious words, and the latter is just this

Just looked at him quietly without speaking.

"Are you done scolding?"

Get out of here, I don’t want to see you!”

"Oh? You don't want to see us?" Bai Ji squatted down and looked at the cage being treated like a dog in a funny way.

Tethered Moon Clan people.

"But if we just want to stand in front of you, what can you do to us?"

"Now you are as embarrassed as a bereaved dog. It is ridiculous and pathetic, except for the helpless eyes."

Watching your country fall, you can do nothing. "

"Are you here just to humiliate me?"

"Half of it." Bai Ji smiled inexplicably. "We do want to see you being humiliated.

What kind of expression will he show? "


"Okay, it's time to get down to business, do you want to go out?

"? As soon as he stopped speaking, the Yue clan members hesitated at first, and then sneered. "Heh, what are you trying to do?

Conspiracy? ?"

"That's too much. What good can we do by letting you go out? Is it possible that we let you go out?

Can you be grateful and tell us everything you know? "


"Isn't that enough? I want to let you out with good intentions, but you treat me like a donkey. In that case,

If so, you can stay here for the rest of your life. "Said, Bai Ji patted her butt and left.

etc. "The leader of the Moon Clan still hesitated to call her.

"Are you really not teasing me?"

"We're not that boring, and it's not fun at all to tease a lost dog

Son. "

""The leader of the Moon Clan still stared at Bai Ji, seeming to be constantly thinking about the arrival of this vampire.

What are they planning? After all, these vampires are famous for their treachery.

"If we don't make a decision, we will really leave.

"You really want to let me out? But why?

"Why do you talk so much? You're a grown-up man." Bai Ji pouted. "

In a word, do you want to go out? "

"Who wants to stay in this damn place? Of course I want to get out!"

"Okay." Bai Ji threw a metal key to him. "This is the key to the prison, and the keyhole is

That's right. You can try not to get too excited. The only outcome for you if you go out now is

He was overthrown by the imperial guards guarding the door, and then dragged to an even tighter cage. "

"At noon the day after tomorrow, the Forbidden Army will go to practice. At that time, there will be less than one person guarding the gate.

It's a small team, and it's a miscellaneous team. If you want to run, you can only take advantage of that moment to see whether it succeeds or not.

You make it yourself. "

Vampire Princess, aren't you afraid that I will do something bad to you if I run away?"

"Unfavorable? Whatever, if you can do it, just do it." After saying this, Bai Ji didn't look back.

's gone.

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