Blood Princess and the Knight

Memories~Bai Ji after her first embrace 24

The fighting power of the Moon Clan is much weaker than Bai Ji imagined, and their spell level is among many

Among demons, they can only be considered to be at the middle to lower level, and their understanding of magic skills only stops at enchanting arrows.

There are almost no formed magic masters on the device, and it is not easy to deal with them.

Under the banner of Princess Yating and the policy of not disturbing the people, there were almost no vampires from the vampire clan along the way.

There was resistance from the Yue Clan civilians, and they were pushed all the way to the Yue Clan's royal city.

Many of the Moon Clan lords were the king's old subordinates. After seeing that the situation was over, they all turned against the Blood Clan's military.

The team kept their eyes open and did not want to participate in the civil strife. At most, they remained neutral on the situation so far.

They will declare whoever wins as the new king.

Some of the more radical ones directly defected and publicly threatened to support the orthodox princess -

They launched a crusade against the prince who killed his brother. Of course, their decisive move was indispensable for Bai Ji.


"Think about it carefully, gentlemen of the Moon Clan, the prince's ability to kill his bloodline relatives proves that he has ascended to the throne.

This person does things unscrupulously and without considering the consequences. Do you really intend to support such a king?

A seat?"

"If that's the case, the Moon Clan may never live in peace for a long time.

Whether it's for the old king or simply for your own interests, now that the vampires have entered the customs,

It's an established fact. There's no point in resisting. It's better to be more loyal at this time, so that you can be better in the future.

Drink the soup in portions.

As a result, more and more voices were raised in response, filling the entire kingdom. For a time,


Within the palace, the tyrant also showed his cruel side. Due to the rise of lords from various places,

The soldiers rebelled, and the prince's trust in his subordinates dropped to freezing point, and he suffered from a suspicious mental illness.

, today he suspects the maid who is serving him personally, and tomorrow he threatens to kill his courtiers.

The whole palace was in panic.

The vampire army was unstoppable and invincible, defeating all the armed forces that tried to resist.

The power shocked the entire Moon Kingdom. The blood clan’s strength and magic level refreshed the Moon clan lords.

Their three views also made them clearly realize that they cannot defeat the vampires with their existing strength.

What's more, the other party still has a princess in his hands, so it is justifiable to invade foreign countries.

What they don't know is that all of this is the conspiracy of the evil Lilias. They can only sigh that the vampires are also destined to die. The vampires have grabbed a good opportunity, but they don't know about this opportunity.

It was also made by the Vampires themselves.

After the vampire army spread the news that the prince had killed his brother and ascended to the throne, leaving the princess homeless,

People who don't know why are convinced of this.

At this point, the fate of the prince who had lost all his heart was over. The battle for the throne of the Moon Clan was intervened by the Blood Clan.

The battle is about to come to an end.

However, there are still some Moon tribesmen who resist desperately and threaten to drive these invading vampires from the Moon.

driven out of the clan's sacred territory.

This force is not fighting for the prince, it is simply protecting the country and does not want blood.

It's just a princess supported by the family who settled in the kingdom.

These forces are also unambiguous and very hard-boned. After losing the castle, they fought tenaciously.

Fighting a guerrilla war with the vampire army.

The Moon Clan, as its name suggests, when the long night is approaching, the moon will give them endless spells.

Yes, when fighting with them in the jungle at night, the vampires even suffered casualties.

"That's right." Bai Ji looked up at the bright moon in the sky.

The moon in this season happens to be full, and the blessings received by the Moon Clan will be full.

The magic arrows hit the vampire army as if they were free, like tears of the goddess, pointing towards the sky.

Meteor shower falling from the sky.

Bai Ji waved her hand, and the power of the curse gathered in the air, like fireflies gathering together.

Gathered into a giant skeleton doll.

The essence of summoning is to show creatures that do not belong to this dimension in the form of reflections

For example, the summoned god of desolation has less than one percent of the power of the real god of desolation.

To put it bluntly, summoning a creature is just projecting it into Baland's plane in the form of a spell.

The simplest comparison is the real moon and the moon reflected on the water. There is a big difference between the two.


The cursed arrows hit the huge blue skull intensively, but did not cause any real damage to the latter.

sexual harm.

This is an anti-magic skeleton doll. It has no combat power, but it can avoid magic spells to a great extent.

Incoming damage, negating the effects of the spell.

With it as a 'shield', the pressure on the Blood Clan army was greatly reduced, and they launched a charge against the Moon Clan soldiers hiding in the jungle.

"Why is it so?" Bai Ji, who was sitting on the skeleton's shoulders, held her chin and mocked the person below who was stubbornly resisting for the last time.

The soldiers of the Moon Clan who took the last stand.

"Why is this necessary? Oh, vampires, how do you, the perpetrators of invasion of other countries, understand?

What's the moral integrity?" The leader who led the remaining Yue Clan soldiers was injured, but his eyes were still cold and firm.

"The regicide prince is about to face his own reckoning. It will be useless for you to continue to be stubborn.

For things. "For some reason, the way these people resisted made Bai Ji very uncomfortable.

It's cool, I don't realize how ridiculous I am

Two sentences.

"We are not here to protect that greedy illegal king. We are just here to protect you.

They are just protecting their own country and their own people from the clutches of others. "The leader of the resistance shouted angrily

The voice was full of perseverance.

"Kingslayers are hateful, but lords who sit back and do nothing are even more hateful! Come on, even if you can conquer me

Don’t even think about conquering every one of us!”

"Bai Ji was silent.

The figures of the recalcitrant Yue tribe people below seemed to have turned into something else. It was a kind of present.

Bai Ji cannot understand the meaning.

Yes, how could I forget that once upon a time, like them, I was under the invasion of the vampires?

In the strategy, he fought bloody battles for the rise and fall of his own race. The glory of mankind is his glory. How?

Can you forget?

When did you start to gradually lose yourself and change from a victim to a perpetrator?

What about?

Bai Ji couldn't remember clearly. She suddenly woke up and looked at the struggling ants on the ground.

It feels pointless.

They fought to the last moment for their own race and country. They are true

The warrior, unlike himself, has made compromises or even surrendered to darkness and injustice.

After removing the cursed creature, Bai Ji sat on the grass, looking at the round moon, but her thoughts wandered.

Arrived beyond the clouds.

"Your Highness the Princess, the leader of the rebel army has been captured alive by us. Although the remaining rebels are still

There is resistance, but there is not much left.

"We understand." Bai Ji responded perfunctorily.

"Your Royal Highness, what should we do with these rebels? What should we do next?"

You decide for yourself, we are tired and want to be alone for a while. "

"your Highness?"

"Let me tell you, we want to be alone for a while." Bai Ji emphasized her tone, not looking aside.

Guards on the side. "The overall situation has been decided. Do you need me to teach you such a simple thing? ?"

I understand, my subordinates will tell the officers now. "The general also saw the princess's heart.

The mood was not very good, so he stopped touching this bad luck, turned around and left. "The breeze blew through her hair. In the hazy moment, Bai Ji seemed to hear the call of her hometown.


In her hometown, there was often such a wind blowing in the courtyard.

The leaves in the foreign land rustled, and the girl lay quietly on the lawn, closing her eyes slightly, this...

At this moment, she felt like she had returned to her hometown

The war ended quickly.

When the vampire army came to the city, the isolated and helpless royal city did not receive any rescue.

Instead of attacking, the defenders of the royal city surrendered in less than a month.

The general guarding the city took the prince's bloody head and took the initiative to open the city gate and walked to Princess Yating.

Please forgive me.

Even though Yating hated her uncle, when she saw the latter being executed by his subordinates with his head dismembered,

After all, Mian couldn't hold it back and started crying.

She couldn't understand how a good family could reach this stage.

Behind her, Bai Ji remained silent and followed Yating into the palace, watching the blood splattered on the three sides.

The ruler of the throne sighed softly.

This prince committed many evil deeds, but in the end his character was too bad. He killed his subordinates and civilians indiscriminately, which damaged the morale of the military and the people.

If he loses all his heart, even if he doesn't attack the city, sooner or later he will go crazy or be killed by his subordinates.

Bai Ji had expected it a long time ago, so she adopted the tactic of surrounding but not attacking, just waiting for the prince

He was murdered by his subordinates and then took the initiative to open the city gate.

Having a foreign king executed by her personally would cause some dissatisfaction and would also damage her reputation.

Influence, siege and exert pressure, drive him and his subordinates crazy, and kill them with other people's swords

Death is undoubtedly the safest measure.

When did she become as sinister and calculating as Lilias?

Provoking an unjust war and actually taking control of the entire country through a young heir, how much

Warriors died defending their homeland?

Did she really do this? Bai Ji couldn't believe it. She felt that she was far away from her former self.

She is getting further and further away, almost out of sight

Soon, on the day Princess Yating ascended the throne, she announced to the whole country that the prince who had killed the king and usurped the throne was rebellious.

Dao is the illegitimate king. As the eldest daughter of the king, she should be the true successor of the Yue Clan.

When the Blood Clan army supported Yating and ascended the throne, many Moon Clan lords came to congratulate her.

I didn't see them during the war. When the new king came to the throne, they appeared one by one faster.

I'm afraid that if I arrive late, I'll miss the opportunity to look familiar.

At the banquet, one after another started to have relationships with Yating. When I was down and out, I didn’t see them at all.

So proactive.

Although Yating did not have much experience, she could understand the mystery and her attitude towards these vassals.

Not so enthusiastic anymore.

"Well, Your Highness, we're done, our mission is over, so we'll take our leave now.

Most of the Blood Clan's troops stayed in the Moon Clan's territory as a garrison to protect the newly ascended queen. Of course

, everyone knows that this so-called protective queen is just a cover.

Seeing that she had nothing to do, Bai Ji didn't plan to stay any longer.

"Princess Bai Ji, are you leaving?" Yating came to greet her with some reluctance.

"Why, you don't want to leave us?"

"A little

Poof. "Bai Ji looked at Yating, not knowing whether to laugh or feel sad for her.

Being kept in the dark, she had already seen the latter spending the rest of his life as a puppet.

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